
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Covenant vs Aliens by Mantis

Covenant vs Aliens, Part one
Date: 23 January 2005, 4:08 PM


Part one...
The Arrival....

January 6 1953
earth time...

A covenant ship prowled the outer realms of a small solar system... The systems star
was in the process of going to red giant status.... several nearby planets were obliterated, One
planet out of five remained. The ship had taken heavy damage due to a solar storm spewing
lightning bolts throughout its slow moving cloud. The crew needing to stop and effect repairs
headed for the planet. It was a small planet, about 1500 kilometers in diameter with just enough
gravity for stable walking. The Zealot Commander of the ship, Narr'achta, was reluctant to go
down there. The planet had heavy ice storms of methane and lightning. Only a grunt in a heavy
fur coat would go down there. Several grunts and two elites in breathing aparatuses were prepped and ready to go out and escort engineers incase of any danger...

Officer Raren'Te was the first to set foot on the barren ice planet, and His partner for
life Gran'dree, a female Arbiter, was right behind him. "Gah! This place is colder than than that
blizzard back at home!" Raren'Te growled. "Maintain Discipline! form defensive perimeter!
If you see anything tell me!" The grunts stumbled off to set up turrets and set up barrier
shields. One particular grunt was too curious for his own good and wandered off into the
blizzard, enjoying the methane atmosphere. He set up a image enhancer scope to see through
the thick frozen fog. He yelped in surprise as he saw a huge circular object in the distance...
A ship? a mountain? A donut? Several questions formed in his mind. He activated his
communicator. "Leader! Quick! huge thing in distance! look scary!" Raren'Te, his partner,
and two grunts came to him. "What is it, Grunt?" the grunt pointed franticly to the
enhancer scope. "Look through!" Raren'Te looked through it. He quickly fumbled with his
communicator and spoke "Commander! we have found an object of uknown origin....
5 miles west of encampment." "An object? What object? Our scanners detect noth...."
A detection scanner beeped in the back ground...

"Commander! we are recieving a transmission over the short distance channel!"
"Play it..." The commander waited for anything.. ................... A huge blast of sound flooded
out of the speakers... "WaaaaRRRROOooooOoooooOOooooOOOoooo." "By the rings!"
Several elites whispered in horror. "Commander? Permission to investigate the object?"
Gran'dree asked in a questionable tone. "..." "Sir?" "Permission granted. But should there
be any conflict or battle, Retreat from the object."

Raren'Te and his fellow elites marched 5 miles through barren ice and poisonous
snow towards the object, Climbing over various high rock formations jutting out of the
ground at slanted angles. Several grunts got scared by eerie shadows formed by lighting
strikes flashing throughout the air. One grunt fainted and hit his head on a boulder. Another
tripped and was accidently stepped on by and elite. Gran'dree bieng a female wasn't fond
of the weather and forced her self to stay alert even though stinging pellets created a
loud constant storm of noise in her helmet. After a long hour they reached the object...
It turned out to be a huge cresent shaped ship... there were several huge entrances, looking
like obscene pieces of organic anatomy hanging out as if they were fleshy tubes. They stopped
at a ground level entrance. "Turn on image enhancers! Stay alert!" They entered...
Huge fleshy looking pipes of metal lined every square inch of the walls... The floor and
ceilings were lined with frozen goop... They journeyed into the depths... They finnaly
found a huge open room... Everyone gasped... A huge creature... Fossilized to a
seat of some sort... Its eyes staring into the depths of a huge... Telescope? Its
hands gripping two control sticks. The group approached cautiously... A Soldier
Elite inspected the creature closer... It appeared to have a long elephant-like snout
that jutted out straight into a breathing unit... Below the breathing unit was a hole...
A huge gaping hole.. Looked to be burst from the inside... "This beast looks to have
swallowed some sort of explosive, A suicide attempt?" No, Not quite... Raren'Te
probed the lower seat. "The transmission is originating from this spot..." The
ground suddenly shifted and a piece of floor moved down like a switch. "The
transmission has stopped!" suddenly a line of light lit up across the floor. It
lead over to a shaft in the floor. Gran'dree peered into the shaft. She took a
plasma grenade and dropped it into the shaft. The grenades timer set to 10
seconds, Its explosion was barely visible in the shaft. Raren'Te watched in awe.
"Thats a long fall for even for someone as large as that beast..." Gran'dree nodded
her head in agreement. "I say we explore further down..."

