
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Fire Storm by FatalInfection

Fire Storm(Part 1)
Date: 14 September 2004, 11:15 PM

I'm only 13 and this is my first submission. I found it on my computer and thought maybe i should post it here. If its liked i'de be willing to write more to it.

Fire Storm

After many decades of intense war the Humans were able to re-create another group of SPARTAN super soldiers. There mission yet again was to infiltrate covenant space and capture one of there highest prophets and return to UNSC controlled space. Oni section 3 sent 213 SPARTANs onto this mission after many months the Harvest observity station detected a weak covenant signle and it mathced the one of the SPARTANs ship. With that the UNSC sent all there ships to Harvest and sent a signle to the ship ordering it to exit slipspace at Harvest Station. When the ship appeared it was burning and plasma was leaking. Then a fleet of 20 Covenant ships appeared. The fleet consited of 3 supercarriers, 6 battleships and 11 more destroyers.
The battle lasted a mere five minutes. All covenant ships had been destroyed. The UNSC lost 54 ships and over 80000 men and woman. The remaining 27 ships were almost all heavily damaged. But the covenant ship in which the SPARTANs used to infiltrate was still in one piece. They all returned to Earth. And peace was negotiated. Out of 213 SPARTANs sent on that mission only 11 returned. Including the famed SPARTAN-117. There had been many rebelions within the covenant empire but they had all been contained. Until now.

Chapter 1
0103 Hours, March 18, 2562 (Military Calendar) /
UNSC Planetary Space Platform Phoenix, In high orbit of Harvest

Lieutenant Commander Joshua Karington was sitting in his blue chair watching the sensors moniter to his left. It rested just on his hip. All he saw where basic gas clouds and a some radiation from a ship that had past by here a while ago. He had sent the rest of his night team to rest. He was the only one on the small bridge meant to suite 7 officers. At the edge of range he picked up a slipstream exit portal. After a few seconds a ship glided out followed by another and four more. The portal closed as soon as they were all clear. His sensors showed that they were 1.5 million km away and closing fast. He looked up and tapped a control with his right arm on a pad within the armrest. The main viewer turned from its black state to show the six Covenant frigates that had just come from slipstream. He flipped the moniter on his lap, stood went to the ops console which was closest to the command chair and brought up the docking schedule for the week. The only Covenant convoy scheduled for this week was a trade convoy and they had already came two days ago. He went back to the chair and sat, flipped the sensor moniter and checked if the ships were damaged. Nothing. He typed more commands onto the green pad to activate the computer. It hummed to life and he said, ¨Computer open hailing frequencies with the Covenant lead ship.¨ after a few seconds of static the channel stabilized and he spoke, ¨Covenant fleet explain your why you have ventured into UNSC without authorization and explain your intentions!¨ there was no response. He flicked the red cover on the side of the seat and flicked the switch. Red lights flashed on and the alarm screamed, ¨RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS, CAPTAIN TO THE BRIDGE¨ the AI blasted through the comm. Channel automatically assessing the situation. A few minutes later Captain Jonathon Winston stepped onto the bridge half asleep and his brown hair in a mess. ¨Report¨ he shouted. ¨Sir, six Covenant ships at 1.3 million km closing fast and unwilling to respond.¨ Joshua reported. ¨Are they on the schedule?¨ he asked. ¨Negative, sir¨ ¨Very well take your station. Robert arm all weapons, deactivate all safeties on all Shiva nuclear missiles and stand by.¨ ¨Aye, Aye Sir¨ he said. During Jonathon and Joshua's talk the other officers had arrived and taken their stations. Joshua sat down at his engineering console. Although this was combat he had more things to do in a normal day then he would ever do in combat. ¨Reactor running at 100% efficiency¨ he reported. The glow from the red sirens was the most comforting thing he ever experienced in the UNSC even if it meant he was going into battle. ¨Enemy ships within weapons range in ten seconds.¨ Fletcher said as he turned and looked at the Captain from tactical. Even with the increased range Joshua knew this would be a hard battle. ¨Fire all weapons on the lead ship on my mark, MARK¨ he shouted. Two loud thuds were heard through the hull as two MAC rounds left the platform followed by 10 missile packs each carrying 20 missiles. The white-hot MAC rounds traveled quickly to the Covenant ships. The lead ship fired its starboard thrusters and blue light blasted from its side. It dodged one round but took the other one in the nose cutting its shields and doing minimal damage to the nose. The missiles streaked ever so closer too the ship. As soon as the AM system kicked in the casings where blown off and now 200 smaller missiles were streaking and cris-crossing each other to the ship. 50 of them had been chewed to pieces by the AM system but the remaining ones found the ship and hit hard. One of the missiles streaked up hit an atmosphere vent and sent the ship into a spin. In slammed into another frigate and the two ships were stuck together. Now that they had entered range the Covenant ships fired their weapons. The two stuck ships were blown to bits as the Captain of the frigates had ordered the weapons to be charged and fired before they were braced together. And they couldn't cancel the order quick enough as both ships fired at point blank range. They both blew up in a pinkish purple cloud and debris blew past the forward camera aimed at the ships. But four plasma bolts still streaked towards them. ¨Prepare to fire manoeuvring thrusters.¨ The Captain said. ¨Aye sir waiting for your order¨ said Joshua in a calm cool voice. The platform wasn't meant to move. But the Captain was able to brag a former friend who was in charge of a shipyard to give him some thrusters. ¨Fire¨ he shouted. The covers blew away and the platform started to move to port. The plasma bolts turned and 3 of them hit. ¨HITS ON ALL DECKS, shouted Bob from ops ¨Fire on decks 3-5-6-8-9 and 10, port reactor coolant tank has breached, MAC cannon number two has been destroyed. Repair and containment crews have been dispatched¨ he finished. ¨Fire the MAC cannon as soon as it's ready. Dominique contact Harvest HQ and tell them to prepare for an invasion. ¨Aye sir¨ he said softly and slowly tapped controls. ¨Message away¨ ¨MAC cannon firing¨ said Robert. The gun charged up. But didn't fire. ¨MAGNETIC COIL 4 HAS BLOWN¨ Robert shouted. The round blew up in the hull of the platform and ripped through 5 decks. ¨All contact with decks 5-10 has been lost. Deck ten has been destroyed.¨ said Bob shaking in his seat. ¨Officer down. Medical team to the bridge!¨ shouted Robert on his knees beside Joshua who had a nasty cut from his ear to his lip and blood was gashing out from it and pooled onto the floor. The Captain flicked a switch on the now red armrest and shouted, ¨ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP. I REPEAT ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!!¨ The remaining crew on the bridge locked down their systems and purged the database. Robert picked up Joshua and put him over his shoulder and headed for the bridge exit. As soon as he left the bridge he turned left immediately and crouched to fit inside the bridge crews escape pod. The hatch slide down gently and as soon as it was sealed a red light appeared. The escape pod jockey launched the pod and directed it towards the surface of Harvest. Orange flames roared on the hull of the escape pod as it went through the atmosphere. After they were clear the jockey directed them towards the military base. They flew over the hills and over the Eastern Ocean in just over 45 seconds. The pilot noticed the grey platform that the base had deployed used normally to accommodate shuttles. The pilot hit the bow thrusters and the pod jerked violently. The ship dramatically slowed down. The platform slowly raced towards them. The escape pod gently landed onto the platform and the rear door popped open.

