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Fan Fiction

Future Halo by Fernin Ker

Future Halo #1-The Game
Date: 15 August 2004, 7:57 AM

System Start up.
Userinterfacing complete.
Loading user name Fernin Ker...
Loading Bungie classics/Xbox/Halo...
Multiplayer selected, please select server.
Orin server selected, custom rule set Old School, single flag Invasion CTF,Warthogs only, all weapons,infinate grenades,no duel wielding, invincible vechicles,3 min breaks.
Select side...
Blue Selected.
Loading field "Blood Gulch"...
As soon as he spawned in Fernin looked around quickly to asses his surounding, he quickly saw that his team was on top of the base. He run up to them talking into his com as he did.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." The others looked over to him, he was easly able to tell them apart by the crests on their armour. First was his best friend James, aka Capitan Obvious, next followed by Jes who was nicknamed The Crazy Chick, after her was the joker of the team, Leon also called Blue Spider and last but not least was Alex feared as Durandal. After a moment Leon looked over at Fernin, "Hey man, took you long enough you missed nearly the entire game man." Fernin looked looked out across the field. "I had chores,any way whats the current situation?" James spoke next saying that,"We're attacking, and the scores' tied at to, next cap wins.' Fernin looked back at the team. "Well, I sopose you got a plan. You usually do." James laughed lightly, "Of course I have a plan." They spent the next minute discusing what they were going to do, after finally settling on a plan the waited for the round to start. James turned to his team, "You all ready to kick some ass!" he yelled loudly. He was answed by a resounding "Hell ya!". "Alright then, lets go!"

The round started and all the weapons and vechicles spawned in. Leon jumped into the base grabing the flag, he was followed by James who grabed the Shotgun and Fernin who grabed the Plasma rifle. Jes stayed at the top of the base and grabbed the sniper, Alex followed Leon around to the hog, jumped on the LAG as leon took the passanger seat. "Come on Obvious, get it in gear man!" Leon said over his com. "Ya ya I'm comin." James replied.

Fernin back on top of the base with Jes eyed the teleporter, "You ready?" he aked her, "When ever you are hotshot.", "Well then lets go. They ran through the teleporter, appearing a little past mid field, Jes emedeatly made of the cliff as Fernin went fo the FuelRod Gun, no sooner that had he grabed it than a shot flew right past his head, leaving it's signature white contrail behind it. He dived down as the next shot was fired, his time it clipped him but did little more than drop his shield, with his head down ran back to the cliff were Jes was now gettin into position.

Almost a half mile away the hog was speeding across the ground catching air off akmost every bump. "Whoa man, if the other team doesn't kill me your driving will." Leon moaned. Alex laughed and said "You think thats bad, try holding onto back-!" At that moment another hog came flying over a small ridge to thier left, the gunner bringing the rocket launcher to bear on the other hog, James swerved quickly dodging the rockets fired at them, he hollared into his com, "Jes! Fernin! We need some help, got a rocket hog here!" As they cleared another ridge white line appeared in the air next to the hog, it was the other sniper.The first three missed, but the forth was aimed and timed perfectly, the shot caught Alex flat in the face, killing him instantly.

Fernin Looked up at Jes, "You take care of the sniper I'll handle the other hog!" "Right!" Jes ran up the hill, quickly spotting and zooming in on the source of the contrails, she spoted the sniper and lined up a headshot, "Bye bye." she said, and squezzed of the shot, he was down before he even knew he had been hit. Fernin ran across the field quickly spoting the other hog, he took aim and fired a volley of fuelrods, the first two missed the the last three hit dead on, flipping the hog and killing the gunner. The driver was tossed out, James braught the hog around bent on running down the driver. He yanked the hog to the right so that is slided sideways into the the red clad spartan, But just before the hog hit he threw a plasma grenade that stuck to the side of James helmet. "Shit!" The grenade exploded killing him and tossed Leon out. Jess came up behind Fernin, "Come on lets go!" or a moment, Fernin saw a slight distortion behind Jes and a second later she fell dead, meleed from behind by someone with cloaking. Fernin lokked around quickly, trying the spot the distortion that would giva away his foe. He turned as his shield droped suddenly, it was a pistol. He began to firre his fuelrod wildly, sending the two crashed hogs flying and almost killing Leon who was hiding behind one. His shield now gone and one shot from dead he spoted his enemy, as he fired his last two shot the cloaked spartan killed him, but the final two shots found their mark...

Leon now the only one left made a break fo the red base. As he did the final red came out from hiding at the top of the base, he had a rocket launcher. Leon quiclky headed for the overshield to his right, the red fired but to no avail as the shot was canceled out by the overshield glitch. Running and jumping like a maniac Leon made his way to the red base, as he neared a final rocket hit right behind him, sending flying through the air. He landed, shield gone with one bar of heath right behind his enemy, the stared at him for a second before bringing the flag down with a hard whack acros his enemy's neck. Instant kill. Leon walked to the top of the base and looked in the hole. He smiled and dropped the flag onto the pedastle.

Blue Team Scores!
Game over...
Well, that was my first fic.Comments are welcome and appreated, just please keep the flames to a minimum. thanks