It wasn't long until a make shift rope elevator was done. Several grunts were
first to go down. Raren'Te went down, Then Gran'dree, And three other elites. The others
stayed up stairs making sure the rope didn't break. It took 15 minutes just to reach bottom.
They explored a huge tube like cargo bay of sorts... Several objects varying in size and shape
were scattered across the room. "Me got bad feeling about this." A grunt whispered. "You
have bad feeling every day!" Another grunt barked. An elite was making various reports to
the commander over the comm link. "There are several objects... Many appear to have broke
and rotted over time..." They finnaly came to a foggy pit, several leathery objects, looking to
be eggs, were scatered around in it. A faint floor of light hovered over the pit, the fog couldn't
come out of the pit. An elite tripped on a broke piece of flooring and rolled down into the pit.
He went straight through the light as if it wasn't there. "Hey! You alright?" The elite stood up
and dusted his suit off. "An elite is ever strong!" He stared at one of the nearby objects. He
touched one and examined it... Careful not to damage the delicate looking outer covering.
Something looked odd... a liquid on the outer shell... appeared to be moving... upward...
The shell turned translucent... He though he saw a pair of hands inside of it... He backed
away and pulled out his plasma rifle. The egg twitched and four "lips" on the top of it split
open.. He slowly tried to get a look on the inside of the egg... a goopy organism was squirming
about inside the egg. He reached out to poke it with his plasma rifle...... A huge spider burst
forth and attached to the elites helmet. A tail squeezing his neck. "RAhh!" The elite screamed.
"By the rings!" An Raren'Te hopped down to haul him out. "get.. it.. off.." The elite choked.
Several elites tried to pry the demonic spider off his face. "It won't come off!" "Quick get him
back to the ship!"

They reached the medical bay of the ship. The elites set him on a table, An elite got a
prying device and attempted to get the thing off. One elite put his fingers under the tail, The elite
with the device attempted to pry one of the legs off. The tail tightened up extemely and broke
the elites fingers. He screamed in pain. "RAAhH! IT HURTS" He pulled his fingers out and
they hang limply, unable to move. "Get the surgical laser!" A grunt brang it to him. He placed
it on one of the legs... FZZ... the leg spewed blood onto the floor. The blood ate its way through
the floor like acid. A grunt below watched the acid slowly eat through the next floor. The grunt
screamed in terror and fled. "That liquid could eat through the hull! IT COULD CAUSE A HULL
BREACH!" Gran'dree yelled. Two elites hurried down three floors. The acid had stopped half way
through the third floor. "That thing is dangerous!" He prodded the acid with a plasma pistol...
The entire front half of the gun began to smoke. "Gah!" He grunted and dropped it.

Back upstairs they used a med scanner to see what the thing was doing. After
a moment or two they saw a long tube was down the elites throat. The scanner however
couldn't penetrate any part of the creature. "Hrm," The medical elite pondered. "I guess
we'll just have to see what it will do." Several grunts and elites left, But Raren'Te stayed.
"If anything changes or happens to him. Tell me or the commander immediatly" Raren'Te
growled and left the room.

After a while of studying the pictures of the creature and taking notes. He left the room.
This elite was particularly odd, He didn't have a lower left mandible, he had a scar across his
right eye, and his right hand had a elite gauntlet over it. He entered the practice room silently.
Several elites and grunts were practicing command drills and fighting simulations. Gran'dree
was using weight equipment. Her shoulder armor was off and she wasn't wearing shin guards.
Her muscles exercising to their fullest potential. Several elites were admiring her from a distance.
But the med-elite wasn't. He sneaked around behind a stack of weapons. He waited.. She got up
and left the room to use the lavatory. He snuck up to the weight equipment and got a tiny sample
of acid and poured some of it onto the left grav propulsion thruster holding up the weights. The
thruster flickered and tried to continue functioning. Gran'dree returned later and began to lift more
weights. The grav thruster finnaly gave out after her second try. the left weights came off thier
harnesses and smashed into her left arm, hand, left foot head and stomach. Effectively stunning
her. "Arbiter?" A grunt had wandered over to Gran'dree. "Arbiter?" he yelped at the sight of
her wounds. "ELITE DOWN!" The grunt screamed and fled in fear. Several elites came and formed
a semi-circle around her. Raren'Te rushed in after the ruckus of the grunt screaming. "Whats happened?"
He pushed through the small crowd. He saw his partner for life bleeding before him. The last
thing he remembered before he went berserk was the med-elite snickering from behind a crate.

