
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

First Engagements by Blue Jaguar

Neu Haven: Chapter One
Date: 3 January 2004, 8:09 PM

Battle of Neu Haven

August 17, 2418 A.D.
UNSC Lagos, Delta Jaguaris (18:01) EZT Earth Zulu Time

Captain Erik Rovic, UNSC, unstrapped himself from the command chair of his vessel, the frigate Lagos, and shoved himself towards the exit door. After a brief few seconds of flying through air he hit the door, and scrambled around to gain a hold on one of the grips on the doorframe. Beyond the door was a long tunnel that lead aft towards the rotating cabins. Upon reaching them, he opened the door and looked into the Section A. He quickly overcame his dizziness, of having to watch as the room in front of him rotated around. He carefully stepped through the doorway and onto the floor. It took him a few seconds to gain his balance, but once he had he began a slow stumble further aft. When he came to the first ladder he climbed it up, or towards the outer hull of the ship, until he reached the officers deck. Here he could finally relax from the long watch.
His ship had been orbiting the planet of Neu Haven for five days now, and communications were still down with Sol Space Command. The Lagos was escorting the colonist ship Brandenburg, when it first encountered the communication problem. They had to drop out of slipstream to retrieve the communications probe they launched periodically, so that they could remain in contact with UNSC HQ on Phobos. But the probe was no where to be found, even after nearly three days of searching, they had no luck. Instead of continuing search for the missing satellite, Rovic had chosen to continue following the Brandenburg to its destination. What Rovic didn't know, was that the Brandenburgs' communication equipment had been destroyed in a severe meteorite storm, and they were also out of contact withUNSC FLEETCOM.
Lagos had finally arrived 13 days after Brandenburg began work on its colony, trying to quickly bring back up communications. The trip from Sol Space to Neu Haven was only a 40 day trip, so command would definitely be wondering what happened to its newest frigate and colony ship when they hadn't sent any messages back for several weeks. This calmed Rovic somewhat, he wasn't fearing a rebel attack, but command must have, or they wouldn't have sent him with Brandenburg.
"Captain!" Rovic snapped up out of his sleep. "What?"
"Sir, Commander Schultz is on the comm." A young officer said.
"All right, I'll be right down."
Rovic shrugged off his sleep and opened up his computer. A hologram of the Brandenburg's commander, Schultz, appeared.
"Guten morgen Captain."
"You have good news I take it?"
"Nein, well actually, I have some good news."
"All right, lets here it."
"The colony has temporary communications up, but we are afraid they won't have the range to reach Sol. We are trying to contact one of the other colonies, although regulations strictly prohibit this."
"All right, as long as we aren't stuck out here without anyone to talk to. Anything else?"
"Ja, I'm afraid bad news. Our long range scanners detected a ship exiting slipstream at the far edge of the system. The ship was very small, maybe a corvette or gun ship, and was only here for a few minutes."
"Ok, well they might be waiting for reinforcements. I will send our marine landing party planet side to begin setting up ground defenses. I want you to get as many personnel off your ship as you can, I don't want half your colonists dead before they even touch their new home."
"Jawohl captain."
"Rovic out."
Rovic turned the computer off. This new ship gave him some what of a challenge. A corvette didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of taking out the Lagos, but if he could get in close and hit hard, he might be able to take out the Brandenburg. That definitely would not be good, and Rovic wasn't going to let them do that.
Rovic reached up and grabbed the microphone for the Lagos' intercom system.
"Attention all officers, meeting in the officers mess hall in five minutes."
Rovic zipped his uniform back up and walked out the door.

"All right, here is the situation." Rovic paused for a second as the officers all quieted down. "The Brandenburg still hasn't regained communications with Sol, so they are going to try and get a signal to another colony. I know this is against regulations, but we got another problem." "Rovic pressed a button on the table. A hologram came to life, showing a layout of the system, and the locations of the planet side colony and ships orbiting it. "The Brandenburgs'' sensors picked up a small vessel exiting slipstream in this area." A small box flashed red on the hologram. "We think it is only a corvette or a scout ship, but it could be waiting for reinforcements. The ship exited slipstream before we could get an accurate fix on what exactly it was, but we aren't going to wait and find out. Major Wilton, I want your fighters on constant patrol. Leave 2 fighters on the far side of the planet and report anything that they find. We have comm satellites up already, so they wont need to come all the way back to report everything."
"Aye sir, anything on our side?"
"Yes, I want another 2 fighters flying close escort for the Brandenburg. If anything comes even close to it without authorization, blow it to hell." Rovic turned to the marine commander. "Captain Shannon, I want your marines to go ground side and begin setting up defenses. I want those colonists protected, and if we get damaged, you will be the only thing saving this colony."
"Yes sir"
"All right, dismissed."

Delta Jaguaris (00:07) EZT

"How much fuel left?" Captain Firenze asked his rio, Lieutenant Muller.
"Not much, we should probably be heading back to the ship soon."
"All right."
Firenze's eyes became huge as he looked up, just to see a massive hole rip in slipstream in front of him.
"Oh shit! Pull up! Pull up!" His rio began screaming.
Firenze's pulled back on the stick and his Katana fighter immediately went nose up, then jolted forward.
"What the fuck was that!?" His wingman yelled through the radio.
"Talk to me Muller!" Firenze yelled.
"One second sir, it looks like a ship, can't designate, maybe a raider."
"How big?"
"Maybe 100 metres, hold on.........106 metres long, still cant identify sir."
"All right, I'm gonna turn back towards the ship, we need a visual."
The two Katana fighters slowed down and turned back towards the craft that had suddenly appeared out of slipstream.
"That was one hell of a jump, either that captain knows something we don't know, or he's a nut!" Muller commented.
"Shut up, tell me, what the fuck is this thing, it certainly doesn't look human!"
Muller got out of his seat and climbed into the cockpit. "Holy shit." He muttered.
"All right, better contact the Lagos."
"Aye sir" Muller climbed back into his seat and began talking a mile a minute to the radio operator on the Lagos, who probably thought he had lost his mind.
"Jans, try and contact the vessel." Firenze commanded his wingman.
"Roger, hailing vessel." Jans changed to an open frequency. "Attention unidentified vessel, you are in UNSC space, state your intentions or you will be fired upon."
The group waited for a few seconds, but then received a response they didn't like.
"Captain they are firing!" Muller yelled.
"Shit, Two break low, lock missiles on target and FIRE!"
"Roger, engaging!"
The two Katana fighters broke in opposite directions and then reoriented in the direction of the enemy ship. Both launched a pair of long range missiles at the ship and then immediately broke off again to avoid the incoming fire.
Jans pulled hard away from the enemy ship, but ended up only making his own craft a larger target for the incoming rounds. Several scattered around his ship, but finally one pierced directly under the cockpit, vaporizing Jans, and then blasting back out the top of the ship. As the air began venting from the craft, his rio began scrambling to get his helmet on. He looked down to make sure he was securely buckled in, and then he saw the massive hole in his stomach. He stared at it in disbelief for a few seconds, and then died.
"Captain, two is gone, they took a direct hit to the cabin!"
"Shit! What about our missiles?"
"Two were knocked out, the other two.......they had no effect sir, enemy craft appears to have shields or something."
"This is fuckin crazy, lets bug out!"
"I'm all with you on that one!"
Firenze gunned the engines and headed away from the vessel.

