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Fan Fiction

Desert Brigade by Martin Cahill

Desert Brigade: Part 1 “Contact”
Date: 18 September 2004, 10:49 PM

He knew, though he couldn't actually feel it through the suit, that it was hot and dry. Hot and dry like everyday.
"Felix," said an ODST running up and saluting, "You're needed at the CP stat. Colonel Matthias wants to see you. Says it's important."
"Thank you, Sergeant Speirs," said Felix slightly unhigned by the way Speirs had used his real name, but then again Felix liked his real name, but people seemed to only address him so in extreme situations. He ran to the CP, which instead of being its usual quiet self, was abuzz with activity. Felix moved into the prefabricated building that was the CP. He took a seat at a bench in front of the Colonel's office where the Lt. Colonel was sitting looking over some documents Felix couldn't see. As he sat waiting for his turn in line he over heard some of the officers talking in anxious and scared tones...
"How many ships!?!"
"Are they gonna glass us!?!"
"Lord help us!"
"Lieutenant, the Colonel will see you now," said the Lt. Colonel barely looking up at all from his work.
Felix saluted as a ashened-faced Major exited the Colonel's office.
"Hello, Lieutenant, please have a seat," said the Colonel, who had the back of his chair facing the door.
"I'll stand, sir," said Felix gruffly.
"Suit yourself," said Matthias, who waved his hand and some holograph pictures appeared over his desk. Most showed the space surrounding space which he saw was now full of Covenant ships.
"These were taken this morning by one of our orbital satellites. There's a total of roughly thirty ships, but I suppose the most comforting fact comes from the knowledge that these guys are an invading force. I'm sure you recall yesterday what we found in those Forerunner ruins...I know that these Covies have come to collect. Or so our AI has been able to translate their transmission..."
"They want us to surrender the artifact and they will let us leave this system quietly...or we fight to the last man and hopefully our destress beacon will not go unheard..."
"Pardon me, sir, but I thought that goes against Cole Protocol-"
"To hell with protocol, I'm going to tell you something that cannot leave this room. The Covenant have found Earth," said the Colonel turning around in his chair and looking Felix in the eye, or as best he could through his lens.
There was silence as Felix contemplated this new information.
"So do you think the reinforcements will arrive, Colonel?"
"You know the answer to that question as well as i do," said the Colonel, still staring him straight in the eye.
"What do you propose we do, sir?" said Felix.
"The way I see it is they land their invasion forces amass as a whole, and we group up and they try bargaining one last time before the attack begins. That is the crucial time. When they start talking we need to be ready with enough snipers to take out most of their Elites. As soon as the first Elite hits the ground we charge their ranks opening fire with everything we have. Let's hope for our sake they don't bring armor support..."
"That sounds like suicide, sir," said the Spartan.
"I know what you're thinking, but remember what you've learned about history, think of Thermopylae, the Battle of the Bulge, the Alamo, and just about any other situation where the smaller force was dominate in battle; not because of their strength, but because of their wit," said the Colonel.
"Sir, two of those battles ended with the weaker force completely destroyed, no survivors," said Felix who remember back when he was being taught by an AI in a room full of the other Spartans who were then children.
"Well, I think you'd have fun trying to convince these Marines and ODSTs to run from a fight, especially, since if they did it would be our first ground battle lost," said Matthias, a grin spreading over his face.
"Understood, sir, fight to the last man. Do you want me to tell the men now or...?" said Felix inquizzitively.
"Might as well tell them now Captain," said Matthias saluting and handing Felix a small box, which he opened and did indeed contain a Captain's insignia.
"Sir, yes sir," said Felix returning the salute.
"Also, tell them they will be briefed more fully on this matter and 1530 hours," said the Colonel as an after thought.
"Yes, sir, understood," said Felix.

