
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Fight or Flight by teemus

Fight or Flight: Chapter One
Date: 24 November 2003, 1:06 AM

October 25 2541 JerichoII

(Sgt. Eversmit Delta Company 3rd regiment)

"Fisher! Enemy drop ships inbound raise the alarm" Eversmit yelled to fisher his radioman.

"Come in base do you read me this is Delta 3 repeat this is Delta 3 enemy drop ships inbound I repeat enemy drop ships inbound." Fisher said into the radio panic stricken.

"Roger Delta 3 I need you to calm down and repeat your self"


"Roger Delta raising alarms you have permission to engage the enemy on sight repeat you have permission to engage the enemy on sight."

"Alright you heard the man lock'n load fire on sight!" Eversmit replied. All the men of the 3rd regiment sat in wait watching over their mounds at the trees where the drop ships touched down. Then without warning two wraiths came through the clearing with their energy weapons charging. "Holy shit" Eversmit said to himself.

"Sir do we fire?" one of the rocket jockeys asked.

"You know the orders, fire on sight!" and just that moment one of the wraiths fired its energy ball. Eversmit thought it had sighted their position and they were all dead, but instead the energy ball soared over them and hit one of the base walls. "Fire at will!" Then a volley of rockets soared over the marine's heads and nailed the first wraith and engulfed it in a fireball. The second Wraith began to retreat but before it could get to far a second volley of rockets hit it in the rear, and there was an eruption of cheers from the marines. But before Eversmit could even lift his head to see what had happened Jones his m-60 gunner was riddled by plasma in the back.

(Alpha Base Capt. Walker Central Command post)

"Alright we have wraiths advancing on Delta Company's position and we've already lost half the first wall. Send in Juliet Company to assist Delta and then I want Sgt. Lancer and his wart hogs on station!" Barked Walker to his men in the command post.

(Hanger B Sgt. Lancer 6th Regiment Commander)

(Over loudspeaker) All rocket teams F-R report to forward fences. Company Juliet report to Delta Companies Position. Sgt. Lancer and his wart hog division report to front gate double time."

Sgt. Lancer already knew he and his company were being moved out so before the announcement even got out he hand his company assemble. After listening to the announcement Lancer sat in the driver seat of his wart hog pale faced. He looked up at his men and said. "Alright you heard the man lets move out!"

(Sgt. Eversmit Delta Company 3rd Regiment 1st in command.)

As soon as the wraiths had been destroyed elites and jackals came pouring out of the trees shooting at anything that moved. "Lets go somebody get Jones out of here hes dead lets go and reload that m-60 Johnson lets go!" Eversmit yelled as he ejected a used clip from his MA5B and slammed in a fresh one. Two Jackals just popped over the edge of the trees but were soon cut down by the mass of tracer bullets flying towards the trees. "Sir Juliet Company is coming to help us out over here their bringing fresh supplies with them." Fisher bellowed.

A few men further from Eversmit Cooper was hammering at anything that moved with his shot gun. "McKnight I need a new clip im out!" he yelled. McKnight passed Cooper a clip and as soon as Cooper slammed it in plasma fire caught the back of McKnight's hand.

"Ahhhh holly shit! It burns Ahh get it off!!"

"Roy! Roy! Get a medic for McKnight he looks pretty bad" said Cooper. Roy ran over to McKnight's twitching body and pulled out his med kit. Roy had just gotten done patching up his hand when he heard a rumble and turned to see a division of wart hogs heading his way.

"About time they showed up." He said under his breath. "Oie Cooper tell Wolf to raise Cooper and the Sarge bout the hogs there here man." Said Roy

"Gotcha! Oie Fox tell the Sarge the Hogs are here!"

"Sir were getting a message from fox he saying the Hogs are here!" Yelled fisher over the noise of gunfire to Eversmit who had just finished killing of a group of panicking grunts.

"Roger that tell Lancer to come west of out position so the hogs aren't venerable to enemy fire and tell all commanders to gather there wounded!"