UNSC Lagos, Delta Jaguaris (00:09)
The Lagos klaxons blared as the ships crew crawled out of their bunks and made there way towards their battle stations. One of the eight Katana fighters had just been destroyed by an unknown contact, and they were not going to let that go unpunished.
"Captain, enemy vessel coming into sight." Lieutenant Kisla, the sensors operator reported.
"All right, load Crossbow missiles into tubes, when they get within firing range, report."

"Aye sir, enemy vessel is 250 thousand kilometres and closing." Kisla replied.

"Launch fighters all remaining fighters, have them prepare to engage any craft the enemy sends our way. And get all marines planet side, on the double."

"Aye sir, craft deploying."

The Katana fighters formed around the Lagos in a echelon formation, with three craft trailing in a small V close behind. As the Lagos closed in with the unidentified contact, the fighters sped ahead, to form a fighter screen against the enemy ship.

"Enemy ship is launching fighters, I count one pair."

"Weapons, what is the status on our missiles?" Kovic demanded.

"All tubes loaded, our 180mm batteries are loaded as well sir, they will be coming in range in just a moment." Lieutenant 2nd Class Jackson responded.

"The second they get in range, open up."

"Aye sir."

The Lagos came into range, and opened fire on the enemy ship. 24 Crossbow missiles streaked out of their tubes and towards the enemy ship, now a mere 50,000 kilometres away. The missiles were followed by pairs of 180mm shells, with more coming every five seconds.

"Sir, enemy ship isn't firing, there fighters however are moving to engage ours."

"All right Kisla, once the enemy gets within 50,000 kilometres, turn hard to outer orbit, and try and keep our distance from it. Jackson, I want constant fire against them, but once our 180's are half-way depleted, cease fire with them."

"Both nodded in acknowledgment."

As the Crossbow missiles struck the enemy ship, it was apparent that the enemy had far more advanced technology. All of the missiles struck a defensive shield that projected several metres from the craft. Soon after the missiles hit, the 180mm shells began to strike, the first few pairs detonated harmlessly against the ships shields, but soon they began failing. By the third pair, the ships shields were depleted, and several rounds slammed into the ship, ripping massive explosives into the side. That is when the unknown ship returned fire.

"Enemy is firing, I can't tell what it is, some type of plasma weapon of some sort." Kilsa reported.

"All right, evasive maneuvers, try and get out of that things way. Jackson, what is the status on our fighters?"

"Both enemy fighters have been destroyed sir, one of ours' suffered moderate damage."

"Good, order them to engage the enemy ship while we are evading."

"Aye sir."

The Katana fighters turned towards the enemy ship, which instead of continuing to pursue the Lagos, turned towards them, and began blasting plasma flak into space at the oncoming threat. As the fighters closed, they opened fire on the ship, hitting it with precision missiles, blasting massive holes into the hard points on board the ship. As the plasma conductors were hit, they blasted their plasma out harmlessly into space, as well as molten metal and some miscellaneous items. Before they could get off a second salvo however, the ship fled into slipstream.

"Captain, sensors show enemy ship has entered slipstream, there plasma weapon has dispersed."

"All right, begin repairs and recall the fighters, send out ever probe we have, I don't want that guy showing up again. Get a security officer to take the battle tapes down to ONI in the CIC, see if they can shed any light on our friends." Kovic ordered of his XO, Lieutenant 1st Class Sasha Kaltenov, who had just entered the bridge.

"Aye sir, we already have everything on tape down in the CIC, but ONI doesn't have a clue who they were." Kaltenov replied.

"Damn....all right, send out salvage parties and recover anything still floating around, we need intel on the double."

Neu Haven: Chapter Two
Date: 31 January 2004, 12:51 AM

1309 hours, August 18, 2418 (EZT) UNSC Lagos, Section 17-C (ONI), Delta Jaguaris System

Staff sergeant William Holden skimmed across the pieces of debris on the table before him. Hundreds of pieces of materiel from the mornings battle needed to be sorted out, and he was the only one at the time, capable of understanding any of it.

"I'm sure headquarters will go bananas when they see this shit." Corporal Zimmerman, his assistant, declared.

"No doubt, well I guess we better begin. Start recording on cameras, put audio on as well." Holden instructed.

The Zimmerman reached over to a control panel beside him, flipped a few switched, and the cameras began rolling. Holden went through all the preliminary talk, telling the time, date, and how the articles were found, and then began sorting through the items.

"It looks like we have mostly scraps of a bluish metal. A few green pieces....and...Corporal, what do you make of this?" Holden held up a somewhat circular device, still completely intact, and attached to a odd shaped mounting.

"I don't know, the steering wheel?" Zimmerman joked.

"Looks likes a pretty shitty manufacturing job eh?"