Desert Brigade: Part 2
Date: 21 September 2004, 9:07 PM

Felix strode down the rows of barracks where all the troops slept and lived for the past three months. And now their garrison was threatened.'
"Fox Company, front and center!" Felix shouted when he got to his company's barracks. The three platoons of ODSTs appeared in front of him.
"At ease, boys, I have some good news and bad news," said Felix in a loud voice.
The ODSTs exchanged some quick glances at each before Felix spoke again.
"The good news is I am now Captain of Fox Company," said Felix to loud cheers.
"I wouldn't cheer just yet," said Felix silencing the men, "The bad news is that the Covenant are on their way here right now. Lucky for us we have something they want so they won't glass us from space. They have sat on their throne and asked our surrender and they will do it again before this is over, but we are ODSTs, we will never surrender! At 1530 today you will be briefed by Colonel Matthias on our situation. And never forget 'Feet first into Hell!' Dismissed."
Felix saluted the men who fell out and returned to the barracks. He walked to the edge of the encampment and stared into the semi-flat desert wasteland which he knew would become a killing ground. He took off his helmet and wept. He wept for everyone who had died during the war and those who would die soon enough. He looked into the desert and rubbed his eyes.
"What are you looking at Captain?" said a voice from behind him.
"The future, Speirs," said Felix not looking at him.
"We're going to die, aren't we, sir," asked Speirs who stared into the desert.
"No, Speirs, we are either going to be remembered or live, dying is only a part of it," said Felix putting his helmet back on.
Felix looked at his watch and spoke, "C'mon Sarge we gotta attend that briefing."
"Yes sir," said Speirs helping Felix to his feet.
They walked toward the parade ground where the entire brigade was standing at ease. A stage had been erected where the Colonel would stand and only shortly after had Felix and Speirs arrived Matthias walked out in front of the soldiers who instantly snapped to attention.
"At ease, men," said Matthias, "As most of you probably have heard from your COs the Covenant are headed our way big time. In fact part of their advance unit has already landed. By tomorrow their ground forces will be all over this planet. They are searching for the artifact we discovered yesterday. Now tomorrow they will set up their army with most likely a mix of Grunts and Jackals in the front ranks with Elites behind them and beyond that Wraiths and possibly Hunters before the tanks. Possibly Banshees dominating the air and maybe a column of Ghosts in the extreme front of the army. Now it is likely they will have one Elite act as a negotiator and we will have our own negotiator, which is Captain Felix. Now since we are not surrendering we will have surprise on our side when we attack. Now this order goes to all snipers; you are to target as many Elites as possibly and when the negotiator is taken out you are to open fire and kill them thus disrupting their chain of command and causing utter chaos for several moments. At the same time our Warthogs, which will occupy our first line will charge forward while our tanks simultaneously take out their Ghost and Wraiths. Our rocket men should concentrate upon knocking out their Banshees. The Warthogs should do their best to break through their lines while our Scorpions advance while firing and our infantry will be right behind them. This plan of attack should minimize our casualties while devastate the Covenant ranks. Now as a necessary precaution we have destroyed the artifact that they are looking for. Alright boys I want you to eat well tonight and get a decent sleep because tomorrow we ride to war. By the way dinner tonight is steak or the Quartermaster informs me. Everyone check your weapons and ammo tonight and if you are low or just require extra ammo visit the armory which will be giving out ammo as needed. Everyone is dismissed. Captain Felix come with me."
Felix followed the Colonel out of the parade grounds.
"Felix tomorrow I want you say whatever you want to buy time for our snipers. The Covenant will expect you to be unarmed, but I want you to conceal in any way possibly your combat knife to give you an easier time killing their negotiator who is likely to be armed. I just need you to stall them for two minutes, that's all I ask of you," said Matthias looking him straight in the face.
"Understood, sir," said Felix.
"Good, now the first Warthog in our formation will take you to the negotiation grounds which will likely be the midpoint between our forces. I want you to put your weapons on board that Warthog, but keep them hidden from view. After killing their negotiator you will ride into battle at the front of our forces," said Matthias still staring Felix in the face.
"Sir, yes sir," said Felix saluting.
"Good. Dismissed."