"Yes Sir" Evermit returned to kill of the group of elites that had massed during his short break. While Eversmit wasn't looking a jackal over charged his pistol and fired at Eversmit. The overcharge round caught Eversmit in the chest, his armour took most of the blow but he was still knocked to the floor. For a few seconds Eversmit didn't remember where he was but then it came back he was in middle of a battle. Everything was going in slow motion he could here the small put of laag guns and the cries of wounded men. He turned around to see the convoy of Hogs coming over the hill guns blazing. He could here the screams of men getting hit and he could see bodies lying everywhere. He got up just in time for a plasma bolt fly past his head. He quckly grabbed his assult riffle and jammed in a fresh clip to fire at a golden armoured elite. He grabbed for another clip but couldn't make it the last elite was already there but to the elites surprise he ran right into the electric fence. Eversmit got up only to find fishers body lying next to his feet. Eversmit ran to the wart hogs to talk to Lancer.

"Alright Sarge get your men wounded, dead, and alive into that truck." He pointed at a green truck where already men from his company where massed around and hopping onboard. And there was already blood dripping from the deck.

"Roger that. Hey Lancer if your taking up out post then I suggest you watch out for that part of the fence its down."

"Ill do just that." Replied lancer. Eversmit was the last to get on the tuck he wanted to make sure all his men got on board. All the way back to base Eversmit sat in quite by him sled.

(Covenant cruiser Jado)

" So how did the attack go" asked the prophet Sris to field commander Avu.

"Well the humans put up much resistance and we were forced to withdraw." Replied Avu

"I can understand this but the council will not." replied prophet Sris

To be Continued.

Fight of Flight: Chapter Two
Date: 26 November 2003, 2:23 AM

JerichoII October 25 2531

(Sgt. Eversmit Delta Company 3rd Regiment)

Eversmit sat by himself in a corner of the truck. Even though they were almost to the base he could still here the laag guns firing. The truck began to slow and he could see Alpha bases walls looming up. Alpha base was one of the last and one of the strongest human strong holds remaining on JerichoII. Alpha base was mostly made up of Rectangular buildings, which were the barracks, armouries, and the 3 different mess halls. On the west part of the base were the bases hangers. These hangers housed the bases Wart Hogs, Scorpions, Drop Ships, and Long Sword fighters, Bombers, and Inceptors. Then there was the central command post, which rose higher then all the other buildings. On the four corners of the base were guard towers, which housed laag turrets. Surrounding the base was a high-powered electric fence. As an edition to the fence the marines placed lotus mines and barricades to stop artillery from getting through. Just behind the fence are some mounds and foxholes that the marines dug.

(Capt Walker Central command post.)

"Sir the covenant are withdrawing but I don't think it will be for long" said Corporal Stocker.

"Roger that" replied Walker. "Lets use this time to set up some better defences. Send out combat teams Victor and Sierra to patrol the premiter. Set all marines on high alert."

(Sgt Lancer Front Gate 6th Regiment)

As soon as Delta company had left the Sgt returned to firing his laag gun at the now retreating covenant. "Alright get all the wounded into two hogs and get them to base and the rest of us will mop up the straglers!" shouted Lancer.

(Cruiser Jado touched down on surface of JerichoII)

"We have already been forced to retreat it will not happen again! I want all of our forces within the area to concentrate on that base." Said prophet Sris.

"Yes you exlency." Replied Avu.

(Capt Walker Central command post)

"Sir the covenant are coming back sir. But this time they have much more troops sir!" Said Corporal Stocker.

