
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Echo-427, The Redemption by Dunck1666

Echo 427, Lock and Load part I
Date: 12 December 2004, 8:45 PM

Sergeant Johnson and his platoon of marines piled out of the Pelican drop ship in the abandoned street. Their Battle rifles at the ready, the marines looked up and down the street for any signs of Covenant forces, just at that momment Corporal Jakes spotted some jackals and opened fire. "CEASE FIRE, I told you this was a STEALTH MISSION!" bellowed Johnson, but there was no point in being stealthy anymore, the Covenant spotted them and were firing. Marks had been hit badly and needed help, he stumbled backwards then fell over leaving bloood everywhere. Luckily there was a Medic/Marine accompanying them and crouched down to aid him. By this time the marines were diving in all directions for cover. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" yelled Pierce, a small but vicious marine, as he chucked a frag grenade over his head, the grenade blew up sending an elite flying."YOU LIKE THAT, HUH?" Pierced laughed. Davidson ran across the street to a dead marine, who had been there previously and picked up his SMG, now holding two, he rolled out into the middle of the street and let loose killing three jackals and a couple of grunts, but he quickly spent his magazines and rolled back for cover.

"GRENADE!" screamed Dubliner, a tall lanky woman, but it was too late the plasma grenade blew up inches away from her killing her instantly. "DAMNIT!" barked Johnson, kknowing he had lost a good marine, "SARGE, THERE'S TOO MANY OF 'EM, WE NEED BACK UP!" bellowed Davidson from across the street. Corporal Jakes picked up his radio and spoke firmly into it, "Any UNSC Forces near Drop point "RZ-RED", we need immediate back up, I repeat, we need immediate back up!"

"Rhino get you're ass over here, NOW!" yelled Johnson
-"What is it, sir?" replied Rhino with his Australian accent
-"You see that door the elites are coming out of?"
-"Yeah." said Rhino uncertainly
-"BLOW IT UP!" boomed Johnson in his ear.

And with that last reply, Rhino aimed his rocket launcher at the door and pulled the trigger, the door was blasted and rubble came tumbling down from above sealing the door.
"LET'S MOPE UP THE REST OF 'EM!" yelled Jakes, punching the air in a silent cheer. The last jackal was picked of by Johnson, and then there was a response on the radio, "Echo-427 inbound we've got you're back up!" then within a few minutes another Pelican landed and five marines jumped out.

Now the twelve marines (Marks had recouvered quickly) scanned the street for any movemment. Johnson and Jakes were talking in a corner. "Sorry about that." said Jakes remmebering what he had done to bring out the Covenant.
-"No need Corporal, but where the hell did they come from?"
-"I don't know but we should move out before more come."
-"Good idea." replied Johnson
"Marines, lock and load, were mo-
Then all of a sudden there was a big blast above them, they all looked up just in time to see a Pelican with flamming wings crash about 6 clicks from where they were.

The marines all looked at their Sergeant, as if they were able to read his mind to see what he was about to say.
"All rigth marines, new assignment, we are going to locate and search for the survivors of that Pelican, understood?" boomed Johnson
-"SIR, YES, SIR!" the marines chanted back
-"Dam right... now move, on the double.

"Sir, we've spotted some smoke about three clicks away from here, permission to scout the area?" reported a tall but buff marine, Tanlee was his name.
-"Denied marine, were sticking together on this one, but we will be moving out shortly."
-"Yes sir." replied Tanlee and he moved away polishing his SMG. After what seemed like an hour, where the marines got some shut-eye and took turns on the look outs, the squad moved out. About three or fours hours later they found the Pelican: there was a foul smell of rotting bodies. The marines looked around in disgust as the dead soldiers lay motionless on the ground with blood everywhere, there were also a couple of grunts but it was obvious that there were no surivors. "Dam..." swore Johnson.
"Well marines were to late, might as well move out-
-"What is it?"
-"I'm gettin something on the radio."
All the soldiers were listening now, but it was hard to make the transmission out because it getting cut out by gunshots
"We need help- Covenant everywhere- following coordinates 42
degrees- South- circular- building. Over."
