
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Codename: Suburbs by CSP499

Codename: Suburbs, part I- It came from outer space...
Date: 11 June 2005, 12:39 AM

Codename- 'Suburbs.' Chapter I- It came from outer space...

2553 AD: By this year, Humanity is in a bitter and bloody war with a fellowship of alien races called The Covenant. At this time, the war has been carried to the human's home planet, an unsuspecting Terra-formed planet in the western spiral arm of the galaxy called "Earth." Little did the humans know that the Covenant had a top secret tool: time travel. Only fully developed in 2552 and just recently created, this device, called a fluxgate, is capable of opening a rift in the time-space continuum, allowing anything- alive or not- to pass through a gate leading to a time over 500 years in the past: the year 2005, to a hole-in-the wall location on Earth, a small, suburban town called Alamo, California. The Covenant's plan: to send a group of commandos into the past using the fluxgate, and to begin to destroy humanity before they have the opportunity to invent interstellar travel.

After spreading the word throughout the Covenant's legions, their leader, the Prophet of Truth, managed to get 5 Elite volunteers for the mission. Unfortunately, they turned out to be complete misfits, yet their courage, faith and loyalty went unquestioned. The squad was composed of the thick-headed Zura 'Areliie, the egotistical Muka 'Malahi, the forgetful Kubre 'Matinali, the aggressive and trigger-happy Zuka 'Matarani, and the Elite who is overtaken by human culture, who simply goes by the name of "Butch," who acts as humans do, yet hates them as much as any Elite. The squad was deployed soon after their recruitment for the mission. This it their story...

"Are we there yet?" Zura said "I'm so hungry I could eat a Lekgolo." Zura 'Areliie had been complaining about his hunger for the last two hours. Which was odd, because one, there was an edibles-cooler just across the compartment he was in, and two, he was not even hungry. The others were excruciatingly annoyed with him. "Zura- Are you even hungry?" Zuka inquired "According to my remembrance, we just ate two minutes ago." Zura just looked at him with that same, absent-minded look. Then he lowered his head and continued moping and complaining about his hunger, which wasn't even there. The squad had just set out aboard the cruiser "Divine Loyalty". They were going to be sent back over five-hundred years into the past, which many did not like the sound of. Butch hated the names the Covenant gave ships. If he was to name a ship, he wouldn't call it "Divine loyalty," he'd call it something like "Widow-maker" or "Big, fat blob of lethal jelly in space that blows up everything and anything that comes in its path into miserable oblivion!!!!" Yeah, he thought. That would be SO frigg'n awesome! FOUR exclamation points! "By rings," Muka shouted. "Don't tell me you're hungry! We ate only a few minutes ago, and if..." "Yes," Zura interrupted, "I am hungry." Kubre looked to him and said "Zura... if you're hungry, don't complain. You see..." Butch said, "...See, what Kubre means is: SHUT UP! YOU'RE MAKING US FRIGG'N CRAZY!" From then on, Zura decided not to talk until they got to the lander. Regrettably, that wasn't very long. Just then, the ship's intercom crackled to life as the captain started his broadcast. "Attention landing-squad, this is the captain: head to the lander, ETA to chronoportation in five minutes." The group stood up, all except Kubre, who immediately sat down after getting up. "Kubre, that means you too." Muka said "What means me too?" Kubre responded. "Follow us." Kubre tried to remember as he left the room. "Oh, right..." he said. "...the lender!" Butch turned to him. "Lander, 'Malahi..." he said. "...lander." The door closed behind them.

The lander was not all to crammed, at least for five people. They were made for about fifteen. Butch immediately rushed for the front of the only compartment. "I get to drive!" he shouted. "Butch," said Zuka, "this lander uses an automatically-coordinated tracking-system based from the Divine Loyalty." Butch turned to face him. "Come on, don't tell me you didn't know that!" Muka exclaimed. Butch turned, discouraged. The intercom snapped on. "Landing crew, launch in thirty seconds. Strap up for chronoportation." The crew sat in the impact-seats and secured their safety belts. "Butch..." Zura said nervously. "Yeah?" Butch responded. "I'm scared" Butch turned to face him. "Shut up." He said. "Launch in ten seconds..." blurted the captain. "Brace for pressure-launch. Prepare to fire." Muka said. "I still don't know what's going on," Kubre said. Muka was the only one to respond. "We're going back in time." He said. Kubre thought for a minute. "Oh," the intercom snapped to life "...five...four...three...two..."

A loud "Kerpwhoosh" blew as the pod fired. As it left, a blue-violet ripple opened in front of it. As it entered the ripple, it disappeared, leaving the ripple to close up behind it. And as it happened, these three, deep toned words rippled throughout the universe: "Ooh, bright lights!"

At the western spiral arm of the Milky-Way galaxy, a blue-violet ripple in the void of space opened up, and out of it came a disk-shaped, purple object, that went hurtling towards the small, blue-green planet below.

-Radar Telescope array 2, viewing station 6, Station name 85301, Codename "Area 26", just outside of Las Vegas, May 8th, 2005.

