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Fan Fiction

Halo, Turning of the Tides by Lee Dyer

Halo, Turning of the Tides/Prologue Chapter 1part 1
Date: 19 December 2004, 10:57 PM


The leaders of man sat at the oval table. The representative of every human colony sat in desperation as their land and planets were being destroyed by the covenant and flood.
Jonathon, sitting at the right point of the oval in the plain silver room on NSCS Treasure wiped his head of perspiration as he, the "president" of man, was about to make his decision. NSCS (Naval Space Combat Ship) was the new pact for the navy to partner UNSC. Gossip was on the verge when a silver sphere with blue highlights hovered into the room, humming.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this, Mr. Chambers?" asked 343 Guilty Spark cheerfully in his artificial voice.
"Yes, Spark, I or my colleagues will not like it, but yes, go ahead with it," he stated in his mumbling low-toned deep voice. He slicked back his short, blond-brown hair and sat up from his slump.
"But you will follow through on your part, yes?"
"But of course, Mr. Chambers," replied Spark, tilting his body downward as to bow to his promise.
"Fine, then. We'll be in touch," Jonathon groaned and rubbed his slick nose. 343 giggled his way out of the room.
"That damn monitor!" Damien shouted as he stood up,
"Now calm down Shrook! This is for the best. Even though all of our history will be gone, we will move on,"
"But the cost of it, sir, I believe it is too great," shot back Damien, thoughtfully.
"Well, what's done is done. That damn monitor will get what he wants, and we'll get what we want."

Section 1

L a s t S t a n d

Chapter 1 part 1

0954 hours, May 12, 2559 (Revised Military Calendar)
United Sates of Europe, Earth USEMB-3420

"Hey, Eathen, check this shit out," shouted Ben across the campsite. Eathen turned around on his crude steel stool and peered in Ben's direction. He wielded a big hand gun, it looked like an M6D. Ben jogged towards him from across the muddy hill they called home and entered his tent.
"Hey, uh. What yuh got there?" asked Eathen.
"It's the replacement from high up. Just in," he squeezed in between short breaths and handed the weapon on its side in his hand and showed Eathen.
"What is it?" he asked,
"A human plasma gun," he stated, "It's a bit more sophisticated than the Covies," he ejected the magazine from inside the handle with his other hand, "magnesium casings with plasma in'em," he explained as he set down the pistol on the silver steel table behind Eathen and slid out a gold-looking cartridge. Eathen plucked it from Ben's fingers and examined it.
"Huh, no shit?" he asked, kind of astounded of the UNSC's and ONI's technology burst at the last second.
"Show me." Eathen ordered.
"Yes sir, Lieutenant Sir," replied Ben as he swiped the cartridge from his superior's finger tips and jammed it into the magazine then slid the magazine into the gun. Ben led Eathen past some ODST marines, who snapped to attention from their card games and conversations and gave a crisp salute with their dirty and worn fingers. Ben slid a blue Covenant plasma rifle off of a table nearest him and went over to some of the dead Covie soldiers on the slope of the purple and blue blood covered hill side in front of some blood-stained bunkers.
"Now, the direct energy weapon the Covies use is exceptionally advanced," he said as he aimed at a dead Elite a few feet in front of him and steadily aimed the plasma rifle at it. He squeezed the trigger. Blue energy formulated between two blue crystal-looking things and shot toward the dead alien. The hot energy pierced the armor and purple blood scattered everywhere.
"See that?" said Ben as he wiped purple from his cheek, "Watch this." He tossed the plasma rifle at Eathen and raised the human plasma pistol at the dead Elite. He pulled the trigger. The sound was like a sharp hissing followed by a sound like a jet going supersonic. A blob of white cut through the air and hit the alien with a force so great, the body part that was shot leaped a few centimeters and soil shot out from underneath the wound.
"Holy shit!" exclaimed Eathen. Then was dumbfounded, "Where's the shell?" he asked, looking for it on the ground around Ben. Ben chuckled,
"There is not shell, that hissing sound you heard was the magnesium burning," he answered and pointed at the gun.
"Sweet. Is there any more?" asked Eathen.
"Yeah, there's a crate of ten with two more crates of ammo. About a thousand rounds. Take one and a hundred rounds yourself, sergeants and up get dibs," he said and smiled as he revealed his three stripes on his right arm.

Stay tuned...(sorry, more would push it over 32k)