Chapter 2
0421 Hours, March 18 2562 (Military Calendar)/
UNSC Military Base Redemption, Coast of Eastern Ocean
The Captain strolled out and down the hatch to meet Colonel Delton. ¨Welcome Captain¨ said the Colonel and held out his hand to Captain Winston. He continued ¨I have all my forces on guard we've established defensive shelters in all main cities. The air force has been on active alert for the ten minutes and are armed with a full compliment of AA missiles.¨ he said cheerfully. They went down many fleets of stairs and hopped onto the ground where 10 heavily armed marines waited to escort the Colonel. They went to the Command centre and entered the main door rimmed with a chrome strip polished so bright it hurt to look at. ¨Follow me please¨ said the colonel as he led him to a live tactical map which showed the positions of all forces on the planet. ¨How many of your marines made it to the surface? We need to reinforce the main cities.¨ ¨We have 328 marines in good form that could help.¨ replied captain Winston. ¨Very well I would like you to split up into six groups and deploy them in to the capitals of each continent. The remaining squad will stay here to defend the base. Our communications dish is broken we need to send a message to Fleet Com.¨ ¨Very well¨ said the Captain. The speakers filled with static then a voice came through ¨Sir, enemy drop ships incoming. We have 204 of them on our sensors. Over and out¨ ¨Keep'em busy Lieutenant¨ said Colonel Delton. ¨Captain get your men armed. Follow Sergeant Jacobs to the armoury.¨ ¨Please follow me sir.¨ said the Sergeant as he exited the building and took a left. The marines still left at Redemption Base were running around all with a task to do. A scorpion MBT roared down the path and was positioned on a platform. They entered a tent and the Captain saw the hundreds of weapons lined along the walls and the thousands of ammo clips neatly stacked in boxes in the middle of the room. ¨Help yourselves¨ he said and with that he went to a brown bench at the end of the middle row opened it up and took out a command battle suit. Equipped with GPS, command map, oxygen tank for 15 minutes, 3 cm of titanium A armor, and a muscle and reflex enhancing system. ¨Please put it on¨ said the sergeant and he offered the Captain the legs. He slipped into them easily although the were a little big. Next he put on the boots, chest plate, gloves and finally the helmet. ¨Sir you may now power the suit up¨ the Captain hit a switch on his belt and a reactor hummed to life on his back. The HUD turned on and a combat specialized AI greeted him ¨Welcome Captain¨ said the female voice. ¨All system checks complete. Suit operating at 98%¨ and with that the Captain made his way out side.