Covenant vs Aliens, Part Two
Date: 23 January 2005, 9:29 PM


Part two...


Day two of the horrid events...

When Raren'Te came to, He was strapped down on a table. "My head..." pieces of past events slowly came back to him. The med-elite... He had bashed him on the back of the head. But why... He remembered... Gran'dree! He craned his neck around the room... Odd feature #1... Dimly lit...He craned his neck even further. Odd feature #2... He was strapped down with odd gooey substances. He realized this wasn't a table. It was a wall! He saw a cloud of fog covering the floor. Several leathery objects were scattered across the floor. One was sitting in front of him... Its lips peeled back... Several legs poked their way out of the egg. It was questing... Searching. A voice... a voice was speaking to him... I Need You...
Come To Me... The living death trap sprang...

"AGH!" Raren'Te sat up from his bed. His eyes darting from one thing to the next. A dream... His head hurt badly... He reached up to feel the back of his head. A huge bump had risen from his skull. He was still in armor... He saw that his left shin guard was cracked and damaged. A copperish taste inside his cheek. He got up, grabbed his helmet, and left. He cautiously walked. The lights were off, meaning that it was night shift. He hurried to the medical room.

Gran'dree was lying on a med-bed. Several devices were holding her broken limbs up. she slept a troubled sleep, Occasionally twitching. Next to her was the poor elite. Wait... Where was the creature? He grabbed a communicator. "Commander! The creature we brought in... Its gone!" "What...?!" Narr'achta exclaimed. Several elites entered the room a moment later. They had field lights and plasma pistols ready, slowly probing every nook and cranny. An elite was checking under the beds. Another elite was checking behind medical equipment. The last elite was checking the grates on the walls. After a moment of searching, nothing was found of the creature. "Hey! hes waking up." The poor elite's eyes fluttered open. He grunted and got up. "My neck hurts..." He complained. "Well, well, It looks like the victims finnaly awake. Inform the commander." As Raren'Te left the room... the creature fell from the ceiling grating and landed on his shoulder. Out of pure reflex he grabbed it and flung it across the room. "BY THE RINGS!" The creature hit the wall and flopped lifelessly to the ground. "Quick! get a cage!" They scooped the dead creature into the cage and, with plasma rifles ready, watched it. "Is it.. alive?" "I think its dead." The creature made no attempt to move... The med-elite entered the room. "Whats all this then?!" He walked over to the cage and examined it. "Well done... Now I can study it." He opened the cage carefully, and reached in and grabbed it by the tail. "Well... Its dead..." Raren'Te kept an eye on the Med-elite. Putting away his plasma rifle he walked over to Gran'dree and held her hand. "thank the gods..." Gran'dree moaned andcraned her neck to get a look around the room. "By the gods... I feel like shit..." The Poor elite puzzled by the situation asked the most stupidest question. "What?" Then med-elite came to him and asked him simple questions like. "Do you remember what happened?" or "How do you feel?" He just couldn't remember. The only thing he did feel was bad hunger.

All the elites assembled at the mess hall. Making sure that all the grunts fell in line to get replicator rations. "BreakFAST!!" a line of rations was prepared for the elites. "Finnaly some decent food!" Several other elites muttered in agreement. The Poor elite was munching on raw meat. "Gah. I've got a hunger that could kill a hunter!" A nearby hunter pair snorted at the comment and resumed eating. Raren'Te sat by him and wolfed down his rations. "Ow... Cramp..." There was a chomping noise audiable throughout the room. The elite swallowed again. This time he coughed and grabbed his chest. "Whats wrong? the food to good for you?" a nearby elite laughed. The elites face turned pail and he dropped his food. "by... the... rings..." He fell over and started writhing about. "Sissy..." a nearby grunt barked. The elite started screaming. "What the.." Raren'te tried to help him up but he just continued to writhe. The elites chest bulged outward. Several elites pinned him down. "Whats wrong!?" a few elites tried to speak to him... He would only respond with a long humilating yell. The elites chest bulged outward again, But with blood coming out from underneath his armor. The elites pried his breast plate off. The elites suit ripped open. A huge snake burst out of his chest... It didn't have eyes.. it had a pair of under formed arms... With a elites mouth full of sharp teeth, It hissed. A nearby elite fainted. Several grunts stood there in horror. The hunter pair had both fuel rod cannons charged and ready to fire. The snake screeched and leaped across the room like a frog on coffee. An officer attempted to speak to the commander over the com-link, but the words wouldn't come... "We have a dead elite! He... He... His chest ripped open and this.. THING... appeared out of his chest..."