Holden tried to pull the device from the mounting

"Uh sergeant, that pipe that goes to the device is leaking something." Zimmerman said, as he watched a green ooze come out of the where the mount had been broken. Holden turned the relic around so that he could see the broken end. He stared at it for a few seconds, and then realized that he wasn't staring at a piece of equipment, this was flesh and bone.

"Get a microscope." Holden ordered.

A few seconds later Zimmerman returned with a microscope.

"What is it?" He demanded.

"An arm I think." Holden replied.

Zimmerman tried to stumble some words out, but couldn't manage any.

Holden pulled out a needle and began extracting the now thawed fluid from the arm. He carefully placed the needle into what he thought was a blood vessel, and then pressed a button on the needle, which began the extraction.

"Get a container ready, we're gonna find out what this thing is." Holden said. Zimmerman once again immediately grabbed a sample dish and stood by Holden with it eagerly in his hand.

Holden slowly pulled the needle out of the arm, and then stuck it into a small hole in the top of the dish. After a few seconds, the fluid had completely emptied into the dish, and the container sealed shut.

"Lets see what this baby is." Holden muttered. Zimmerman placed the dish under the microscope, and then looked towards a monitor on the wall displaying what the microscope showed.

"Ain't nothin I ever seen before." Zimmerman muttered.

"What the fuck is this shit, it ain't human." Holden paused. "Computer, run a scan on these cells, tell me if they match anything ever found, anywhere."

A few seconds later a voice replied. "Sorry Sergeant, but we have no records of your cells."

"Ok...." Holden paused to think. Then flipped on a comlink to the Bridge.

"Sergeant Holden to the bridge."

"What is it Sergeant?" A voice replied.

"Send Captain Rovic to ONI, we have something he might like to see."

"All right, I'll see if I can't page him."

Holden closed the comlink and sat back in his chair. But before he could get very relaxed, the alarm klaxons sounded.

"All hands man your battle stations, enemy contact is closing in, all hands man battle stations!" The PA announced.

"You gotta be fucking me!" Zimmerman yelled as he slammed his fist into the table.

1327 hours, August 18, 2418 (EZT) UNSC Lagos, Section 1-A (Bridge), Delta Jaguaris System

"Range, six hundred thousand klicks and closing sir, he came out of slipstream right on top of one of our dropships, blew it out of the sky." Lieutenant Kilsa reported.

"All right, get firing solutions, order our fighters to form a screen between the enemy ship and our transports. We aren't going to let this asshole get away this time." Rovic replied. Still struggling to get to his seat in the zero-G room.

"Sir, more contacts exiting slipstream. Looks like...shit, there are two more vessels, one of the same size, the other just a little smaller."

"Dammit, order the contacts to engage enemy fighters as they launch, lock in firing solutions for the first ship we sited."

"Aye sir, I'm designating the first ship Alpha One, the second larger ship, Alpha Two, and the smaller one Bravo One." Jackson announced.

"All right, lets do this carefully, any mistakes and we are gonna be in a world of hurt. Turn on a course to suggest we are leaving system, fire all missiles at the smaller vessel and perform a quick FTL jump out system, if they don't follow then we'll jump back in and fire another salvo."

"Aye sir, turning to course One Three Nine mark Two. Ahead flank speed." His navigations officer reported.

"Missiles away sir, Longswords have engaged enemy single ships."

"All right, lets bug out."

A few seconds later the ship shuddered and then was flung into slipstream. After a six second trip, the ship dropped back out, and began to turn back towards the planet, now 718 million kilometres away.

"That's about the shortest FTL trip ever recorded." The navigations officer piped up.

"All right stay focused, are any of the ships following us?"

"Negative sir, enemy ships are still moving towards our supply route, I estimate they will be in weapons range in two minutes."

"What is the status on the smaller ship?"

"Most of the missiles were shot down before impact, the remaining few are impacting as we speak."

"Ok, lets move back in. Four seconds only, no more."

The Lagos entered slipstream for a mere four seconds and then jumped back out.

"Couldn't ask for any more luck!" Jackson shouted.

Dead ahead was the rear of the enemy ships, only 30,000 kilometres away.

"Lock in firing solutions and FIRE!"
"Aye sir, solution in place, three seconds until all missile tubes are ready......FIRING!"

The Lagos vibrated as missiles streaked out of the ship, accompanied by 180mm cannon shells. Within seconds they were upon the rear enemy ship.

"Impacting now sir."

The 180mm shells struck first. They hammered into the shields, causing them to overload but before collapsing, they were shut down by the ships crew. But before they could be turned back on and regain much of their strength they were hit by the salvo of 17 Crossbow missiles.

"Sir, seven of our missiles were destroyed en-route, but the remaining seventeen have struck the ships hull. I count multiple hull breaches, severe damage."

The enemy craft began to turn to port, as if to engage the Lagos, but it soon became obvious she was no longer under control of the crew.

"Sir, it would appear the enemy ships bridge was destroyed, I think they have lost control."

A few seconds later the ships engines shut off, leaving the ship spinning in space and its orbit around the planet rapidly deteriorating.

"All right, target the next ship." Rovic ordered.

"Captain, they are coming about, enemy ship is preparing to fire!"

"All right, get our salvo off ASAP, order all crewmen to brace for impact."

"Aye sir, bracing for impact."

The enemy plasma round struck the Lagos on the port side and grazed down the side of the ship, melting off armor and detonating Crossbow missiles that were still in their tubes, causing even more damage to the ships' superstructure.

"DAMAGE REPORT!" Rovic yelled.

"Crossbow missile tubes 13-24 are out of service, all sections on the port side on decks 2-5 are depressurized."

"DAMMIT!" Rovic shouted. "Return fire, fire at will!"

Immediately the Lagos' 180mm cannons began pumping out shells as quickly as they could be loaded. But even if this threat could be stopped, the other smaller ship was still en route to the supply convoy, and could wreak havoc if it arrived there.

"How long till enemy ship reaches convoy?"

"45 seconds sir."

"Order our fighters to disengage enemy craft and attack that vessel."

"Aye sir, redesignating target package for our fighters."

"Captain, enemy ship is firing again."

"Turn hard to port, fire starboard missiles and order all crewmen to evac missile bays."

