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Fan Fiction

Charlie Company, Fireteam Alpha by Bleed Out

The Lost Platoon- Chapter 1- All Alone
Date: 2 July 2004, 5:25 AM

Chapter 1- All Alone

(Sorry for all the errors in the first one, wont happen again, I change the name cause It made me look like a moron)

      15 men were walking slowly toward the only ship left on this their part of the ring, the covenant ship: Truth and Reconciliation. Most of the clothing on the men were torn, barely any soldier had a full uniform now. Supplies were now bare to nothing. The men survived on pure hope, which was dwindling to nothing each step they took. The environment tore at their endurance, from below zero weather straight into dehydrating heat. Some men died on the walk alone. Few fights took place as barely anyone was on the ring now due to its separated structure.

      It seemed pure luck that there was actually a piece of halo still connected from them to the covenant cruiser. It seemed like a miracle, an act of God, Lieutenant Charles thought to himself, his thoughts were soon interrupted by the constant bickering of Sergeant Thorp to PFC Malon.

      "Thorp I swear If I hear you make one more joke about my name, I'm gonna kick your ass." Sue said loud and clear still walking forward.

      Thorp stopped in his tracks and snapped back "C'mon man, you know if my name was Sally you'd be making fun of me!" trying to put some reason in his smartass comments lately.

      "Thorp I am speaking for the rest of the platoon when I say shutup. . .now!" Lieutenant Charles was sick of hearing thorp's rude comments himself. He was trying to listen for any noise so his men wouldn't be surprised by flood or covenant, he thought this way at least if they make it to the cruiser they'll have enough men to actually board it. He saw the curiser a good long walk away.

      "All right men lay eyes on the covenant cruiser, hope to God you won't see one again, or ever have to board one like we will attempt to today." The Lieutenant seemed unable to say more due to the heat and lack of water. Still pointing to the cruiser he looked into space, the sun seemingly stood out no matter where he looked. He kept thinking to himself how much he missed seeing nightfall with stars and the moon. It seem to keep him going, the thought of seeing home again.

      Night didn't stay long on the ring due to the fact they were in empty plain with a few hills like a desert without sand, and cracked ground. The rings destruction gave them a random time for anything that seemed like nightfall. Parts of the ring floating around blocked the sun at times, sometimes it seemed weeks before they saw anything that resembled nightfall. Since the rings destruction it stopped rotating around the planet it was originally built around, now it floated slowly away from the planet.

      "All right boys suit up with what you got and get ready, from here on its not going to be subtle anymore." He lowered his hand and checked his ammo and supplies inside a bag he picked up from a fellow marine. 3 clips of AR ammo and bandages, no healing supplements or pills of any kind for pain.

      "Anyone got some snipes?" Brent said with little hope in his voice thinking maybe someone picked some up off some flood or marine.The men knew exactly what he meant by snipes, sniper rifle ammo. He only had 8 bullets for his rifle and they were sitting in his pocket, he began to load one bullet into the chamber.

      "Talon, that can't be good for the gun man." Brent replied that he didnt have a magazine for the rifle, just lone bullets.

[indet]"Why would you think we'd have some bullets and not give them to you?" Thorp replied to Brent's question a little late.

      "I thought maybe someone....aww nevermind." Brent put his mind back into his organization of supplies in what was left of his uniform. The platoon continued to exchange and ask for supplies for another 2 minutes due to the fact that not many supplies or ammo were left. They all readied their weapons and began to march toward the cruiser.

      A little less then a mile from the cruiser the Lieutenant ordered Brent to take the his sniper rifle and take the highest hill and scope the perimeter. Brent arrived at the highest hill he could find, put down his MA5B next to him as he sat down. He put his eye to the scope of his sniper rifle and clicked the scope zoom now at 10x. No one was around.

      "Odd..." he thought to himself, while he was saying it to himself. He grabbed his radio, his radio and two other which belonged to the Lieutenant and the unusually quiet Thompson, were the only radios in the platoon.

      "Nothing sir, can't see anything floating around the cruiser, over." He clicked his radio to incoming transmissions.

      "OK, Brent take point and keep me posted, over." Static coated the message but Brent still understood.

      "Yes, sir, Talon out." Brent reminded himself why he had a nickname, he thought of his perfect sniper score and breaking the record of his old company commander. He picked up his AR and threw his sniper rifle over his back and walked forward, the AR up to his shoulder. After 30 minutes of walking he was staring up at the cruiser waiting on the rest of the platoon to make their way to him. He turned and look, he saw them clear as day a few meters away.

      "Nothing?" Charles asked expecting an answer.

      "Nothing, sir, not a damn thing." Brent was surprised himself.

      "All right boys, let's get ready, our plans are to find the grav lift and clear it out then board the cruiser." The Lieutenant ordered everyone to stay close as they all made way to the grav lift. They took each step slowly and covered one another the whole way, to their surprise not one hostile. They arrived at the grav lift.

      "Prepare to board!" They all ran to the lift at once, Charles was standing with a few privates he immediately took action and ordered 5 at a time.

      "The first 5 are to radio contact if the area is clear once they board." The men nodded, Thompson took Malon, Follors, another corporal, and another private, they stepped into the gravity field, and waited. They seemed to float all the way up until they disappeared into the cruiser one by one. The Lieutenant stood and waited for Thompson to report. He still thought how odd it was that noone was outside the lift, his only thoughts were that they were all battling inside, he still stood waiting to hear Thompson's voice over gunfire.

      "Sir, You might wanna see this....." The mystery put chills into every soldiers body that heard the message, Lieutenant Charles was suprised, but to every man the thrill of wanting to know what was going on entered thier body. Gags and coughs were heard in the background, 5 men rushed to the lift and waited to be told who was going.

      "All right Thorp stay hear with Talon, Conn, Posas, and Morris. Everyone else with me." everyone on the lift looked at each other, he had called each of their names. The 4 men called to board the cruiser with the Lieutenant rushed to the lift as everyone he called to stay walked off the lift disappointed and took perimeter around it.

      "Get ready men." Everyone aboard the lift felt chills as they were lifted one by one up to the ship. Lastly the Lieutenant rose up swallowing his spit, he closed his eyes until his feet felt ground.

To Be Continued....