"Alright! Put every one on high alert and keep Juliet Company and Lancers Hogs at the front gate!" Replied Steal

(Juliet Company Sgt. Roy)

"Alright message from Base! They said more covenant are on the way so lock'n load and lets show em they picked the wrong race to mess with!" Yelled Sgt. Roy. As soon as all of the marines were down under cover plasma began to fly over their heads. Then one of the marines yelled Fire! And tracer bullets ran into the covenant ranks. Roy ejected the used clip from his Assault Rifle and slammed in a fresh one and returned to fight of the covenant. The entire field before the marines was in chaos. There were grunts tripping over each other, Elites shoving other elites in front of them to take the blows, and Roy could have sworn he saw one jackal shoot another from behind. But this was no time to stop and think with all the people getting shot from his side. He turned around just as an elite ran into the electric fence only to go flying back 5 feet.

Two holes down from Roy Jason, GoodHart, Rose, and many other marines were being banged up pretty good. "Rose! Call the Sgt, tell him we need more men over here!" Yelled GoodHart the squad's m-60 gunner. GoodHart stopped shooting for a few seconds to see the situation but this was a bad choice. As soon as he stopped plasma came flying towards him. He tried to doge the plasma but instead dove strait into it.

"Shit!" Yelled Jason "Medic, Medic!" He yelled again. He ran over to GoodHarts body. His whole entire chest was black from the burns. Jason went to check for a pulse. He held his breath as he put his finger to GoodHarts neck. Jason was relived there was a pulse, it was faint but it was still there.

"Jason look out!" somebody yelled. Jason turned to see what had happened, but he wished he hadn't. One of the guard towers was hit by some sort of plasma and it was not falling. It wasn't falling twords him but what was falling twords him was a body of the man that was in the tower. "Holy shit." Jason said under his breath. He quicly grabbed GoodHart and dodged to the left. The body landed with a thud at the spot he was only a second ago. Breathing hard Jason yelled "Get GoodHart to the Hogs and get this man out of here!"

As soon as they had taken the man out Rose yelled to Jason and said "Get on the m-60!"

Jason turned around to face the gun and then looked past it only to see a group of grunts and jackels advancing on him. He thought he was dead but then out of the blue a Wart Hog came up and gunned them all down. For a few seconds Jason was so happy but then out of the corner of his eye he saw a grunt throw a plasma grenade at the Hog. No body but him had scene. He tried to yell but to late the Hog went up in a flash. Jason looked through the smoke and he could see 3 figueres coming out of the destroyed Hog.

To Be Continued

Fight or flight: Chapter Three
Date: 28 November 2003, 2:36 AM

JerichoII October 25 2541

(Sgt. Eversmit Delta Company 3rd Regiment Delta Barracks)

Eversmit sat on his bunk. Even though they were now in the safety of the barracks he could still here the sounds of battle from the fields ahead. Eversmit grabbed his helmet and MA5B and jumped down from his bunk and headed towards the door. "Sarge where you going" asked McKnight who was playing with the bandages on his hand.

"There are still me out there." Replied, "Look Juliet Company came to help us so im going back to help them. Any man who wants to come with me stand up now and this is not an order." All of the men who could still stand did so. McKnight sat on his bunk thinking to himself when he grabbed his MA5B and yelled lets go kick some ass!

(Capt. Walker Central Command Post)

Walker stood by the window of the command tower watching the battle going on. He looked in horror as one of the towers was hit by some sort of plasma and collapsed. Over the noise of the control towers somebody's voice burst into the static. It sounded like somebody who had just learned English. "Humanee comanderee suurendeer your foorcees annd wee weel sparee youu."

"Give me the goddamn radio" yelled Walker. Walker picked up the radio and talked into it. "Now you listen here we are not going to surrender you here me! We will not surrender!" Walker yelled only to get static in reply. "God damn" he said under his breath. "I want all Wart Hog divisions on station now! Get Victor companies moving! I will not let this fort fall."

(Sgt. Lancer Front Gate 6th Regiment)

Lancers arms were going numb from the constant vibration of the laag gun. Lancer was putting bullets through the guts of grunts, Jackals, and Elites. Then from his right PFC. Jose appeared holding the radio. "Sir were getting a signal from Juliet Company!" yelled Jose.