"Aye sir"

The Lagos turned its' still fully armored side towards the incoming round. Missiles fired down the length of the ship as it turned, and crewmen began evacuating the missile bays. But they would not reach safety, the enemy round struck the Lagos, instantly blasting through the armor into the missile bays and crew compartments. The round continued to hammer through the ship until it reached the port side, were it blasted back out with a violent explosion that broke the Lagos into two pieces.

Red warning lights flashed on the Lagos' bridge, and alarm klaxons blared, deafening the crewmen.

"DAMAGE REPORT!" Rovic screamed, trying to out do the klaxons.

Finally a crewman shut off the klaxons, but by this time the front end of the ship had already spun 180 degrees, so that through the bridge viewport the back half of the Lagos could be seen.

Several crewmen gasped as they watched their engineering section depart from them and then fall out of orbit.

"All non-essential personnel abandon ship, I repeat, abandon ship!" Rovic ordered. He then turned to the bridge crew. "We are staying on board, we still have one of our 180s, and we aren't going to stop firing till th...."

But before he could finish his statement, a 2nd round struck the forward half of the ship, killing the entire crew instantly.

Neu Haven: Chapter Three
Date: 9 February 2004, 4:11 AM

Chapter Three

1023 hours, August 20, 2418 (EZT) Neu Haven Military Installation 001, Delta Jaguaris System


Corporal Alfred Schuler jumped back into the foxhole he had just gotten out of. The earth shook around him as a massive plasma artillery round struck a fuel tank, obliterating a small portion of the marine base.

Schuler waited a few seconds, then braved to stick his head above the ground. The now believed to be alien forces had been randomly bombarding the marine outpost for almost a day now. This time they had finally gotten lucky with one of their rounds, and destroyed the only fuel tank the troops had to refuel their vehicles.

Schuler saw that it was fairly secure above, and crawled out of his hole.

"God dammit, there goes the tanks!" An army sergeant yelled, throwing his helmet down in disgust.

"Corporal Schuler!" Lieutenant Kent, his senior officer, yelled.

Schuler immediately turned and ran towards him.

"The army has only limited fuel left in their tanks. Now if we don't find some way to get them back operational, we are going to be over run, do you understand me?"

Schuler nodded.

"I want you to take a team of men to the colony, and get all the fuel you can from the local population, then inform them to get into the mountains with all essential supplies, and wait for us to secure the area."

"Aye aye sir!" Schuler responded with a salute.

Since sergeant Jackson had been killed three hours ago, Schuler had been the commander of the Force Recon platoon that had been assigned to the marine battalion on this mission. Having been in numerous battles with small rebellious groups, the recon troops were hardened and well disciplined. But after facing these aliens and losing their sergeant, some of the men were starting to crack under the pressure, which only made Schuler's job all the more difficult.

"All right men, lets lock and load, we gotta job to do no lets do it right!" Jackson yelled to his men.

All of them immediately formed up, or all that was left of them.

Schuler took notice of another man missing.

"Where the hell is Jared?" He asked the men.

"He's dead, he was over by the tank filling some of the LRV's." Private Lancaster reported.

"Dammit.." Schuler muttered.

"Ok men, lets move out."

The soldiers jogged over to their two remaining ATICS's(All Terrain Infantry Combat Scout), or Junkyard's as the men liked to call them. They were utterly unreliable, despite what the name said. They featured three 7.62mm chain guns, all capable of piercing all but the newest infantry armor. Unfortunately, the treads on the half-track had to be replaced about twice a day on combat maneuvers, reducing the amount of ground it could cover in a day to about two hundred kilometres.

The two vehicles would have been vastly overloaded, but only fourteen men remained. Even with so many gone, they were still overcrowded. One person in the driver seat up front, with nothing but a few steel supports and glass protecting him, two gunners behind him to the left and right, and then a rear gunner just aft of them. On each vehicle there were three men sitting behind the drivers seat, and on top of the roof above the two gunners.

"If we get hit by some rocket we are fuckin toast.." Schuler muttered to himself.

Schuler grabbed the radio on the panel next to him. "Ok Louis, take us out." He ordered the lead driver.

The half-tracks bounced forward and began to roll out of the base.

1129 hours, August 20, 2418 (EZT) en-route to Neu Haven main colony, Delta Jaguaris System

Schuler jumped off of the Junkyard and looked down at the treads.

"Fucking horse shit!" he yelled, as he punched the side of the vehicle.

To his despair, the treads had broken, again. This time it wasn't just a small problem with it slipping off or getting caught up in something. The entire tread had snapped, and it was rolled out for about 7 metres behind the half-trak.

"All right, get out a new tread." Private Daniels, the rear gunner, said to Lancaster.

As the men on the rear Half-Trak began repairing their vehicle, the troops in the front set up a perimeter on the heights around the hills that the road wove through.

Schuler climbed on top of a rock and looked out to the east.

"Almost noon, and we aren't even half way to the colony." Private Louis noted.

"Yeah, this place sure sucks ass." Schuler remarked, giving hint to the thirty five degree (Celsius) temperature.

"At least it isn't thirty-nine like it was when we first got here."

"Yeah, tell me about it, if you asked me some guy back at the UNSEC (United Nations Space Exploration Command) screwed up when he picked this place out."

The two remained silent for a few moments, observing the landscape, with its slow rolling hills and parched landscape.

"How in the hell would you figure this planet to be of importance?" Louis finally threw out in anger.

"Titanium and tungsten, tons of it here and I guess they want there hands on it."

"Well there is enough of that shit on Reach, why the hell come out here for it?"

"They must think they are looking ahead for future needs or something idiotic like usual."

Both men were interrupted by a shout from Lancaster. "It's fixed!"

"All right lets get the hell out of here."

1349 hours, August 20, 2418 (EZT) Neu Haven Colony, Delta Jaguaris System

"My god...." Schuler said in amazement. "Command really fucked up on this one."

Before him lay the Neu Haven Colony. Civilians lie dead in the street, some of them had guns in their hands, but most of them were unarmed. The most frightening thing, is that there was no trace of an enemy force to be found. No blood, no guns or equipment, and no vehicle tracks.

