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Fan Fiction

EndGame by Marcus

End Game: Chapter 1 - Strategy
Date: 31 October 2004, 4:40 AM


There was a strange feeling about drifting nowhere to any particular destination. The Reclamation of the central base on Delta Andromeda had failed, and only a small armada of Pelican drop ships remained in a constant void of seemingly endless black blanket dotted with tiny dots. Two of these drop ships contained what was now probably the most notable site in existence...the Spartans.
John, a.k.a. Master Chief, had taken the last possible position on the last Pelican that he could. It was just like the Chief to try and save everyone. For a Spartan, he sure was vitally conscious. I, on the other hand, was simply there to fight.

This was the Age of the Great Proclamation. None of that mattered to a Spartan. To us, it was the age of brand new MJOLNIR suits and enhanced weaponry to fight off the Covenant. Our new suits were truly a work of art. We were no longer aloud to know the chief engineers of the suits, for security reasons. Basically, they didn't want us giving up the smartest people on our side if we were ever caught and tortured. Torture, ha, none of them have ever fought the Covenant.

Our suits really didn't change in appearance, unless you were a female. The new suits now fit the contour of the female body. The engineers obviously decided that the suits that they previously wore were just too bulky for a smaller body. Women were also aloud to grow their hair out, as long as it was pinned up. Politics had consumed war in the blink of an eye, and in this day and age, women controlled sixty percent of politics. And women are all about looks.

The new weaponry was an amazing improvement. The Master Chief stuck with his MA5B. He says that the older guns are always the best. The new ones however, the CL45A was another work of art. The same people who redid our suits designed it. It had the capacity to fire live metal ammunition, along with the Covenant's pulse ammunition. We were all used to those weapons anyhow.

The drop ships that held us were extremely tiny. It was a container with no greater purpose than to carry you from point A to point B. Ever once in a while, a few Spartans jerry-rig a Pelican to fire off a MAC or two, but nothing permanent. I sat two seats from the Master Chief, with my gun lashed around my neck and sitting in my lap. No one sat in between us, but we weren't on speaking terms. No grudge was held, because in war, we didn't have time for grudges, we just stayed clear of each other.

The main reason we had a small dispute is because on Alpha Andromeda I could have swore I saw another enemy flank us on the right that wasn't the Covenant. My report read that they looked very human. The Master Chief said that I had no respect for my own kind. I'm hoping to find this enemy, so John will have a big "I told you so," coming to him.
It was strange. The Covenant had beaten us before, but not enough to retake our base and drive us off a planet. When all that was done, they destroyed all of our carriers, and most of our Pelicans. This is why I didn't disregard my seeing the other enemy. There was no way the Covenant could have pulled all that off by themselves. Regardless of how resourceful they are.

I remember reading in history texts that humans used to wage war on each other, and suddenly everyone thinks it's bad to assume that there are still evil people in the world who may just want to help the Covenant because they think the Covenant will win; fat chance that is.
Despite recent rumors, I am very much a patriot to my own planet, but even a patriot of my stature has to question the means of the new age politics. The world had gone completely to politics and left the days of war behind. There's been talk of political meetings with Covenant Leaders and human leaders. Of course, it is only talk...who are we to believe everything we hear?

I sat and watched the Master Chief gaze at the mag on his MA5B. I tried to say something to him, but no words came out. I think he knew I was trying to talk to him, because he turned to me and stared at me for a moment.
"Listen, kid, you're pretty new in my squad so I'm cutting you a break. Next time, think before you say something." The Master Chief told me.

That was it; it was the last straw for me. I couldn't take his selfish arrogance anymore. Despite his irrefutable history of being right, I had to open my big mouth.
I stood quickly; dropping my gun to my side, "Screw you!"
He stared at me for a minute, "Your temper's going to get you killed."

"Not by you it's not, and certainly not with you. How can you be such a skeptic to a valid point," I told him, pointing to a none existent fact.
He quickly stood and grabbed my left arm, twisting as hard as he could. I suddenly found my face pressed hard against the metal floor of a drop ship and my left wrist twisted tightly behind my back.

I heard a footstep at the door, "Am I interrupting something?"