Narr'achta couldn't believe his ears... "Yellow alert! all personell report to your posts! We have an uknown life form aboard the ship! Repeat uknown life form aboard the ship!" He yelled through the ships speaker system.

Everyone that night was on edge. They spent hours searching the ship. They had ejected the Poor elites body out into space to rid the horrid sight. Soon afterwards, the crew had seen some very strange sights. Odd looking goop occasionaly dripped out of vents, strange hissing noises in the background, and the disapearance of an elite's pet. One grunt had found a skin lying on the floor. He picked it up and brought it back to the Medical room. The Med-elite was very interested in what the grunt had to say. "Funny looking black stuff on walls, and elite pet stuck to wall by goopy stuff." They soon shifted back to normal status after two days. Raren'Te was the only one who continued to patrol the halls.

Raren'Te walked along casually with plasma rifle ready. He turned a corner and heard something. At first he thought it was just a grunt plodding along, until. KATHUMP... He looked up... KATHUMP... Scrrrraaattttchhhh... He turned around the next corner. A pipe had been busted open and steam was flowing everywhere. He cautiously peered into the pipe. A huge force flung him back. A huge clawed hand had reached from the pipe and pushed him down. "Hissssss" It said. He was thrown down the hall way. He landed and began to fumble with his communicator. "ITS HERE! JUNCTION 5-C!" The huge beast was vaguely insectoid and humanoid. It had a huge elongated head with a crown-like carapace, it had four mandibles like an elite, and finnaly... IT HAD NO EYES. Raren'Te open fired on the beast. Its exoskeleton uneffected by the searing heat of the plasma. The beast lunged and attempted to rip Raren'Te in half. His sheilding held agaisnt the blow, scrambling for his fallen plasma rifle he kicked the beast in the face. It hissed and retorted with a huge tail wrapping around his foot. It picked him up and slammed him back and forth into the ground and ceiling. Suddenly... a plasma pistol on over charge went off. A brave grunt standing in the hall way growling open fired on the beast. The charge hit the thing in a face and blew off its upper right mandible, Acidic blood sprayed across the room. It fled back into the pipes...

Covenant vs Aliens, Part Three
Date: 2 February 2005, 2:37 AM


Part Three...

Escape is overated...

Through out the Covenant warship, Elites, Grunts, Jackals, and Hunters alike were bieng pushed to the brink. Several Jackals have dissapeared... A few Grunts were found with there heads missing... And one Elite... or whats left of his top half... was found stuffed in a vent... His entrails hanging out of the vent cover, and his face a constant picture of horror. Narr'achta called for a plan of action... Every crew member, was to travel in groups of three or four. The Hunters were placed on specific key points where they couldn't be harmed just by reaching down out of a vent and clawing thier back ends... Raren'Te had suffered minor injuries to the lower left ribs and his face. Gran'Dree had recovered from the "accident" that had happened.
As they got ready for patrol shift, a scream echoed throughout the hall ways.

"What the..." An Honor Guard Elite burst into the armory with plasma sword ablaze. "BY THE RINGS!! MY EYES MY EYES!!!" The entire top half of his face was a smoldering scar. The Guard dropped his sword and started clawing his face. They approached him cautiously. Gran'dree grabbed his shoulder and shook him... She was flung across the room, "GET AWAY DEMON!!" He grabbed his sword and started slashing about at random. "Calm yourself, Brother!" Raren'Te yelled. "Who is that!?" The Guard halted his attack. "It is me, Raren'Te!" Raren'Te responded in anger. The Guard dropped his plasma sword. "Brother! Help me... My eyes have been burnt by that infernal demon!" The Guard cried out in agony. "Hold on, Brother! We will help y..." THUD! The Armory door bulged outward. KATHUMP! An angry hiss resonated throughout the room. CRASH! The door burst apart and the beasts eyeless muzzle attempted to fit its massive head through the hole in the door. "THE DEMON!!!" The Guard ran straight into a wall. "Grab him and come on!" Gran'dree yelled. And then... Something happened... A bright flash of light illuminated the room. It struck the beast in the face knocking it backwards... Yes! It was a Hunter pair to the rescue! They began pummeling the door and the alien with several rapid blasts. They hurried after it.

