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Fan Fiction

Delta Squad Chronicles by John The Fisherman

Delta Squad Chronicles-First Contact
Date: 12 March 2008, 5:57 am

      It was his first day going out into the front lines, Salem was still a little nervous being with his squad straight from basic training. The first thing he was told by the sergeant was that the real war was nothing like basic training; it was much more gruesome and the way the Covenant treated their prisoners was not much better. Delta squad was composed of five members, including Salem. The first, and most hot-headed was Clyde, he was a largely built man, he had so much muscle, he needed a specially fitted armor for him. Next, was 'Leper' he was the quiet one of the group, but he was also the most sharp-eyed of all the spartans in the squad. Third came Mike, the most loose-ended of the five, he was the demolition expert, but he made so many jokes when defusing bombs and such that the others seemed to doubt his ability. Fourth was the Sergeant, he never told them his real name or what his nickname was, everybody just called him 'Sarge' he had the most experience of the squad, and he also kept the groups he led together when everything seemed to fall apart. Finally, came Salem, he was generally the loudmouth and the first to jump into combat, at least that was the way he acted in basic training.
      Salem was begging to see live combat for the first time, it had been five days since he was assigned to Delta squad, and he never saw a single Covenant soldier, not even a lowly grunt would satisfy his thirst for combat. The squad moved through remnants of abandoned schools, hotels, and hospitals, the blood of those who met their demise stained the corridors of the buildings. Sarge ordered Leper to scout ahead to see if there were any snipers across the street from the shambles of the hotel they were patrolling. Before he could get within three feet of the window, a pencil-thin metallic-blue beam of light struck Leper on the left shoulder, before the second beam raced through the window, Leper ducked under the wall the window was built upon. To distract the attention of the sniper, Salem began to blind-fire his magnum from behind the other side of the room. Seizing his chance, Leper fired his .50 cal sniper rifle(the Halo sniper rifle is modeled after the Barret, which uses .50 caliber rounds) into the crown of the jackal's skull, sending the purple-ish blood splattering into the wall.

"That was a good call, but it was also stupid, I don't want to see you doing something like that again unless I tell you to, got it Salem?" Sarge barked.

"Yessir, I wasn't thinking, I knew Leper needed a chance to shoot, or he would have been killed. The jackal would have hit him if I hadn't distracted him, sir," stated Salem.

       Salem began to make his way down the flight of stairs when he heard the distant voices of brutes barking orders, and grunts quarreling with each other. Sarge, hearing this too, led the squad to the balcony of the center courtyard, just above the group of covenant hunting for fresh meat. Clyde saw this as his time to shine, so he tossed a plasma grenade into the group of squabbling grunts, and jumped down to the lower level to fight it out hand-to-hand with the brute captain. Sarge ordered the others to help Clyde, Mike tossed his homemade grenade into the scattered members of the Covenant squad, while Salem proceeded to fire off his assault rifle at the ones who tried to fight back. Clyde was struck once by the brute captain's gravity hammer, and was sent hurtling down the hall, landing face-first into the wall, leaving an imprint of his armor. Sarge, seeing his ally being sent flying, leaped over the balcony with his shotgun in hand, ready to take on the brutes single-handedly. He pumped three shells into the thick skull of the brute captain before he finally fell to the ground. Clyde, now back in the courtyard, seized the gravity hammer, and continued his routine examinations for injuries. None of the men found any injuries, so they carried on.
      After trekking across half a state, the men found themselves in the center of Los Angeles, California, or what was left of it. The men went down the streets to find any signs of human life. When they came to a large park, the men felt the ground rumble, the big buns were here. Sarge order the squad to find cover around the building near the park, a scarab was approaching very quickly. The men of Delta squad had to set up a way to board the large(literally) walking tank. They had to destroy it from the inside, but how? It was too far to jump onto, even from the tops of the skyscrapers.

To be continued....