Major General Fields had walked in on our little squabble. This man had worked with John a lot in the past few years. I doubt John would get more than a slap on the wrist for this little incident. On top of that embarrassing moment, it got worse. Sarah, the girl I had my eye on ever since I realized that everything isn't about war, walked in as well. I hated feeling venerable, but feeling venerable around the girl I loved was even worse.
John's grip on my wrist slowly released after a word from the General, "Don't kill him yet, Chief, there's still war to be fought."

I was suddenly free, and I stood as straight as I could without showing the pain in my wrist.
"Listen here, you two, we're heading to Beta Andromeda to pick up some heavy artillery. We're getting floating Mac Cannons, Battle Cruisers, and they even have a new Mark IV Lorther Cruiser," Sarah informed us.

The Mark IV was the finest battle cruiser ever built. The same engineers as our new MJOLNIR suits and the CL45A weapons designed it. It could carry half a planets worth of people. It was built in space instead of on a planet because it was so big. It was the strongest weapon we had against the Covenants, and we owned five of them. Fortunately for us, we get to use one of them.
No doubt with the Master Chief with us, the Mark IV wouldn't make it back in one piece.

"General, permission to substitute one member of my team," John requested.

"I'd like to volunteer for that," I replied.
The General looked at us, "I won't have this petty bickering. You're both the best so you'll be on a team together. However, we will be taking on a few passengers. Master Chief, I think you'll like some of the new crew."
The Master Chief looked at him strangely.

I felt a tiny bit of heat come from the sides of the damaged ship I was on as we entered the atmosphere. Of course when a Spartan says he "feels" something, that means his suit told him of a temperature change, and he never really felt anything.

A sudden deceleration came and then the slightly bumpy landing. The doors opened and I stood, holding my wrist. The Master Chief walked out of the drop ship, talking with the General. I walked out right behind him as I heard a few steps behind me.

"Marcus, wait up," Sarah called form behind.
I dropped my right hand from my left wrist and pretended nothing happened. I looked at her intently.

"We have two days of leave and we get our suits off for those two days. A Spartan actually getting leave, sounds like a historic event," she said, looking at me.
"Yeah, sounds great," I said, strangely.

She stared for a moment then began to speak again, "You want to get a drink afterwards?"

I suddenly became surprised, "Yeah, absolutely! I...I mean...that'd be great."

She walked out in front of me and proceeded to the armory where our suits would be removed. I began to walk out onto the ramp with a sudden fade in my eyesight. I began to stagger in my walk and I lost my footing, falling onto the ramp with no visible sight at all. I was overwhelmed in a strange thought.

I began to relive Delta Andromeda. I remember looking around at the Master Chief. That was when I saw it again, a small group of humans flanking us. I remembered staring incoherently at them before they opened fire on us and we retreated.


I came to in a hurry. I looked around at the inside of the armory. I rubbed my aching wrist again and noticed that there was no metal surrounding it. I stared at my bare body. My eyes were still hazed from my awkward daydreaming. Regardless of how bad my eyesight was, there was no doubt that I was completely naked. I didn't even have civilian clothes. I heard the pneumatics of the door kick on and Sarah walked in.

"Sarah, what in the hell..." I said, trying to cover myself.
She giggled, "Forget, Marcus, I've been here with your naked body for almost four days. The Master Chief cut off the blood flow to your brain when he pressed you to the ground. You'll feel the effect for another few days."

"Looks like our leave is up, huh?" I said suddenly realizing something, "Why are you still in civilian clothes?"

She stepped a bit closer, tossing me some pants, "Marcus, Delta Andromeda was completely destroyed yesterday as the Spartans were preparing to leave. We're on leave until further notice. I guess that means until the politicians can get their collective asses together."
A bit of disappointment along with some excitement came to me. I slipped the pants on and looked back at Sarah, now noticing that the Spartan program had even let the women grow their hair out to a decent length...those crazy politicians.

"Well," I said, shirtless, "Can I get you that drink, now?"
She smiled, "You know the rules. No drinking on standing leave. We could be called out anytime."
"Who's going to know?" I asked with a smile.
I could tell she would go along with me, regardless of the "rules." I'd have to answer to the Master Chief if I was caught drinking, but what's he going to do? After almost killing me the first time, I don't think he'll be brave enough to risk the life of another fighter in this crazy war. But who knows...lately John has been on the offside.