They followed it into the hangar bay, hissing angrily as it attempted to find cover. The Hunters attacked with everything they had. The beast lept upon one of the Hunters and ripped its helmet off, exposing the orange colored wormish flesh under it. The Hunter roared in suprise and retailiated, flinging the beast across the room with its powerful arms. A nearby grunt, seeing the conflict, threw a plasma grenade... it stuck itself to the beast's tail, and the beast... in confusion... attempted to pull it off. FWOOM!
There was a loud, solid, CRUNCH as the beast was blew into the air and landed on its back. Many droplets of acid blood showered the surrounding area... The beast attempted to get up... but it realized it had no legs. Out of pure reflex it began to crawl across the floor like some obscene pull toy. "Die demon!" Raren'Te pinned it to the ground and emptied what remained of his plasma rifle into its skull, cauterizing the head clean off its shoulders. The beast was dead. "The demon is dead by my hand!" Raren'Te growled in honor. He grabbed his communicator and reported, "Commander Your excellency, the demon is finnaly dead!" The commander responded, "Good! you shall be rewarded well! Report to my quarters in ten minutes." They left in hopes they would be going back to High Charity.

The beast, or what remained of it, wasn't exactly dead... It didn't have a brain, it was a bieng of pure reflex and anger, ruled by a grand consciousness. Its arms twitched and began to move... It crawled unseen across the floor, dripping acid along the way. It came to a vent, it slowly crawled in. After a while of crawling and scrabbling, it fell out into the Main Reactor chamber. Continuing its disgraceful crawl, it crawled towards the reactor...

"Come forward, Brave warrior!" Narr'achta beckoned to Raren'Te. "I here by bestow the rank of Honor guard to you," Narr'achta placed a Honor guards helmet onto Raren'Te's head. "Your armor is now in your quarters, After you have retrieved it report the the bridge for your first assignment." Raren'Te left, walking through the halls. He reached his quarters and attempted to open the door. It wouldn't open when he pressed the open button. He pressed it again... and the lights went dead... "Oh no..." He kicked the plastiglass door in, and searched for a weapon. He saw his armor on the bed, and a staff was leaning on the wall. He quickly readied himself, and marched out the door.

"Commander your Excellency! There is an obstruction in the reactor!" A Monitor Elite reported.
"What now!?" Narr'achta said, slapping his face in disgust. "Camera feed online, your Excellency!" The beast's torso was stuck in a huge turbine, halting it. "Commander! The Propulsion thrusters are off line! If we don't get them online soon... We're going to collide with that red giant!" Another Elite pointed out on the Navigational map. "Get the Engineers down there NOW!" Narr'achta exclaimed.

Several Engineers floated down towards the main reactor. They quickly teamed up and hauled the massive, rotting remains of the beast out on to the deck. A grunt escort noticed something... Upon closer inspection of the body, Something had munched on it recently. At just about the same time he got up to follow the engineers, he dissapeared into the shadows. A bloody arm flopped out of a nearby vent... An Elite soon found the arm. "By the rings... what could have done thi..." Before he could finish the sentence... He dissapeared too, as well.

Several hours later...

"Commander, your Excellency! The Life Support systems have stopped functioning!" Several elites were making reports such as... "We've lost contact with the engine room!" or "Crew are dissapearing on a regular basis!" Narr'achta couldn't hear one thing after another because of all the jibberish caused by the small crowd. "Silence! I Will Have SILENCE!!" Narr'achta said furiously. "Everyone will make it through this alive! I Here by commision the temporary use of the Honor guard as a defensive measure!" That silenced the crowd... for a moment. Several cheers erupted throughout the room. Then the emergency lights went dead...