Lancer gunned down one more group of Grunts and jumped off the turret to take the radio. "Thank you Jose. You can return to your station." Said Lancer.

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

Lancer picked up the Radio and the static was broken by a panicking marine. "Sir we have a hog down over here can you send in another to pick the crew up! They have one badly wounded and the other two are shaken up badly!" The marine replied.

"Who's is this?" Lancer said back into the radio

"Sir this is PFC. Jason. I'm with Juliet Company sir."
"Negative that request its to hot to send in another hog do what you can from where you are." Replied Lancer.

"Yes Sir." Replied the marine with a hint of disappointment in his voice. At this he clicked the radio off and returned to firing his laag at the oncoming covenant.

(PFC. Jason Juliet Company Front Gate)

Rose just finished her clip on a group of Grunts and slammed in a fresh one. She then turned to Jason and said, "What did they say!"

"There not sending one in." he said. He then turned to the marines who had now takin cover behind the overturned Hog, "They're not sending one in!!" he yelled. "I'm coming to you!" he yelled again. "Covering fire!!" and with that he jumped out of the trench. Rose tried to stop him but couldn't. So instead she grabbed the m-60 and laid down covering fire for Jason. While she was firing she couldn't help but think that she may never see him again.

(Sgt. Lancer Remains of Delta Company Advancing on Front Gate)

As Sgt. Eversmit and his men ran twords the front gate Eversmit saw things he wished he would never have to see again. He saw men with half burnt faces, men with no arms, men screaming while medics worked on them. As he walked by this he was thinking that he was gonna kill as many of those bastards as possible. After a few minutes he could see the men of Juliet Company firing like mad men at the fields in front of them. As soon as they reached the fox holes that Juliet Company were occupying he ran strait for Sgt. Roys hole. "Nice to cya Sgt, what's the situation.

"Well were pinned down we sure could use your help!" he bellowed as he slammed in a fresh clip into his MA5B.

(PFC. Jason Juliet Company Front Gate)

As Jason was running he shot of a few rounds at some Grunts and a Jackal. When he reached the hog it was dug into the dirt and the rear of it was twisted up and bent from the force of the explosion. Some how one of the marines had managed to remove the laag from the back and place next to the hog and was firing at a group of Elites. He ran up to what appeared to be the commanding officer who was leaning aginst the hog and firing the occasinall burst. "Whats you situation!" Jason yelled over the noise of gun fire.

"Well Hooper is hit bad and cant even hold a rifle! Singh over there is still good. I don't know how he got the laag off but that kid is one hard core son of a bitch! Replied the Sgt.

"Well Lancer isn't sending another Hog because he said its to danger..." Jason was suddenly cut of by a loud screeching noise.
To be continued...

Fight or Flight: Chapter 4
Date: 1 December 2003, 1:55 AM

JerichoII October 25 2541

(PFC Jason Juliet Company Front Gate)

Jason stopped mid sentence to try and make out what that noise was. Just then he heard some marines from behind him yell, "Incoming Banshees! Take cover!" and shortly after that there was a loud explosion in which the bodies of marines were thrown out of the trench.

Jason turned to the Corporal and yelled, "Do you have any jack hammers?!" The Corporal just sat there pale faced for a few seconds and waited for it all to sink in. Before he could say a word, they saw a red ball fly towards the banshee and hit it smack in the nose. Jason and the corporal turned to see who had fired the rocket to see the wounded Hooper holding a Jack Hammer saying, "I'm still in the fight" and after that went into shock. Singh stopped firing the laag to look at Hooper's body.

"We need to get him out of here!" he yelled in his Indian accent.

"Alright look, ill lay down some covering fire for you guys to get back to the fox hole! From there you turn around and give me covering fire!" Yelled Jason.

"Alright sounds good" the corporal replied. Jason then picked up the radio and contacted Rose and Wolf.

"Alright, Rose we have wounded men here there coming to you so lay down some covering fire!" Jason barked into the radio.

