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Fan Fiction

Good vs. Evil by rogue_spartan

Good vs. Evil: Prelude to a story
Date: 6 December 2003, 11:44 PM

This one goes out to Awacar, and all of my friends who said I was an Idiot.
And HBO for trying to make me write to my full potential.
I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.

Parallel universe, UNSC outpost 31D, Planet Chagon VIII.
Three years, eleven months, two weeks and six days after the destruction of Halo, at 0600 hours

Corporal Ramirez:
      "So we meet at last."

      "Do I know you?" The Evil Master Chief asked as he stood there in a stolen suit of battle armour created with the name of MJOLNIR V.

      "No, but I've waited a long time to take your sorry ass down." Corporal Ramirez said, with a highly despising tone of voice.

Evil MC:
      "What makes you so sure you can stop me?"

      "Take a look, you're on a base with 20.000 UNSC soldiers." the Corporal said as he established the facts. He continued, "Do you really think that you can escape?"

Evil MC:
      "Just watch me! Cortana, give me a NAV. point to the docking bay."

      "You're not going anywhere! Second squad, first platoon, ready your fuel rod cannons!"

Evil Cortana:
      "Chief, activate the EMP, it will destroy the fuel rod cells before they even get a shot out."

Evil MC:
      "It's on already."

      A bright flash lit the room as 400 fuel rod cells exploded simultaneously, causing the entire section of the building to disinterigate. The Evil Master Chief had no choice but to run like he had never ran before. He was gone when the dust had gently settled to the ground, revealing a hole in the building.

Evil MC:
      "Cortana, give me an ETA on the docking bay."

      [ETA <//0025\ >] started to flash in orange on his HUD.

      "Patch me into the Corporal." the Evil Chief ordered.

      "You no good son of a bitch when I get my hands on you. I'm going to kick your Covie loving ass." He said in a furious tone.

Evil MC:
      "Hey Corporal, guess what?"


      the Evil MC picked up a Covenant plasma sniper rifle, aimed it towards the forehead of the Corporal, and said, "You're dead." All the moves he made were terribly fast, and the red spot shook back and forth on the forehead of Corporal Ramirez, before being hit by a ray of plasma.

      A wall alarm had been activated by Private Jenkins when he had seen the murder of his commanding officer. The base was now crawling with soldiers, all with the purpose of killing the Evil Chief.

Evil MC:
      "Oh shit!"

      The Evil MC ran towards the docking bay, shooting and crushing every skull of his enemies. He arrived on the docking bay, boarded the Arc of Despair and took of in a matter of minutes. The tail of followers was made by 42 Longsword Interceptors, each equipped with twenty Archer missiles and two Havoc tactical warheads.
For the next six days he was in his right element, space war.

Current universe, somewhere outside of the Gamma Quadrant belonging to Sigma Octanus XI, onboard a commandeered Covenant cruiser.
Three years, eleven months, three weeks and five days, at 1200 hours.

      "Leaving slipspace in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

      A tremble shook the nearby universe, including the ship, tossing everything in it around.

Master Chief:
      "What the hell was that?"

      "We seem to have left a large hole in slipspace!"

      "is that good..." MC said, wondering.

      "I'm not sure... ...I have no previous record of this kind of disturbance. I don't know what's happening."

      Meanwhile, in the parallel universe...

Evil Master Chief:
      "Cortana, how many of these UNSC bastards do we have on our tail."

      "If my readings are correct, we have 12 Longsword Interceptors in hot pursuit. Do you want me to call for Covenant reinforcements?" the Evil Cortana said as a reply and question.

      "Dammit Cortana I think that I can handle them on my own? Activate the Shaw Fujikawa Reactor, we're going into slipspace, and we're doing it now." the Evil Master Chief said.

Evil Cortana:
      "But Chief, they can follow."

Evil Master Chief:
      "Oh yeah, reroute all the power we have to that reactor."

      The Evil Cortana looks at him with an angry face, trying to make him change his mind.

Evil MC:
      "I can breath in space, they cant, remember?"

      "As you wish. Shaw Fujikawa at maximum power!" the Evil Cortana said unwillingly.

Evil Master Chief:
      "Punch it!"

Back in the present universe...

      "Chief, you'd better have a look at this."

      "What is it?"

      "Something's emerging from the hole that we torn in slipspace."

To Be Continued...

Authors note:Please give me all the advise you can to me. I feel that this story, as all the stories out there, can get improved. This chapter was originally supposed to have a cliff-hanger ending, but I felt that it was ready for the crowd anyway. Please help.