Raren'Te prowled cautiously through the dark corridors, having only his glowing Honor armor as a source of light. He heard the occasional thump in the vents, but nothing attempted to attack him. It was cold... Very Cold. He approached Gran'dree's room, forcefully sliding the door aside. He looked about the room with caution. "Sister? Are you here?" Whispered Raren'Te. He entered the bedroom cautiously, Gran'dree was sleeping soundly on the odd shapped bed most the crew had as well. He probed several dark spots in the room, then left. He probed the living room next... He checked under the table, the armor rack, and the food dispenser. All clear here... He sighed and looked up, Something lept off the rafters in the ceiling and bounced off of him. With lightning reflex he swatted, with his staff, one of the demonic spiders onto the floor... snapping most of its legs. He prodded it again... It made no attempt to move. Gran'dree entered the living room, half asleep. "Sister! Sorry to wake you!" Raren'Te appologized. "Thats.. alright" She muttered. Then she saw the spider... and jumped for the nearest plasma rifle on the weapon rack. She shot at it, almost hitting Raren'Te in the knee cap. It made an obscene GLARK noise... Then... An angry hiss reverberated in the back ground. They both jumped at the sound of it.

Even in the control room, they heard the many hisses in the back ground. And... Narr'achta finnally lost it, He started screaming "WHEN WILL IT END?!?!" as well as running around in circles. This act generated the bad stench of fear... A claw burst through the ceiling and grabbed Narr'achta. Several Elites started firing at random parts of the ceiling... They pulled Narr'achta down and hauled him off and evacuated...

"Warning... Self Destruct in T-Minus 5 minutes..." A comuterized voice said in several languages. Raren'Te and Gran'dree immediately started packing up and marching for the escape pods. One of the beasts burst out of a wall and attacked them... Raren'Te stabbed it in the face with his staff. They continued on... After a while of running down dark corridors lit with escape lights. They came to an odd sight... The walls were covered in odd gluish substances... They continued on... following the dimming lights along the walls. They finnally came to a REALLY odd sight... The encountered a huge... slug? Tube? They froze... An even LARGER version of the beast was suspended in the air by long ropes of gluish stuffs... Its massive head slid out of a crown-like carapace... Its eyeless head a sight of curiosity... The Queen, "What the hell is that..." Gran'dree said in astonishment... Several beasts came out of the walls like ghosts... All watching Gran'dree... who had an over charged plasma pistol in her hand... The Queen hissed... They backed off... Gran'dree looked down... Eggs were scattered all around them... With the plasma pistol in hand, she held it up to one of the eggs... All the beasts dissapeared into the darkness... An egg behind them split open... Raren'Te turned around and stabbed it... The queen roared in anger. Gran'dree let loose with several plasma grenades and a hail of plasma bolts. They ran as fast as they could for the escape pods.


Covenant Vs Aliens: The Second Comming, Part One
Date: 12 February 2005, 3:14 AM

The Second

Part one,

Don't open the black box.

The UNSC vessel "Dark Aurora" materialized out of the depths of slip space, scattering interstellar dust across space. "Dark Aurora" was the only vessel in the entire UNSC Navy to achieve speeds and slip space calculation methods faster than a covenant ship. It zoomed across entire solar systems in a matter of hours. Its mission... transport the new Mark 7 MJOLNIR Battle Armor to a remote testing facility on the cold dead planet, known only as "Banea"...

Captain Joshua N. Miller sat in the Bridge's Command chair and fiddled with his lighter. He flicked it on and off, thinking about Reach and some recent battles. They recieved some news that Spartan-117 was still alive after the recent bombing of Prophet Regret's temple. He wondered about the Spartan... "How does he do it." He thought to him self. A detection beeper sounded off, interrupting his thoughts. A hard core voice sounded off from the Bridge's speakers. "Captain, I have detected a cluster of objects containing low level life signs, Permission to investigate?" The captain replied, "Permission granted, Excalibur." Excalibur was the best AI the UNSC had to date, Cortana second only to him, He could calculate M.A.C. gun time formulas in a few seconds.

Dark Aurora approached the tiny objects. With Cargo bay open, It slowly scooped up the objects in a simple upward turn. It righted itself and began to continue its course for Banea.

