
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Chapter One: Unforgiving Wounds... by ToFu

Chapet one: Unforgiving Wounds
Date: 25 February 2004, 5:03 PM

(If there are any mistakes please notify me:)

Chapter One

Sgt. Dorian McPherson sat in the library reading a novel by R.A. Salvatore a classic fantasy and Sci-Fi writer, of the early 21st century. Dorian wasn't the average soldier, always catching up on his reading, instead of training with his fellow marines. It wasn't like he needed the training; he was one of the most skill Marines in United Nations Space Command (UNSC), having fought in battle of Vru'gun, to save the Colony of Aurora from rebel forces.

Sat across him was his childhood friend Corporal Jonah Kaneshiro a Japanese descendent of the famous Japanese actor Takeshi Kaneshiro, (who stared as a video game character for Capcom's Onimusha series). Wherever Dorian went, Jonah was there beside him; still irritated when Dorian was promoted to Sergeant and he didn't, made him less respectful to Dorian. But they were still best of friends, nothing could have broke there friendship...well maybe an attractive women.

They both enlisted in the army of the ages of seventeen by age twenty-one they were transferred to the UNSC Marines. Now both of age twenty-six, they now serve in planet V'vardenfel, a colony of 4 million.

"Hey you heard of a Drow?" Dorian said curiously.

"A Drow?, isn't that like a dark elf?" Jonah replied.

"Yeah I think it is, but why would they call a dark elf a Drow, instead of an Dark Elf?"

"I got a question of my own, why do they call porn, porn, why can't they call it pleasure-tainment? It boggles my mind."

A Short round woman approached the two marines. "I think she's coming to ask for your phone number Dorian, good luck," laughed Jonah. Dorian punched Jonah in the arm.

"Good evening gentlemen's do you happen to be Sgt. McPherson, and Corporal Kanay... shhhero?"

"It's pronounce KA-NE-SHI-RO!" yelled Jonah.

"I apologize Mr. Caneacheerio." the women struggled to pronounce.
Jonah looked at the women in silence. "...I give up"

"Can we help you Ma'm?" said Dorian."

" Yes both of you are needed in the Conference room, Lt. Helsing will be waiting there with your squad mates."

"Thank you I understand" Dorian answered.

The librarian then walked back to her front desk.

"What could the Lieutenant want?" asked Jonah.

"Don't know, but it must be important." Dorian replied and left his seat. Jonah followed behind.

They walked out to the hall, and headed towards the elevator. A marine was running towards them.

"Hey, hold up guys!" ran Corporal Terry Fisher. "What's up fellas, must got that message from the LT too huh? Man he screw me up, I was about to DG-Style this chick, when all of a sudden, and my COMM. went on."

"Hehe dude that sucks." Jonah said.

Terry Fisher was one of the marines in Dorian's team, the tallest of the squad; he stood 6'6 he looked like a Spartan without its MJOLNIR armor. He was the strongest, an Ex-Navy Seal, who was injured in the field and got transferred to the Hell Jumpers. He didn't mind, because the marines had more action with the Covenants then the Seals then their usual stealth and infiltrate missions on Earth. His skills was a weapon expert, he knew every human weapon ever made, like it was his ABC's.

Dorian was glad to have him as a teammate. Their team needed a weapon freak like him.

The elevator door slid open letting them off on the fourth floor. They all approach to the conference room.

"I hope they have treats, I love treats, huh, huh?" Jonah winked and smiled. Someone open the door for them.

Standing beside the door was Lt. Alik Van Helsing, their team leader; he wasn't a man to mess with. Lt. Helsing was a hardcore soldier to the max. Stories told of him defeating a whole platoon of pirates, with just a combat knife and his surroundings. He had a long scar stretching between his forehead and the middle section of his eyes. It came from a fight with an Elite Covenant; the alien tried to slash the Lieutenant with its plasma sword, but instead got blown in the face with a M90 shotgun, and just leaving the Lieutenant with a scar. The Lieutenant still carries with him, to this day, the tooth of the Elite, he had decapitated.

"Gentlemen come on in..." Lt. Helsing said calmly.

"That was strange, we would of thought he chewed on us for being late." Whispered Terry. His toned was too soft maybe it was strange.

"Have a seat men, I have some important matters to discuss with you..."

With his arm across the back of his head sat Corporal Jermaine Townsend the first marine to arrive in the conference.

"What's up playas, what you fools been up to?" yell Jermaine while getting up his seat, giving each of them an urban handshake. Jermaine was one of the coolest people you can meet. He had corn rolls on his head, that were against dress violation but, since he was one of General Hilton's favorite, they let him pass. Jermaine was the only black man in the team. People liked having him aboard, he was the life of the party, always singing his R&B's to us. And he was a good singer too, and a better fighter.

Beside Jermaine sat Private Julian Shepard, the newest recruit to join the Marines, at a steady age of nineteen he was the youngest of the team. Just after getting a degree in Criminal Justice he decided to join the marines, not a wise choice but he wanted a piece of the Covenant. He had come from a wealthy Western family in Orange County, California. People didn't think this kid had any combat skills, but he fools a lot. He was classified as one of the best's snipers in the UNSC. He could've gone against Spartans best sniper 143 in a shooting contest. People didn't know where he got the skills but none bother to ask.

Lieutenant Helsing approached the front of the room, placing his arms behind a Podium.
Next to him stood a man in a brown leather jacket.

"Gentlemen I want you to meet, Dr. Franklin Kurosawa."

"Please call me Frankie." The Doctor responded.

"Uh, sure Frankie."

"We will be escorting his science team to the planet Nylund, to do research and study on the habitants and atmosphere of the planet.

"Sir don't we already know this?" Dorian said.

"Yes, but this isn't why I called you guys here, Everyone here knows President Quinton Phoenix of the destroyed Colony, Orville right?' well he's decided to come with us, since he has an interest in Nylund, he's considering having Nylund as a new Colony."

"Damn more baby-sitting..." whispered Terry to Dorian.

"We will be arriving in Nylund approximately twelve minutes, prepare for departure..."