"Dismount!" He yelled to his men. "Alpha Squad has point, Bravo stay and secure the vehicles."

Bravo squad immediately set up a perimeter around the vehicles, while Alpha spread out and moved into the colony. As they neared the command facility, they began to hear strange noises, and some of the men began reporting movement, but they didn't know what it was.

"Everyone quiet, get down." Schuler whispered into his headset.

His men immediately got down on the ground, and began looking around cautiously. Schuler walked forward slowly, careful not to step on anything that might cause more noise.

Schuler signaled with his hand for his men to start moving forward again. They slowly got up and crouched forward.

As they neared the command building the noises they were hearing became loud enough that they could tell that they were voices. But nothing human.

Schuler's team separated into an echelon formation as they came within a hundred metres, and slowly crouched forward.

"Contact, I've got two bogies on the roof' Schuler whispered into his microphone.

"Roger, I have a shot, take them out?" Lancaster replied back through the comm.

"Negative, wait until we get closer." He answered.

"Too late for that!" One of the guys yelled, as the two persons on the roof turned towards the squad and began firing blue plasma rounds at them.

"Take cover, return fire!" Schuler screamed, as he jumped behind a bulldozer.

Alpha squad opened fire on the building, ripping it to shreds and tearing apart the two targets on top of the roof. After ten seconds of suppressing fire, a large explosion inside the building silenced the marines, as they waited to see what else needed to be done on their art work.

"Alpha squad, move forward!" Schuler yelled.

The first of the men to stand up from behind cover was struck in the chest by a sniper inside the building. At once the entire squad opened up on the origin of the shot, disintegrating the target with at least a hundred 5.8 milimetre rounds.

"Everyone stay down!" Schuler ordered.

"What about Stevens, he's fucked up?" One of the men replied.

"Stevens is wasted, hold your position." Schuler yelled at the man.

Although Schuler couldn't be sure he was dead, Private First Class Daniel Stevens had taken a hit directly through the heart, and unless Steven's was a god or an alien, he couldn't have survived that.

"Bravo One this is Alpha One, we are taking enemy fire from the command facility, requesting back up." Schuler said into his platoon com channel.

"Roger Alpha One, we are moving out." Louis responded.

"Everyone sit tight, Bravo is coming to assist."

The men waited for a minute, careful not to stick their heads too far around each corner. The peace and tranquility was beginning to mesmerize the men and they wondered if they had gotten everyone now, but they weren't willing to risk their lives to find out.

"Alpha One Echo this is......" An unknown man screamed into the main military com channel.

"This is Alpha One Echo, say again last."

"Alien forces......over......position...do....copy......."

"This is Alpha One, say again, who is this, over."

"..........Alpha...Major Anton....attack........here now......"

Schuler paused for a second. "Roger that, Alpha One Echo on the move."

"Main camp is under attack, Harris, Stenson, cover fire, rest of squad move out!" Schuler yelled to his team.

Immediately Harris and Stenson stood up and began firing like mad at the colony command building, while the rest of the squad sprinted in the opposite direction down the street.

By the time Alpha squad merged back up with Bravo, the Alien forces had already brought reinforcements into the area, and were in hot pursuit of the platoon as they left the area, fortunately for the marines, all of the Aliens vehicles and aircraft were being used to support their forces in the assault on the main base, and the pursuit was a short one.

Neu Haven: Chapter Four
Date: 26 April 2004, 3:13 AM

Chapter Four

0318 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Neu Haven Military Installation 001(Alpha Base), Delta Jaguaris System

      "Be seated gentlemen." Captain Shannon said to the officers before him. I believe you are all aware of the situation. We managed to repulse the alien attack earlier tonight, and have driven them back across the river five klicks east of here." Shannon pointed to the river on the map.
      "Most of the enemy artillery and armor support has been eliminated, but there is a strong infantry presence in the forests across the river, and we won't be able to get any armor across, and our artillery can't identify targets." Shannon paused. "Before we cross the river, I need some volunteers to go into the forest and scout out the enemy presence."

      Schuler immediately stood up. "Captain, my men are ready for the task."

      "All right corporal, you and your men will be going in alone, if the shit hits the fan we won't be able to help you."

      "Understood sir."

      The Captain turned back to the rest of the group. "Ok, Delta Company is already in position, they are about thirty klicks up river, and have set up a camp on a hill overlooking the river. We have designated this base, Firebase Charlie."

      Lieutenant Kent stood up. "Captain, Delta Company took some serious hits, are they still even combat ready?"

      "That is absolutely right, and that is also why you and Bravo Company will be moving to assist Delta Company. We want you to help them dig in, then prepare to go on the offensive." Shannon stopped and loaded a new map onto the projection screen. "Lieutenant Stegan." Shannon announced.

      "Yes Captain." Stegan replied.

      "Your men are going to be pulled off the line, Charlie and Echo Company can maintain the perimeter, we have a more important mission for you."

      "We are ready for anything sir."

      "Good. We have heard some, rather excellent news. It seems Major Wilton and his fly boys weren't completely wiped out during the battle. We recieved a radio transmission from them about fourteen hours ago, just as the fighting was getting intense, and we weren't able to contact them again." The Captain put another map onto the projector, this time of a close up of the earlier map.
      "The last reported position of our fighters was over this lake, here." Shannon said as he pointed to the only lake on the map.
      "Alpha Company is to proceed north and scout the area around this lake, recover anything you can. The radio transmission recieved sounded like they had engaged the alien ground forces, so be alert."

      "Yes sir." Stegan responded.

      "That's all gentlemen, dismissed!"

      The troops all stood up and filed out of the command tent.

0527 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)en-route to Havensee, Delta Jaguaris System

      Lieutenant Stegan looked out to the west. Mountains loomed in the distance. The light red background behind the mountains seemed odd. Stegan was so used to the sun rising in the east on earth. This was just another reminder of how far he was from home.

      "LT, I'm picking up comm chatter from Bravo Company, looks like they are under heavy fire." Sergeant Lennis reported.

      Stegan switched his comm frequency to listen in.