Rose the replied, "Roger that just say when." Jason then turned to the Corporal and the other men and told them the plan. Singh and Hooper made it back to the fox hole un harmed. Jason then thought that maybe the Corporal and him could do the same, but he thought to early. Jason and the corporal were half way across when he heard a scream from next to him.

(Cruiser Jado, Field Commander Avu, Command deck)

Field commander Avu watched as the battle for Alpha base raged on the holographic projector. The commander was getting worried; the humans were putting a lot more resistance then thought, and already the Covenant casualties were higher then the humans. Just then the high prophet Sris walked onto the command deck. "So commander tell me how the attack is going." The prophet said in his mystical voice.

"Your exlency, I don't think that this is a battle we can win." Replied Avu.

The prophet then replied, "We will see about that commander"

(Sgt. Eversmit Delta Company 3rd Regimen Front Gate)
Eversmit ejected the used clip from his MA5B, and watched as a rocket hit the banshee and it was engulfed in a flaming ball of fire. He then turned to Roy and said, "Is it just me or does it look like the covenant are getting desperate?" because for the past half and hour it seemed like the covenant were sending everything they had into the field to die.

"Nahh I don't think so." Replied Roy as he emptied his entire clip into the chest of a gold armoured elite. "There just being there predictable self's." He said again as he slammed in a fresh clip. Eversmit sat for a minute to absorb what Roy had just said, but was interrupted by Cole, his new radioman. "Sir, message from base, they want to know what the situation down here is." Eversmit then looked around him and could see bodies of marines littering the floor, he saw two marines who jumped out their fox hole to save the life of another marine who lay in front of the hole, one of them was shot but the other made it back.

"Tell the Captain we need a pelican or hogs or something to get the wounded out of here we just have to many!" replied Eversmit, he then watched as Cole repeated what he had just said into the radio.

Cole then turned back to Eversmit and said, "They said there sending in one drop ship but it wont stay on the ground so we need to get the wounded ready now!"

"Roger, return to your post" Replied Eversmit. Eversmit then turned to Kate, his second in command and said, "Spread the word to gather you wounded drop ships are inbound" Kate then nodded and turned to kill of a few more grunts before leaving to do what Eversmit had just told her.

(Sgt. Lancer Front Gate 6th Wart Hog Regiment)

Lancer turned to his driver and told him to get him a better angel. Once the hog had moved to the left a bit Lancer finally killed of the group of Elites and Jackels that had taken cover behind a over turned hog. Lancer though he heard something behind him and turned to see that a group of spec ops grunts had manadged to get past him and the other gunners. Before Lancer could fire one of the grunts carched its Fuel rod gun. Lancer said one quick prayer before turning to his driver and telling him to get out of the Hog.

To be continued...

Fight or Flight: Chapter Five
Date: 4 December 2003, 4:58 AM

JerichoII August 25 2541

(Sgt. Lancer 6th Wart Hog regiment commander front gate)

Lancer started at the grunt as it charged its Fuel Rod Gun. He knew that Tom Joseph Lancer's time was up. He saw the grunts finger move for the trigger, he said one quick prayer and waited. He heard the boom of the gun, he suddenly felt hot, it felt like he was falling and then he heard a small putting noise, he heard the grunt scream as it died, then he heard some one out of the dark saying, "Sarge, Sarge, wake up!" and then all went blank. Sgt. Tom Joseph Lancer died on the gunner seat of his hog and was later awarded the medal of honour. Sgt. Lancers 2nd in command was, Sgt. Robert E. Diego. Robert and his new division were gonna have a rough day.