Desert Brigade: Part 3
Date: 11 October 2004, 1:45 AM

Desert Brigade: Part 3 "Showdown"
Dinner that night was a solemn affair. In Felix's memory it was the quietest he had ever heard the men. To them it seemed to be a last meal, each man condemned to death in only several hours. Felix did not eat that night. Instead he sat in the barracks with Sergeant Speirs. They sat in silence cleaning their weapons; Speirs was cleaning his rifle and check his sights on it, while Felix was cleaning his two SMGs who he affectionately called Eleanor and Cyan. By the time they were done cleaning the men started returning to the barracks and doing what they had just finished. Speirs and Felix walked by the armory to pick up ammo and already a line had formed. They waited patiently for their turn and quickly got the ammo they desired. They went back to the barracks which had emptied when the ODSTs left to get their ammo and they tried to fall asleep. No one really got much sleep that night. Many soldiers played cards into the morning of the next day, while others sent vid-mail to their families back on Earth, and still others read the Bible.
At 0600 the call came for the snipers and cavalry units to get into position. Felix said, "See you when the bullets fly" to Speirs as he left with the cavalry units. By 0700 the rest of the brigade was to assemble as per instructed. At 0830 Colonel Matthias stood near Felix at the front of the group looking at what was thought to be a sandstorm through his binoculars. However, those who did look at the cause of the dust saw the Covenant at the base of the cloud. Leading the front of the Covenant army was as Matthias predicted Ghosts, but what startled him were what followed a line maybe half a mile long of Jackals and behind them were Grunts and Hunters and ever so often some Brutes. Beyond that were the Elites commanding the army forward. Even behind the Elites were Wraith tanks, as well as a squadron of about thirty Banshees. The Covenant army halted a mere half mile away from the Human lines. Matthias handed the binoculars to Felix and asked, "What do you make of their formation?"
"Well, sir, it looks like they set up as a phalanx; the Jackals' shields will deflect most of the small arms fire until our Warthogs make them road-kill, but it seems that their confidence lies in the Jackals, if we break their lines some of the Grunts may likely disobey orders and retreat, but the Brutes and Hunters pose a really big threat to our armor. Even in their chain of command is broken with the Elites being killed the Hunters and Brutes may yet push them forward. Also, the Wraiths and Banshees will need to be obliterated within the first moments or we may suffer heavy casualties otherwise."
"Sound advice," said Matthias thoughtfully, "Yes, our Scorpions need to adjust targets our snipers need to be notified of the secondary targets then they can fire at will. Smyth," he said to a radioman behind him, "Tell the Scorpion crews to concentrate fire on the Wraiths before finding new targets. Also, notify rocket squads to make sure the Banshees are eliminated in one fell swoop. Tell the snipers that their secondary targets are the Brutes and Hunters, then they can fire at will."
Smyth relayed the message and Felix heard the whirring of turrets adjusting direction.
"So it begins," said Matthias as a single Ghost moved from the Covenant formation. It halted roughly halfway between the two armies. Felix jumped into the Warthog that was to carry him to the negotiator. A few moments later he was standing in front of a golden armored Elite.
"My name is Atra 'Solnoee'" said the Elite in broken English.
"My name is Felix," said Felix staring the Elite in the face, "I am here to discuss terms of surrender."
"You will drop your weapons now and hand over the artifact, you will be treated fairly as prisoners," said the Elite its lower mandibles clicking.
"Sounds reasonable. Just one thing...what is the artifact you are searching for we seem to be out..."
"You useless infidel! I demand you surrender the artifact now!"
"I have one condition for the surrender of the artifact..."
"What is your petty demand!?!"
"Your death," said Felix taking his concealed knife and thrusting it deep into the Elite's throat spraying him with purple blood. There was an explosion of noise from behind him as the Scorpions, snipers, and rockets opened fire. The effect of this fire devastated the Covenant ranks. The roar of the tank shells as these zoomed overhead was deafening. In front of him the Covenant ranks exploded. Several large plasma beams from the surviving Wraith tanks bore down on Felix. He quickly dodged out of the path long before the plasma slammed into the ground. However, his Warthog escort had been hit. He searched the wreckage and quickly found his two SMGs lying under the driver's burnt body and he took the man's grenades as well. He looked to the Covenant ranks as he raised his weapons. They were an ocean of activity; the Ghosts had charged forward and the scream of whatever remaining banshees quickly died under a series of explosions. The surviving mortar tanks had disappeared behind a column of smoke, their plasma shots falling short of the human ranks. From behind him Felix heard a roar of engines as the Warthogs surged forward and behind them the tanks moved up. Volley after volley of sniper rounds hit the Covenant ranks and where one alien fell another five rose to take its place. Felix remembering where he was ran toward the advancing Ghosts. The distance between him and them was quickly closed and found himself being stared down by an Elite in a Ghost only a hundred feet away. In two seconds the Ghost was upon him. Just when the Ghost was about to hit him he jumped, landing on its front. The Elite yelled something incoherent as Felix kicked off the front of it and slammed his feet into the alien's skull with a satisfying crack. Now in the driver's seat he turned it around and drove toward the other Ghosts firing with the plasma cannons on the front.
He had already taken out two other Ghosts when the Covenant pilots realized their lines had been compromised. After circling the two wrecks of his first victims He found himself staring down another Ghost. He and the Brute in the other Ghost charged toward each other. This was the deadliest game of chicken Felix had ever played and there was no way he was going to blink and he knew the Brute wasn't going to either. About halfway through the death charge Felix pulled the pin on a frag grenade and stuck it to the accelerator. By the time he had counted to three the two Ghosts were a mere ten feet from each other Felix bailed off. The Brute who had far too much forward momentum to avoid the crash hit the driverless Ghost at close to full speed and both Ghosts had been entangled. The Brute let out a roar which was quickly drowned out by the explosion of the frag grenade which caused a secondary explosion which sent metal shrapnel flying in a ten foot radius killing a passing Ghost pilot.
By now the Warthogs and the Ghost were within range of each other and both sides began firing at each other. Explosions rent the line as Ghosts and Warthogs alike exploded sending their drivers and passengers to the ground. Several of the Warthogs had broken through the Ghosts and advanced upon the Covenant line. There was an explosion of sound as the Scorpions fired into the Jackals standing in front of the rest of the Covenant. A shower of green plasma reached up from the Covenant line and arced down into the path of the oncoming Warthogs. The dead Jackals quickly provided patches where the Covenant had no shields in front of them and the Warthog drivers quickly exploited the weakness running over any alien in front of them shouting incoherently and passengers fired into the ranks.
