
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Earth's Finest Hour by Corporal kick ass

Final Hour
Date: 9 January 2005, 5:28 AM

O:1800 hours, July 4, 2552 (military calendar)
Sol system, New Stalingrad Russia

      Final Hour

      Two marines of the UNSC corps headed down the road to a bunker on the edge of the city. The bunker a steal plated rounded off section of a cruiser had been built in place on the edge of a low hill. The base HQ rose towering above the bunker.
Wire was wrapped around the bunker's edges and two fifty caliber's were mounted inside looking out the peep slits.
      A titanium door was closed next to the bunker and one on the bunkers inside. As the marines looked up a formation of five Longswords flew over. Ted, one of the marines looked up and followed the fighter's path. They flew ahead and branched off right and left.
      "Interesting, look how they're splitting up," he said pointing. The fighters flew back around and regrouped leaving the atmosphere.
      "I see what you mean,' said Jared, the other marine. They moved farther towards HQ where they were to regroup and get ready to defend Earth from the invading Covenant.
      "Look," yelled a marine. Ted looked up and saw a series of fireworks and flashes in the sky and a huge flash appeared. One of the Orbital guns exploded. Ted, a very young 18-year-old looked to Jared a 25 year old who looked scruffy and shaggy. He had long shaggy hair and a scruffy beard. Ted had a shaved head, strong forearms and torso. People said he looked like Riddik from The Chronicles of Riddick a show that appeared in 2004, years before now. Ted's comment usually was "I'll get myself some of those goggles before I kick your ass."
      The fighters that flew over the base radioed in.
      "Alfa Base, this is Fox Trot, you have incoming hostile forces, repeat incoming hostile forces," they said before they were cut off.
      The doors to the right of the bunker opened and out marched a squad of Russian ODST's along with two Warthogs.
      "Oh, crap, the former Russians of the Old World," remarked Jared. The Russians stopped and stood still.
      "Today my friends, we fight not for ourselves or each other, not for Halo, but for old Mother Russia. The first one from battle will be shot or will not fight will be shot," said the Lieutenant.
      "We will fight on for our faith, for our planet, and for Mother Russia," yelled the Lieutenant.
      "Urah," they yelled as one. The ODSTs filled the outer defenses digging in and waiting. Scorpions where brought up and positioned along with five Jackhammer rocket launcher. Noise was heard and then one banshee broke a cloud's surface. Everyone aimed their weapons at it.
      "Hold it," yelled the Lieutenant. Two more banshees appeared growing closer. Then a cruiser broke the surface.
      "Fire," screamed the Lieutenant. The men opened fire launching lead and a hail of missiles, and rockets. Two banshees went down in the first exchange of fire. Then Phantoms appeared thirty of them and dropped off their baggage. Grunts and Jackals along with Hunters and gold armored Elites landed on the ground. The ODSTs charged into the massive army.
      "Stupid," muttered Ted. He looked to where the ODSTs had been. Standard issue marines filled the trenches. Just then a rocket came screaming over Ted's head impacting the Covenant army's left flank. For the first time in Ted's life he felt afraid, very afraid. He closed his eyes and tried to shut it out. The noise was everywhere, he couldn't think and then he opened them. ODSTs were getting cut down as grunts shot them repeatedly. Ted screamed in anger and fury and fired running into the battle.
      "Ted," screamed Jared who stood thee watching in shock as his friend ran to his death it seemed. Jared saw a marine running away until a Leutinant shot him in the back. Jared ran at him and screamed.
      "You bastard," he yelled as he grabbed the mans neck and pointed the pistol in his hands at the mans head. The man looked at him and laughed. Jared pulled the trigger and sent 12.7mm bullet into the mans head. The bullet shattered through the mans skull and exploded out the other side. The man's eyes went wide before he fell over.
      "Damn waste," he said.
      "Retreat, fall back,' yelled a marine on the other side of the hill. The marine appeared on top of the hill in front of Jared and saw it was Ted. Ted waved on the ODSTs before plasma struck his side knocking him over the side.
      "No," screamed Jared running to him. ODSTs retreated and stood on the hill. Five were cut down instantly and then so were the rest as hundreds of plasma shots hit them. A group of ODSTs ran past Jared to help their comrades. The first two took two head shots one to each of their heads. Their faceplate cracked and melted away causing their face to melt and eyes to fall out. They screamed in agony.
      "Hold, them," yelled a marine in the trenches firing his MA5B propelling led through Covenant bodies. Covenant lay strewn about in front of the trench and more on the other side of the hill. Marines opened up armed with MA5Bs and BRRs and SMGs.
A Pelican roared overhead and dropped of a squad of five VDFODSTs Veteran Delta Force Orbital Drop Shock Troopers was written on their sleeves. LDS was also written, It stood for London Defense squad. Their symbol was associated with a big red fist on a cobra snake. Their uniforms were red and not black like the others. Covenant filed over and the VDFODSTs ran up and climbed into the trenches armed with a MA5B and BRR combination gun. The Covenant began to lose more troops as more Pelicans dropped of marines. The Covenant began to retreat across the plain on the otherside of the hill. Three Longswords flew over and bombed the rest of them.
      "Hang in there buddy we'll get you patched up," said Jared looking at Ted. Medics arrived and took Ted away.
      "Excuse me, but Tony Memdez field sergeant wants to see you,' said a marine to Jared. He nodded and followed the marine into the bunker and up through an elevator and through some more titanium doors before leaving him at Tony's office.
      "How are you son,' said the sergeant.
      "Im fine,"
      'Good becaue your leading the VDFODSTs as of now, you leave in five minutes," said the sergeant.
      "Thank you sir," Jared said shaking his hand. He left the room grabbed his gear and boarded Pelican Z752 and looked down on the base as the Pelican rose into the air as he sat there with strangers hoping Ted would be alright and that they'd see each other again.