      "More coming in from the north east, these little fuckers are shit!"

      "Roger I see em, 1st Squad open fire!"

      Stegan could hear loud gunfire in the background, and occasionally a scream or two from the marines, as they were more than probably shot.

      Stegan listened for a little more but finally switched back to Bravo Company's channel.

      0813 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Southern edge of the Havensee, Neu Haven Planet

      "LT, smoke is rising to the east!" One of the soldiers yelled. At once everyone in the company turned to the east. A large cloud of smoke was rising into the air. It was black, as though a massive oil fire had erupted.

      "Move out, 2nd Squad take point!" Stegan yelled.

      The marines immediately took their rifles off of their shoulders and put them into a combat ready position. 2nd Squad moved up to the front of the column and began spreading out in a V formation.

0834 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Refugee Camp(Masada), Neu Haven Planet

      "2nd Squad, move forward slowly, 3rd and 4th Squad move in behind to support." Stegan whispered through into his mic.

      Around him were burned out alien vehicles and dead bodies, of humans, and aliens. A hundred metres ahead was a downed Katana fighter. Even more bodies lie around it.

      "Marines?" A voice yelled out from behind some wreckage.

      "Identify yourself!" Sgt Lennis yelled back.

      "Major Anton Wilton." The voiced replied. "I was worried that you guys might not show up."

      "Well you got planes, move your own lazy ass." Lennis said to him, bringing up the old rivalry between the navy and marines.

      Major Wilton walked around the wreckage towards the group, behind him were twenty refugees from the Neu Haven Colony and another seven naval crewmen, armed with only light arms.

      "Does rank no longer apply?" Wilton asked Lennis.

      "Sorry sir, my apologies." Lennis responded, with a salute.

      Stegan approached Wilton and saluted him. Wilton returned the salute, then spoke.

      "There are at least two hundred more refugees and many naval crewmen from the Lagos on the north side of the lake. We found most of the life pods and recovered what we could. But the aliens beat us to some of them."

      "Anything we can do to help out?" Stegan replied.

      "Could you send a platoon of marines up to the other refugee camp and get them back here? We still have two Katana fighters that landed safely half a klick east of here, I'd like to get them back up in the air."

      "If it means we'll have air support, I'll do anything." Stegan said with a smile.

      "I'll send a few of my men with yours, they know where the camp is."

      "Yes sir." Stegan turned to his marines. "2nd platoon, move out!" He yelled.

1311 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Refugee Camp(Masada), Neu Haven Planet

      "She's all ready to fly." One of the naval technicians said to Major Wilton. "Only five hundred rounds of ammo left, and two missiles, but at least it has some punch left in her."

      "All right, thank you petty officer." Wilton spoke, as he climbed into the cockpit of his refurbished fighter.

He flipped on the electronics systems and comm system.

      "Talon Two come in."

      "Talon Two, I'm here. I've got green across the board, clear for takeoff.

      "Roger that." Stegan switched to a ground channel. "Lieutenant Stegan, we are ready for take-off, clear the area."

      "Roger that, good luck sir." Stegan replied.

      As soon as the marines were clear, Anton turned on the engines. The loud whine would have been deafening if he was outside, but the burn coming out of the exhaust would have been much worse. The grass in the field below him had already caught fire, and his craft was barely able to hover.

      "Talon Two, all systems are go, lets go make some trouble." Anton said to his wingman.

      "Roger that." He replied.

      With that, both fighters gunned their rear engines and shot forward into the sky.

1329 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Hegeln Forest(50 klicks east of Firebase Charlie), Neu Haven Planet

      "Fall back marines!" Lieutenant Kent yelled.

      His marines were simply outnumbered. They could easily take on the enemy even at three-to-one odds, but they were outnumbered nearly ten-to-one. Too many targets and too few soldiers. Half of his troops were either wounded or dead, the other half were tired, low on ammo, and hungry as hell.

      Bravo Company reformed a line fifty metres from where they had just retreated from, and began firing again at the oncoming alien troops.

      As the alien forces approached even closer it became evident that the marines would either have to fall back again, or be over run.

      "Marines!" Kent yelled. "Everyone, one clip each, and get your grenades ready!"

      The Marines all reloaded, some of them, were down to their last clip. Each then pulled one grenade out of their belt.
      As Kent readied to throw his grenade, a large explosion erupted just thirty metres in front of him. The blast blew him off his feet and on his back. By the time he had gotten up, he could see where it came from.

      "Go navy!" many of the men began screaming, as a pair of Katana fighters screeched in over the battlefield.

      In all the excitement, Kent collapsed of exhaustion. They would live to fight another day.

Neu Haven: Chapter Five
Date: 26 April 2004, 3:28 AM

Chapter Five

1345 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Delta Jaguaris system, Hegeln Forest(50 klicks east of Firebase Charlie), planet Neu Haven.

      Bravo company moved forward into the smoke filled killing field. Hundreds of charred bodies lie on the ground before them, most of them alien. Above them, the sun was now clearly visible due to the lack of tree cover.

      "Them navy pukes sure save our ass at the right time it seems." One of the soldiers said.

      No one responded. As much as the marines hated to say it, the Navy really saved their ass today.

      "Lieutenant Kent!" One of the Sergeants yelled.

      "What is it sergeant?" Kent replied.

      "Delta Squad found something up ahead, you might want to go check it out.

      Kent jogged forward to the front of the formation. Two soldiers stood over the body of a fallen alien.

      "What is it?" Kent asked.

      "I'm not sure." One of the soldiers replied. "This aliens' arm is missing."

      "That happens in war." Kent replied.

      "No I mean, no blood, nothing. I wouldn't have noticed it, except that I swear his arm was there just a minute ago." The soldier said.

      Kent was somewhat irritated, and to prove to the soldier that he was just imagining things, stomped on the ground where the aliens arm would have been. As his foot came near the ground they heard a loud crack come from the ground. Kent's foot was stopped just 3 inches from the ground.

      "What the hell?" Kent muttered.

      Kent pulled his foot back and knelt down next to the body. He reached out and felt the ground where the crack had been, except he wasn't just feeling the ground, but also the creatures arm.

