
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Fight for the home-land by love-to-hate

Mobasa's Finest: Chapter 1
Date: 18 December 2005, 6:09 pm

New Mombassa, Earth, 23:05, 2552.

The blast from the BR-55 echoed through the streets as three bullets ripped through the skull of a lonesome Grunt followed closely by a graceful back flip and a dull thud, with more blood splattering around its corpse.
"Man, you'd think they would at least know were here!" said Joe Foster of the 35th infantry squad, they were only seven left of them, but they didn't have enough time to recruit more.
"Yeah, well…" Keaton's voice trailed off, he was the Sergeant. He and Foster had grown up together for as long as they could remember, being great friends it was pure luck they were put into the same regiment. The two Marines had been separated from the rest of there squad even though there weren't a lot left, they had managed it somehow.
"So what do we do now Sarge?" asked Joe.
"I don't know…" once gain Paul Keaton' voice trailed off.
"Well, I guess we could find some shelter, it's gettin' pretty late, or we could just find some more Covenant dip-shits" replied Foster.
"Let's call it a day" said Keaton.

Joe Foster had blue eyes, was around 6'1, had brown hair, he had taken a liking to his battle rifle, engraving it with how many Covenant he had killed, and little designs hell he had even named…Black Beauty, he had some issues… Paul on the other hand was abit smaller at 5'11 with black hair and grey-ish blue eyes that could turn from the happiest look to the coldest stare in an instant, and he did not have any gun related problems, although he did like the BR-55 a lot better than any other of the weapons, but always laughed at Joe for his gun-problem which Foster would replied with a shut-up you know it's cool sentence.

Their regiment had been dropped off by Desert Eagle, their assigned Pelican, but as soon as they were dropped off a pack Jackals and Grunts met them, Jake Turner, PFC, was shot down in within a blink, Patrick Dernam was also KIA, and Foster and Keaton had ran for cover and had lost track of the other three, who were presumably MIA or KIA, or just wandering around the damn city searching for their Sergeant and his buddy. Their mission was to clear out the Covenant of the East side of the city, but at their arrival they had been met head on. Joe and Paul had continued with their assignment dropping a few here and there but nothing to serious, they were both amazed at how little engagement they had received.

The two Marines walked into a tunnel that had been seriously damaged, the entrance was the only way in seeing that the remaining bit of tunnel had collapsed. They hunkered down behind some rubble, took off their green helmets, and fell asleep the instant their heads touched the cement, metal and clear inch of dust, it had been a long day…

"Rise and shine, we got company" Foster had whispered into Keaton's ear. He looked up through bleary eyes to see Foster crouched low behind their rubble-bed. Paul crouched and moved up beside Joe, only to see a nice big pack of Covenant bastards, consisting of four Elites, seven Grunts and a couple of Jackals, investigating their little hide-out, they were all walking together, which gave Foster an idea.
"Okay, once the dust stirs up start firing like there's no tomorrow"
"I thought I was supposed to give the orders here" replied Keaton.
"Whatever, jut do it…it should work" said Joe,
"Fine but use you're SMG."

Foster hurled the grenade into the oncoming aliens, they looked down at the green foreign object bouncing towards them, the Elites were the only ones who had time to ditch before blew them all to hell. The Grunts went soaring backwards followed suit by the Jackals; it was a small form of chaos. Keaton and Foster started unloading into the wall of dust; they had heard a couple of screams and thuds so they decided to wait for the dust to clear out.

Nothing moved, and then the bodies, they had dropped them all,
"Holy shit it actually worked!" yelled Paul,
"What, you didn't think it would work?" asked Joe, looking over at Keaton, clearly stung by his words,
"Did you?" he replied,
"Well…no not really" Foster laughed,
"Let's, try and find a radio…" said Keaton in a more business like tone,
"Alright…." said Foster.

The two walked in silence for awhile searching buildings for radios and other goods, they turned down Second Ave. Paul was lagging behind Joe just to make sure he hadn't looked anything of importance over. Keaton caught up with Foster and noticed he was starring at a large billboard of very attractive women in lingerie.
"This you're girlfriend?" asked Paul with a grin,
"I wish!" replied Joe laughing
"Thank god for women prancing around in thongs" said Keaton
"Amen to that"
"C'mon lets keep moving"

They started moving when the tell-tale sound of plasma met their ears followed by gunfire, human gunfire, they looked at each other and ran towards the sound. They turned a corner, Paul in front, and he ran straight into and Elite, it turned and looked down at the puny human, roared with anger, it was about to beat him to death, Paul closed his eyes and shielded his face, he heard a distance sniper round, Keaton looked up, wondering why it was taking so long, only to see a blood-squirting Elite, minus the head fall backwards landing on the curb, further disorientating its body. Foster ran up and helped Paul up,
"No problem, I though u were a goner!" said Joe
"Yeah, thanks for the help buddy" replied Keaton, fixing Joe with a cold stare.
A Marine ran up behind them, carrying his sniper rifle,
"Corporal John Hughes, C Company."
"Thanks, where's the rest of you're squad?" asked Keaton,
"Dead, fire fight not to far from here, I hid in that apartment, to get a good vantage point but we were outnumbered, I picked off some, but the rest-"
John was cut off by a blood-curdling scream, and more plasma fire,
"This way," said John, the others followed him into another building, to the top floor were there was a dead marine slumped against the wall, some bio-foam, extra ammo and a radio.

They looked out the window and watched as three Covenant drop ships unload a Wraith, a couple Ghosts, and six Elites, ten Grunts and 6 Jackals, and two Hunters.
"I thought they didn't we were here" said Foster
"Sure looks like it now" replied Hughes…

To be continued...