A squad of Marines piled on to the Cargo bay floor and investigated. There were three pod like objects. Each one had a small door and thrusters. A Marine approached one and knocked on the door. "Ello? Anybody home?" THUMP! "mmff!! lmmmff!" The marine listened further... There was more thumps and bangs on the door... "This ones live peoples! Jennings! get a blow torch!" He pointed to a young marine in the back. "Sir, Yes, Sir!" He reached into his pack and pulled out a blow torch about the size of a pistol. He lit a cigar with it and started to cut. A few moments passed... The door fell outwards. The Marine approached cautiously... He shined a flashlight inwards... Nothing was there, He pulled out an empty clip and tossed it in. "Eek!" A grunt came screaming out of the pod, tripped, smashing into the deck, and rendering himself unconscious. The Marine prodded the grunt with the barrel of his Battle Rifle. Another Marine with a shot gun peered into the pod. "That was it?" He looked up... "Oh holy shi---" He was cut off by a huge claw reaching down from the pod's ceiling and hoisting him up by the throat. A bloody severed arm fell to the deck... "Jesus!" An Alien dropped to the deck. The Marines stared at it in horror. A Marine wielding an assault rifle, raised his gun... The Alien twitched and blurred with speed and the Marine's neck snapped under the force of the leaping Alien. He was thrown into a pile of boxes pulverising almost every bone in his body. All the Marines spun around and opened fire. The alien exploded in a spray of acid as it was torn apart by the hailing bullets. The acid melted through boxes, walkways.... Everything in a 16 foot radius. Several Marines were showered. The rest that were not hit quickly tended to the casualties.

Raren'Te awoke out of deep sleep. What he thought was the poorly lit lights of the escape pod, were very bright lights in a very small room. He sat up... or tried to sit up. His back was screaming at him in pain. Memories came back to him in very quick blows the head. The abandoned ship... the eggs... the aliens... Gran'dree! He sat up full force and looked about franticly... He was still in his Honor guard armor... His helmet was missing though... He was in a jail cell. He got to his feet and examined the outside. A couple of Marines in Hazmat suits dragged an elite away... His chest was split open... and a scientist behind them was carrying a cage, and inside was a flesh colored snake that hissed and snapped at them in anger. Gran'dree, was in a cell opposite him. "Gran'dree? Can you hear me?" Gran'dree got up off the floor in agony. "Raren'Te... Is that you??" Another couple of Marines dragged a grunt away that was screaming and kicking in fear. "Gran'dree! Are you ok?!" Raren'Te asked. "Quiet You!" A Marine wielding a shock stick whacked the bars of the cell. Raren'Te backed away. A Marine guard in a Hazmat suit opened up Gran'dree's cell. "You! OUT." Gran'dree didn't understand the Marine. "I said OUT!" He activated his shock stick. "Leave Gran'dree alone!" Raren'Te yelled in anger. He shook the Jail cell's doors. Two Marine guards opened the cell door and started beating on Raren'Te's armor. Raren'Te tackled the Marine and threw him into the wall. A Marine in a bright yellow Hazmat suit entered the room. "You two! Leave him be... I'll handle this..."

Raren'Te was chained and led into a room. It had a chair stained with blood, Elite blood... Raren'Te was forced into the chair and strapped down. The Marine laughed, "I think I'm gonna need me some privacy for this one!" There were two cameras staring directly at Raren'Te... The Marine tapped some stuff on a large computer. The cameras deactivated. "Now..." He took off the Hazmat helmet... It was the Med-Elite!
"Sorry for the bindings, Brother." He unbuckled the belts. "I've been hiding in a secret compartment in your escape pod when we launched... You were in stasis for quite a while... 370 years to be exact." Raren'Te thought for a moment... "What?!" The 370 years bit kicked his thoughts into gear. "370 years?!?! How are you still alive?!" The Med-Elite snickered. "I'm not a Sangheili... I'm an Android desgined to keep an eye on any vessels that explore uknown territory." Raren'Te's mandibles were wide open in surprise. "But..." Raren'Te stuttered. "I'm based on Forerunner technology." The Med-Elite said casually. Another memory kicked into gear... "WHY DID YOU HURT GRAN'DREE??" Raren'Te yelled in full out rage. "My primary directives are to keep any uknown life forms off a particualar ship I'm assigned to... Gran'dree was the one who carried the elite that was infected by the first alien aboard the ship... SO thus I had to make an attempt to kill her..." Raren'Te punched the Med-Elite in the face. Something cracked... The Med-Elite's left mandibles fell off, exposing machinery and other forerunner devices." The Med-Elite picked up his mandibles and reattached them... "Was that neccessary?" The Med-Elite said unphased.