"Sir, we have a contact coming fast." said Lieutenant Thomas hastily as he peered at the radar-telescope screen. General Powell jogged over to him. "It's nothing..." he said. "...it's probably just a meteorite. It'll burn up in the atmosphere." Little did Powell know, but the "Meteorite" landing somewhere in a farm outside of Alamo, California, would link to several extremely strange events for the next few weeks.

"By the Prophets," Zuka complained. "Does the crew aboard the Divine Judgment even know how to fly this?" The lander had now started its descent into Earth's gravitational field, and seemed as though nobody even controlled it. Unknown to the squad, nobody was controlling it. "Wait a second," Butch said. "We're now in the year 2005 AD, and the Judgment is in the year 2553 AD, and we're in completely different years... how could they control the lander?" Everyone slowly looked at each other. After a five second pause, chaos erupted. Everyone was scrambling to find some kind of manual access control, but failing miserably, as the small ship descended into the stratosphere. "Hey, I found something!" Zuka shouted. 'Malahi sprinted over to him. There, plain as day, was a holographic-panel that said "MANUAL CONTROL" in big, reassuring letters. Muka instantly activated the control, and a panel and screen opened in the front of the room. "Good," Kubre sighed. "Everything's under control..."


"Aughhh!" Butch screamed "Kubre, you're going to get us killed! Damn you to hell, man!" Kubre wrestled the controls of the lander as he attempted to guide it into the atmosphere. "What is this," Muka shouted. "Get out of the way, Kubre..." he said, shoving him aside. "You can't even go to the bathroom without forgetting how to defecate, nonetheless be able to control this thing!" He grasped the controls and began to pull up. "Let me show you how it's..." Almost instantly, the controls broke off in his hands. The crew gazed dumfounded at the broken panel, then faced each other. The calm, built in AI snapped onto the speakers. "Hey guys! I'm pleased to report that we have an ETA of thirty seconds till impact!" He said. "Well isn't that just special news." Zuka grumbled. "What's our ETA to the breakup-point?" The craft shuddered, with several exterior parts flying off behind it. Butch, infuriated with the current conditions, exclaimed, "Does that answer your question?"

Mitch Avery was sitting on his porch with his hound, Grant. His shotgun, a vintage Winchester passed down from his family since 1864, lay in his lap. On the other end of the porch was his brother, Clemmons. He was playing his guitar to an old Credence Clearwater Revival song, Fortunate Son. It was two in the morning, and they were looking beyond the old, sparse trees in their front yard into the San Ramon Valley, When Grand sat up and started a barking frenzy. It was just then when the red light came down from the sky. "Jump'n Jesus Christ on a Pogo stick," Clemmons said, just finishing the second verse. "what da' hell is that?"

Zuka was attempting to pilot the shredded craft with the remains of the controls. "PULL UP! PULL UP!" Muka shouted. "PUT ON THE BRAKES!" "BRAKES?" Zuka yelled back, "WHAT BRAKES? AND WHAT IS THERE TO PULL UP ON! WERE DOOMED!"

The ship crashed to the ground, throwing Zura and Butch to the ground and knocking them out. As the ship skidded, it hit a rut and flew for another four seconds. As soon as the crew was aware of it the craft was stuck in a tree. Little did they know that there was an anorexic hillbilly rushing to the tree they were in.

"HEY CLEM!" Mitch yelled, "CLEM, C'MERE, QUICK! I THINK THAT WES GOT USSELVES A COUPLE OF SQUATT'NS UP IN OUR COON TREE!" Immediately, Clemmons ran up to Mitch. "Yup. Yer right, there is some squatt'ns up in our Coon tree," he said "they be show'n some major disrespect'n to our Coon tree!" Together, they looked at the lander in the tree, and the eight-foot tall alien that stood in the doorway. Mitch began to contemplate their reasoning. "Ya knows what- I bet these townsfolk be eat'n our Coons that we went through so much pain to put up there." He said. Zuka, who's head was outside the doorway, turned his head to see a dead raccoon, hung by its tail and halfway decomposed, on one of the tree's branches. As he saw the horrifying spectacle, his stomach went up to his throat. "Ya know," Mitch said, "I thought we and da' birds was da' onla' ones who really liked them coons... but I musta' been mistak'n." Clem immediately turned to him. "I wonda' what rule we made that talks 'bout what ya' do if some townsfolk be land'n in yer coon tree?" he said. "You wait here while I get the book, we'll just have'ta find on out, wont we?"

"Zura, wake up." Butch said. Slowly, his eyes opened. He felt dizzy, and could hear a non constant pounding on the side of the craft, like something was hitting it. "Butch," he mumbled. "What happened to the kittens?" "Well, the situation is in a mess." Butch explained. "Your active camouflage is gone, and there are humans outside." "Doing what?" Zura said.

"Gee wiz, Clem. I neva knew that throw'n rocks could be so much fun!" Mitch said excitedly as he threw rocks at the craft up in the tree. "My arm's gett'n a little tired, but the book says- "When a someone's a squatt'n in yer' Coon tree, throw rocks at 'em till they start bleed'n!" Regrettably, the two were so caught up in their excitement, that they didn't notice the lethal purple beams puncture their heads. "Well," said Muka, "let's go."