(PFC. Jason Juliet Company Front gate)

Jason sat in the trench with Hooper at his side. He had to restrain Singh from running out to grab the corporal. It was still to hot, the corporal had said that he was ok and could crawl back, but when he started crawling all he got in return was a hail of plasma fire. "That's it, I cant take this anymore. Give me covering fire im going to get him." Singh said. Jason looked into his eyes and didn't know how to say no, so all he did was nod and reload the m-60. He then held up 3 fingers and put down 1...2...3, and then fired like crazy and Singh jumped out of the hole. Singh made to the corporal and started saying stuff that Jason could not make out. He then hoisted the corporal onto his shoulders and made a break for the foxhole. Jason was so relived when Singh jumped back in carrying the corporal. He then put him down and started to patch him up when Kate, Delta companies second incomand came into the hole and told one of them to take the corporal over towards the base and that they were sending in a drop ship to pick up the wounded.

(Capt. Walker Central Command Post)

"I want you to send a squad of long sword bombers to begin bombing runs on the fields in front of Juliet. Make sure they don't bomb our own boys and is that drop ship in the air yet?" Walker told the command crew. For the first time in this battle he thought they could win because the covenant were beginning to retreat.

(Sgt. Orion Pelican 3314 Headed towards Juliet Company)

Orion sat at the controls of the Pelican thinking that this was gonna be a milk run. He had launched from hanger A, five minutes ago and were almost to the LZ. (Landing zone) As he approached the LZ over the trees he saw a purple artillery looking device charging. Under his breath he muttered, "Oh Shit" he then turned to his co-pilot and said, "Get the radio, tell HQ they have artillery!" His co-pilot rushed to his task. He picked up the radio and repeated what Orion had just said. Orion then heard the captain telling them to pull out. Orion quickly pulled the stick back but it was to late, the energy ball smacked into the back of Pelican 3314 causing it to go out of control. Orion grabbed the radio and opened up on Roy's channel, "Were hit were hit and we are going down on your position I repea..." and then the Pelican made contact with the ground.

(Sgt. Eversmit Delta Company 3rd Regiment front Gate)

Eversmit slammed in a fresh clip and continued firing at the elite until his shields were down and let James finish him off. He then turned to Roy who was on the radio with the Pelican Pilot. Eversmit could here the pilot screaming and then static filled the radio. "What happened?" Eversmit asked Roy. Roy then looked into the sky and Eversmit followed his gaze, when he looked up he saw the Pelicans engines on fire and it was screaming down towards the ground. Eversmit watched in horror as it passed over them and crashed a few meters in front of the marines. On impact the Pelican sent out a shock wave killing anything that was close to it. The covenant left a 6m diameter around the Pelican. Eversmit grabbed the radio and contacted Capt. Walker, "Sit we have a Pelican down!"

The Captain then replied, "Yes I know, *sigh* were sending in a task force to set up a perimeter around the Crash Sight until reinforcements arrive." Eversmit then dropped the radio and looked hopelessly towards the now smoking crash sight.

(Cruiser Jado)

The field commander and Prophet watched as the artillery took down the Pelican. "Did I not tell you I had something in mind." Replied the prophet. Avu then turned to the prophet smiling and walked out of the door.

To be continued...

Fight or Flight: Chapter 6 (The Big Boom)
Date: 8 December 2003, 3:05 AM

JerichoII October 25 2541

(Sgt. Diego Enrout to crash sight)

Diego sat in the passenger seat of the hog, they had just left their original position and were to rendezvous with the 22nd regiment and secure the crash sight. He listened as Sumeet; his gunner played some sort of word game with other marines over the COM link. They could now see a rough outline of the pelican. Two Long Sword bombers sord over the 6th regiment and headed towards the forest where the artillery had last been seen. Just then Sumeet yelled, "Sir incoming Covies, they have mortar tanks with them!"

Diego then clicked on his COM link and tuned into the Companies radio, "Alright, looks like the little bastards sent in their own Convoy! Break up and engage the enemy, but keep your distance from the tanks!" The squad then acknowledged his order and broke out of their formation. Diego then turned to his driver and told him to come around the back of the Covenant. Surprisingly it only took ten minutes to bring down the whole Covenant strike force and with only loosing one hog. For the 6th and 22nd Wart Hog regiments, this was just a breeze to what they had coming up.