      "What in god's name is that?" Kent said. As he lifted the arm, he could tell that it wasn't completely invisible. As light passed through the space where the arm was 'supposed' to be, it was reflected back.

      "Corporal, take this body back to Alpha base, I think command will want to see this." Kent said finally, after a few moments of reviewing the arm.

      "Yes sir." The Corporal said.

1347 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Delta Jaguaris system, Alpha Base, planet Neu Haven.

      Anton brought his Katana fighter to a hover above a large clearing inside the base. It was almost completely deserted, save for a few technicians and engineers who were repairing several vehicles.

      Some of the technicians looked up with their mouths slung open as the fighters landed. Having fighter protection might completely alter the outcome of this battle.

      Anton's wingman landed next to him, and both opened their canopy's and stepped out of their fighters.

      "Thank god you fly boys are still alive major." One of the technicians said as Anton climbed down from his craft.

      "Where is Captain Shannon?" Anton asked.

      "He's up on the front, about ninety klicks north-east of here. Sergeant Fowler is in the commanding officer here." The technician replied.

      "All right, I need fuel and ammo, you got any to spare?"

      "Sorry Major, but the Covenant took out our only fuel supply a few days ago."

      "Dammit." Anton muttered.

      "I'm not sure if the tanks at the Neu Haven colony are still there, but other than that, this planet is completely dry."

      "All right, well fill up the cannons and we are gonna go check it out. Tell Fowler to get a squad up their and begin salvaging for equipment."

      "Yes Major." The technician replied.

      Anton turned around and climbed back into his fighter.

      "Looks like we're gonna have to find another gas station, this one is dry." He said to his wingman.

      "Great, nothing like scavenging for gas." He replied.

1831 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Delta Jaguaris system, Refugee Camp(Masada), Neu Haven planet.

      "Lieutenant, 2nd platoon is back." A sergeant said, as he peeked into the LT's tent.

      "All right, get 3rd platoon to give them a hand with the refugees." Stegan replied.

      "Oh and one more thing, Alpha Base wants us to send some men to the colony to scavage for supplies."

      "Didn't those recon boys already do that?" Stegan asked.

      "They got to the colony but had to pull back when Alpha Base was attacked."

      "All right, tell 4th platoon to suit up."

      "Yes sir."

      Stegan thought about the situation for a moment. 100 klicks to the south east was Alpha Base. 50 klicks north east of the refugee camp was the Neu Haven colony. From what he knew, both were still in hostile territory. Although most of the alien presence had been eliminated in the Hegeln forest, on the east bank of the Bismark river, the aliens still could have troops flanking them from the south. What the marines needed was intelligence, and with the troops spread so thin, there was no way that could happen.

      Stegan left his tent and ordered his marines to assemble. 54 of the original 70 troops in Alpha company remained.

      "All right marines, 4th platoon is going to the Colony to search for supplies. The rest of us are going to move out, the line is spread very thin, and we need to get back in and help out. 4th platoon will rendevous with us at a location designated Firebase Bravo." Stegan paused for a moment.
      "We will be moving out in 15 minutes, 3rd platoon will take point, 2nd platoon will bring up the rear. Suit up and be ready."

      The marines turned back to their tents and began packing. Some of them had just gotten everything set up, and were irritated at having to pack everything away again, but marines were dieing, and bitching about packing equipment wasn't going to solve anything.

1904 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Delta Jaguaris system, Neu Haven Colony, Neu Haven planet.

      "Well it looks like that's all of it." Anton muttered.
      After many hours of searching in the colony, barely enough fuel had been found to top their tanks, but at least they could get one or two more sorties out of it.

      "It looks like things have quieted down in the Hegeln Forest sir, and Alpha company has left the refugee camp and is going to set up camp about 50 klicks down river from here." Anton's wingman reported.

      "Ok, lemme draw up a flight plan real quick." Anton said, as he pulled out a pen and map.

      "All right, we're gonna go fly a recee mission I think, I'll bet that the aliens must have a main base somewhere, so we are gonna find that base and take it out. I'm guessing it is about 50 klicks east of here." Anton pointed to Firebase Charlie, where Delta Company was held up.

      "You have quite an imagination sir." His wingman said jokingly.

      "I'll take that as a complement." Anton said with a smirk on his face. "All right, lets go."

      The two climbed back into their Katana fighters and took off to the south-east.

1921 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Delta Jaguaris system, approx 50 klicks east of Firebase Charlie, Neu Haven planet.

      "Looks like you were a little off sir." Anton's wingman said through the comm. System.

      "Yeah, well lets look around for a few more minutes, wait a sec." Anton paused. "I'm picking up electronic interference from the north. Lets go check it out."

      "Right behind you."

      The two craft turned north and accelerated into the sky until leveling off at forty thousand feet.

      "I'm picking up multiple contacts fifteen klicks out, five thousand feet." His wingman reported.

      "All right, can you identify?" Anton asked.

      "Attack craft of some sort, moving at about one hundred knots."

      "Roger, I'm picking up a ton of ground vehicles on sensors." Anton announced.

      "Looks like you were right after all Major."

      "I'm always right. Lets go have some fun."

      The Katana's dove towards the ground. As they approached ground level they pulled up hard and released four one thousand kilogram bombs each. The bombs were thrown threw the air by the maneuver nearly one kilometer, until they impacted with the ground.

      "Bullseye!" Anton yelled.

      On his monitor he could see large clouds of smoke coming from the base, and secondary explosions as an assortment of vehicles and other items exploded.

      "I'm coming in for a low pass." His wingman reported.

      "Roger, I'll cover you."

      As his wingman dropped to the deck and moved in towards the base, a pair of alien fighters followed him down.

      "Talon Two, you've got a pair of bogies on your six, break hard left." Anton ordered.

      Talon two immediately broke hard to port, the alien craft followed suit, and turned themselves directly into the line of fire of Talon one.

      Anton squeezed down on the trigger, and his twin 27 milimetre cannon opened up on the unsuspecting craft. Within seconds both craft had been ripped apart by the hail of gunfire.

      "Your clear." Anton said.

      "Roger, thanks one."