Covenant vs Aliens, The Second Comming, Part Two
Date: 21 March 2005, 12:41 AM

The Second

Part Two

Express elevator
to Hell

UNSC vessel "Dark Aurora" circled about the ice planet "Banea" as it launched cargo transports into the atmosphere. There were 5 Cargo Transports and 3 Prison transports. Each about the size of a Pelican dropship. Raren'Te and Gran'Dree sat alone in the third prison transport. Ever wondering about the unfamiliar Humans that have captured them. After the turbulence of de-orbit burn, they began to examine the planet from a very small observation window installed in the side. "Looks just like that horrid planet that we visited..." Raren'Te mumbled. A few moments passed by as the descent grew lots colder.

Raren'Te was chained and hauled through the snowy ice that covered the landing pad. He and some other prisoners formed a line and headed into the facility. The Med-Elite in disguise was in front, "Stay calm, Brother." He said silently over the static on the barely functioning comlink. "The Humans are taking you in for questioning, Be silent and they will not harm you." The Med-Elite continued marching. They stopped at a tunnel barred with blast doors and defense turrets. "About FACE!" The Sarge of the group sounded off. "HALT!" He yelled. Cameras dropped out of the ceiling and scanned the group. "Prisoners accepted, Continue forward..." A robotic voice said coldly. They continued as blast doors opened up. There were only 4 Elites and a Hunter pair from what Gran'Dree could see. The Grunts were all dead... A Hunter in back began to grunt and convulse, It broke free of its restraints and plowed into the group of Marines. Roaring in pain, it pulversized several marines before it stopped and fell dead. "Quick! get a quarantine cage!" A Hazmat Marine in front readied the cage. The Hunter's chest bulged and split open, and the Hazmat Marine scooped up the infant Alien into the cage as quickly as possible. The other Hunter seeing the fate of its partner began to roar in anger. Several Marines beat on it with shock sticks ablaze. It fell stunned to the ground. Raren'Te overheard a Marine's radio, "New xenomorph acquired... Ready to terminate or stun on demand..."

The interior of the prison was cold and very, very dark... Raren'Te could barely see the front of the line when ever they passed under a lamp. "You there!" A prison Guard prodded Raren'Te in the small of his back. "Get in there!" He pointed to a cell in the corner of the vast room. Thats odd... That guard is speaking Sangheili! Raren'Te thought in surprise. "You'll be staying here for the day... Your bunk mate will be joining you shortly..." The Guard ushered Raren'Te in and locked him in. "Your number is 57822... When your number is called upon... You will go into that room over there." He pointed towards a small room with one window. "But until then... Sit down and shut up. When recess is called... you will report to the mess hall." He pointed towards a door marked 'Mess hallCourtyard'. After the guard left, Raren'Te sat down on a cold wet bench and waited for something odd to happen.

Raren'Te was soon awoken by loud Sangheili shouts. He opened his eyes and looked out beyond the prison bars. "Gimme back my knives, dammit!" A cold and deep voice shouted. There was a brief scuffle in the darkness. A Honor guard clad in green armor lunged at a guard who was fumbling to open Raren'Te's cell. "WHERE ARE MY SHIV'S???" "I don't know!! I don't KNOW!" "TELL ME YOU SADISTIC (unknown word)" There was a short sharp snap... Another guard in the back ground yelled "He got Tom!" "Quick get the stun guns!" The green Honor guard stepped into the light and looked about in anger. His eyes gleamed in the darkness un-naturally... He looked straight at Raren'Te, Then back into the darkness... The Honor Guard bounded out of sight as two electric darts whizzed by. With a sudden burst of light as the darkness was illuminated by several flash lights as the guards searched. There was a loud scuffle as a guard yelled "Found him!" The Honor Guard yelled in pain as he was tazered and thrown into Raren'Te's cell. "Damn guards... took my shiv's..." The Honor Guard's voice moaned. "Who're y--" Raren'Te was cut off as a hand clasped over his throat... "No.. Who're YOU and why the hell are you in my cell!" "I... was... forced in here..." The hand let go... The voice sighed in annoyance "Gah... New meat in my cell..." The Honor Guard's green armor began to glow and flood the cell. "So, What's your story?"