Diego's com link then clicked on and Major Chaudhry's voice came out, "Where the hell are you guys? We need back up, they just keep on coming!" The channel was then full of static and the noise of gunfire. Diego turned to his driver and told him to floor it. The Hog picked up speed and headed towards the crash sight. As they got closer the noise just got louder.

(Sgt. Eversmit Delta Company front Gate)

Eversmit ejected a used clip from his MA5B and slammed in a fresh one. He paused to look at the regiment of Wart Hogs that had showed up ten minutes ago. They were getting pounded pretty badly. Eversmit then turned to Roy. "Is this all they sent in?" He asked pointing to the Wart Hogs. His question was then answered by a loud rumbling noise. He turned to see a whole regiment of Wart Hogs coming towards the crash sight. He was soon brought back down to earth when plasma went past his head. He turned to see a Golden armoured Elite running towards him. He quickly raised his assault rifle and opened fire. Eversmit's clip was almost empty when the Elite finally fell.

Then over Eversmit's COM link, the captain's voice came, "Eversmit, I want you to take your men to the crash sight and set up a perimeter. You are to hold this perimeter until the LRV's have loaded the bodies and are back within the base walls. Then you are to access the pelican's memory database and destroy it, and then fall back. Do you understand soldier?"

"Sir yes Sir!" Eversmit replied. He then turned the COM link to his companies channel and spoke, "Alright boys, it looks like we go ourselves another mission. We are to hold the perimeter around the Pelican. You will not let any squid headed, split chin son of a bitch into that cockpit! Do you under stand me?" He then got a whole bunch of; Sir yes Sir's or you got it. In five minutes Eversmit had gotten fresh supplies and was at the rendezvous point. He and his company then made there way to where Roy's position was. As they approached they saw Roy shooting and a group of grunts and occasionally swearing as plasma soared over his head. Eversmit jogged to the rock that Roy had taken cover behind, "Were gonna move for the crash sight, I need you guys to give us covering fire!" Roy nodded and began talking to the marines under his command through the COM link.

Eversmit then clicked on his own COM link and tuned into Chaudhry's channel, "We are coming to you, so do not fire towards the trenches. What is the situation with the bodies?"

"We could use some help, and with the bodies, both pilots are dead and we have two wounded. We got the two pilots out but are working on the wounded now."

"Roger that, we are moving out." Eversmit then yelled, "Covering Fire!" and he and his men jumped out. As soon as they got out of the trenches, Eversmit heard a scream, a boom, and a loud crack.

(Command deck of Cruiser Jado)

Avu turned to the prophet, "Your Excellency, those electric fences are to strong, we can not get past it."

"Yes Yes I know commander. We shall launch one last wave, if this wave fails I will accept your advice and leave this planet. For the electric fence, we will fire the artillery at it. Fire on my mark commander. 1...2...3...Mark!" Avu then fired the artillery. As soon as the plasma was away, a long sword dropped a bomb directly on top of the artillery cannon. This bomb destroyed the artillery and half of the command post. After the commander had recovered he heard a very loud scream and crack.

(Long Sword Bomber, Charlie 5)

Brians saw covenant artillery charging up. He then turned to his weapons manager and told him to lock onto it and that they were gonna destroy it. As they came in for the dive, Brians saw a piece of plasma leave the artillery. He knew it was to late, but he could still stop it from firing another. As they came low enough, he felt the Long Sword shake as the bomb left the bombing bay. As they pulled up Brians heard a loud boom and crack.