      Talon two turned back on his original course and screeched in over the alien base, dodging heavy anti-air fire.

      "Looks like we really hurt em, I only see about a platoon of tanks remaining, maybe some light vehicles, but most of their heavy stuff is gone."

      "Roger that, lets head home." Anton ordered, and both craft turned west towards Alpha Base.

Neu Haven: Chapter Six
Date: 24 October 2004, 5:11 AM


2045 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Delta Jaguaris system, approx 50 klicks east of Firebase Charlie, Neu Haven planet.

Lieutenant Kent looked to the north. Large clouds of smoke were rising into the air.

"What the hell do you think that is?" One of his corporals asked.

"Hell if I know, get on the horn to command and report it." Kent replied.

"Aye aye sir." The corporal complied.

"Alpha Command this is Bravo Two-One we have smoke approximately thirty klicks north of our position. Are there any friendlies in that area?" The corporal said into the radio.

"Negative Corporal, we don't have any ground forces....wait a second." A voice replied, interrupted by a short pause.

"Yes corporal, Major Wilton and his wingman were there just an hour ago, they believe they hit the main enemy ground base."

Lieutenant Kent immediately took notice and grabbed the radio mic from the corporal.

"We are ready to move out sir, what do you want us to do?" Kent asked.

"Who is this?" The man on the radio asked.

"This is Bravo One-Zero." Kent replied, frustrated at having to answer to a sergeant.

"Roger that sir, Captain Shannon wants all units to hold position until morning, then we'll send out a recon team and move in." The sergeant answered.

"Affirmative, Bravo One-Zero out." Kent said, before attaching the mic back to the radio unit.

"I guess those fly-boys don't get paid the big bucks for nothing huh sir?" The corporal inquired.

"If I had a billion dollar machine I'd be able to blow up the whole goddam world, those guys are a bunch of pussies." Kent repied, with a smile on his face. The corporal laughed a little, but then added.

"Well I guess command better keep anything powerful away from us, or we'd blow up the whole galaxy."
Kent chuckled, but then quickly returned to a straight face.

"I need you to get the company sergeants assembled. We'll set up camp for the night and then wait until morning, be prepared to move out at 0500."

"Yes sir." The corporal replied. He saluted and jogged back towards his squad to inform the sergeant of the assembly.

Meanwhile, Kent walked over to a foxhole, and began cleaning his gear. He took off his Kevlar vest, which the marines had discovered to be almost totally ineffective against the enemy energy based weapons. The ceramic plate underneath had some resiliency towards the weapons, but only at large angles and against the weaker weapons. The tall enemy soldiers, the marines had discovered, were not to be messed with. Their armor was not very thick, but the creatures themselves were extremely strong, and very agile. The only sure way to kill them was a headshot or shot in the neck. Several shots to the chest might bring one down, but chances are it would only wound the creature and anger it.

Several of the smaller creatures they had encountered weren't so tough. The smallest were very unusual; they were used as shock troops for the much larger and obviously higher ranking soldiers that followed them. Most of the time however, a few shots would frighten them into running away. Other times, the mere sight of the humans would scare them. But that was very rare.

The third type was extremely easy to bring down, but they were excellent marksmen. Usually they stayed behind the enemy shock troops and picked off the marines at a distance. Unfortunately for them, they only got off a few shots before the marines identified them and blasted their weak bodies apart.

What scared Kent the most however, is none of the enemy soldiers had been taken prisoner, and none had been found wounded. They were all either dead, or had fallen back.

"Lieutenant!" A sergeant yelled, interrupting Kent's thoughts.

"What is it sergeant?" Kent asked.

"I've got an MIA; I'd like permission to get someone out to search for him before we leave." The sergeant asked.

"Negative sergeant, I don't want to take even the smallest chances of losing more men. Your soldier will have to use his training and find his way back here. Besides, he should have his comm. set with him." Kent replied.

"Yes sir." The sergeant said reluctantly as he walked back towards his unit.

Kent hated to leave a man MIA, but there really was no choice. The soldier was more than likely dead anyways. Although that was a shit excuse to allow a possible survivor to die, Kent didn't have any sympathy for anyone in war time.

Kent's officers formed around him, and he explained the situation. Within ten minutes they had returned to their units and begun preparations for the next day's battle.

2118 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Delta Jaguaris system, ONI Prowler "Eagle", in orbit over Neu Haven.

Staff Sergeant Holden looked at the gauge on the O2 tanks. They were dangerously low, as they had been stuck on their stricken ship for nearly 3 days now, orbiting over Neu Haven as their orbit slowly disintegrated. Within a day, they'd be dead, either by vaporizing in the atmosphere of Neu Haven, or from suffocation as their O2 supply depleted.

Zimmerman was on the other side of the command deck sleeping, since they needed to conserve air; although now it appeared absolutely useless. They had hoped maybe they would be picked up, but it seemed any remnants of the human forces had been wiped out, as all that had appeared in the system since the battle were a few more alien warships. Since most of the electronics on the "Eagle" had been knocked out, the aliens apparently had not noticed it, and never bothered to recover it or investigate to see if it was anything more than space junk. Holden didn't know whether that was a good or a bad thing.

Zimmerman grunted, and Holden looked over to see his comrade awake.

"I miss anything?" Zimmerman asked.

"Unfortunately not." Holden replied.

"You want to wait any longer, or just get it over with now?"

Holden sighed. "Fuck it. Let's just do it."

Zimmerman stood up and walked over to the control panel. Holden also got up, and walked to a panel on the other side of the command deck.

Both pressed their hands to identification panels, and then said their names aloud. A message flashed up on the screens in front of them.


Both men entered in different passwords.


Holden and Zimmerman both looked at each other.
"One?" Zimmerman asked.
"Your choice." Holden replied.
Zimmerman nodded.


Both men paused, and then pressed enter. The screen before them displayed a countdown which quickly changed to DETONATION Instantaneously everything within a five hundred kilometer radius was vaporized by a massive nuclear explosion. The blast sent shockwaves into the atmosphere causing massive lightning storms, and rendering any electronic devices on that side of the planet useless.