Fight or Flight: Part Seven (Final Finish)
Date: 8 December 2003, 4:56 AM

JerichoII October 25 2541

(Sgt. Eversmit, Delta Company En rout to Crash Sight)

Eversmit turned to see what had caused the loud crack and scream. As he turned he saw that the crack was caused by the electric fence as it overloaded and fried anything near it. He found out the screams were caused by 50 marines who were next to the fence when it overloaded, the marines were fried alive. He then turned to his company and saw them all staring at the burning corpses. "Move! Move! Move! Forget about it! We have a mission to do!" Eversmit yelled to his marines. They all quickly broke their gaze from the bodies and continued running. As they approached the crash sight Eversmit saw a Wart Hog being flipped over from the force of a plasma grenade. Eversmit and his men made their way into the middle of the circle the Wart Hogs had made. As he walked he heard the screams of Grunts. He stopped to look out at the battle field, what he saw was horrible, he saw the bodies of Covenant littering the floor, he saw Grunts trying to run, he saw Elites pushing grunts in front of them to take the blows. Then suddenly he heard someone yelling his name. He turned to face Chauhdry, "I need you and your men to give us cover, we are pulling out!"

"Yes sir" Eversmit replied. Chauhdry then nodded and walked back to the Pelican.

Then a marine named Sumeet walked up to Eversmit, "Sir, we can't access the data base for the pelican. So you guys will have to blow it using a grenade or nuke!"

"Roger that." Eversmit replied. He then turned to the rest of his marines and told them where to set up. Eversmit ran to an overturned Wart Hog, accompanied by Lyons. Lyons was a tough lady who could take down almost any marine. She had almost as much combat experience as Eversmit. Eversmit liked to have her in his company. She made a good partner and could look out for herself, half the time it was like she was giving Eversmit orders.

She set up her sniper rife on the edge of the hog's tires and then turned to him, "What's the plan Sarge?"

"Well we wait until the hogs are gone and then provide covering fire for them. Then we gotta hold this perimeter and destroy the Pelican and make it back to the trenches."

"Sounds easy enough." She replied. Soon after that an explosion was heard followed by the screams of marines. Eversmit then looked around the corner to fire but was greeted by plasma fire. He dodged most of it, but one stray bold hit him in the shoulder. Eversmit fell to the ground screaming in pain. Lyons looked back at him then looked back into her sniper scope. She shot an Elite in the head spraying its blood everywhere; she then clicked on her COM link and called for a medic. Shortly after the companies medic Bains showed up. He crawled over to Eversmit who was holding his shoulder whimpering. Bains lifted Eversmit's hands off his wound and began to patch him up. Eversmit lay on the ground no longer whimpering but now pale faced.
Bains then turned to him and handed him a pistol saying, "If anybody comes around this corner, you give em two in the chest and one in the head." And with those last words he crawled on to another screaming marine.

Eversmit then turned to Lyons who looked down at him and said, "You'll be alright. Now suck it up." Eversmit sat there in shock at her reply. He was soon brought out of his dream world when a grunt came around the corner. Eversmit did what just Bains had told him, he gave the grunt two in the chest and one in the head.

(Cruiser Jado)

Avu started at the holo projector and watched as his forces were cut down. Then the prophet Sris came onto the deck in his floating armchair, "Well commander, looks like you were right. We must pull back. Send the word to all of our troops."

"Yes your Excellency" Replied Avu, "Should we glass the planet once back in orbit?"

"No, we shall come back one day." Replied. Avu a bit shocked by this answer stood there, but he soon came to his senses and moved to carry out the order.

(Sgt Eversmit Delta Company Crash sight)

For some reason the covenant were beginning to retreat. Their drop ships could be seen leaving the atmosphere full of troops and equipment. Once Eversmit thought it was clear he gave the order to plant the bomb in the Pelican. He set the timer to One minute and he and his company ran back to the trenches without loosing any body on the way. Once back all of the marines watched as the Pelican exploded. The battle was over, but now began the clean up.

The Covenant retreated all troops from JerichoII. The marines did not know why they did not glass the planet, and right now did not care. Sgt. Eversmit was awarded the silver cross, as well was Sgt. Roy. That night a burial service was held for the dead men and women. 350 marines would never see their loved ones again.
