
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Cerbereus by SirPopNFresh

Date: 7 October 2003, 12:27 AM

As they came round the bend there was a loud explosion and the warthog flipped. The Master Chief pulled himself of the ground quick and grabbed his assault rifle. The Hunters roar ringed in his ears as he pulled back the bolt and the firing began. The gun pounded in his hands and the bullets sprayed into the Hunters back. Blood splattered everywhere and the disgusting insides of the Hunter spilled onto the ground. The Master Chief looked over his shoulder at the flipped warthog and the two marines lying on the ground beside it. He sprinted over and picked up the first one. This had been the passenger and had been on the side that got hit. His brain was showing through where his face should have been. The other marine got up after a second and collected the spilled ammo. The Master Chief flipped the Warthog and hopped in the drivers seat. With out the passenger marine no one would be controlling the second mounted LAAG.
They had been lucky that the Warthog had crushed the other Hunter or there would have been more bloodshed. As it was they were without control of the second LAAG so the trip to the Command Base would be more dangerous. The Master Chief was glad for his MYLOR Armour at times like this but could let his mind his mind start wandering so he started up the Warthog and raced away. The mountain path was littered with grunts but with the extra shielding and increased firing rate of the main LAAG they weren't much trouble. The path was becoming narrower and they were nearing the bridge between the mountain and the Command Base. At the final turn the Master Chief gunned the engine and put on the auto drive. He jumped in to the second LAAG seat and rained hell down on the grunts on and around the bridge. As he neared the beginning of the bridge the Warthog began taking plasma rifle shots. The Master Chief saw the contingent of Elites up ahead emptying shots at him. He turned up the power to the gun and let lose.
The casing left a trail behind the Warthog and the bloody carcasses of Elites created a trail in front of it. The Master Chief knew that this would be the hardest part of the journey and now that the Warthog was halfway across the bridge it was almost over. He was about to sigh a mental sigh of relief when he heard it. There was a blood-curdling scream as the main LAAG gunner fell of the warthog and the chain gun stopped. The Master Chief let go of the second LAAG and got back in the driver's seat. He turned off the auto drive and turned up power to the stolen Covenant shielding. Up ahead he could see the massive steel doors of the Command Base and the hundreds of Grunts and Jackals trying to get in. The pounding of the massive defensive cannons was a welcome sound in the Master Chief and the Covenant they were killing was a welcome sight. As he was about to radio for the doors to open so he could get in the unthinkable happened. The Warthogs batteries died at the same a Covenant grenade exploded under the Warthog. The Warthog went flying and sent the Master Chief into the middle of a pack of Grunts. The word shit ran through the Master Chief's mind as he pulled himself up from the ground. His shield bar rang in his ears and the collective noises of a dozen half-crushed grunts drowned put his hearts pounding. He got up covered in blue blood. He had no weapons except his trusty pistol but it was low on ammo. As he reached to his side to pull it out he heard a charging sound. All around him were the rest of the squad of grunts with their plasma pistols aimed at him. The charging ended and a collective firing sound was all he could hear. His military instincts kicked him and he propelled himself 5 meters in the air. There was a bright green glow beneath him as a dozen or so plasma bursts filled the air. He landed with a thud and started firing. Their squad mate's plasma burst had already killed the unfortunate grunts in front of him. As they fell out of the way the rest of the squad converged on him. He pulled of a few quick shots and the first grunt's head exploded in a bright blue burst. The second grunt got hit in the chest and fell over bleeding and screaming curses. The third grunt got the most of the bullets and had taken a few in his air tank. He exploded in a blue burst and pieces of him landed on the Master Chiefs arm. He shook him of and emptied the rest of his clip into the 4th and 5th grunts causing them be blasted backward by, not only the bullets, but also the exploded 3rd grunt.
He pulled the trigger and heard the unfortunate sound of an empty magazine. He instinctively reached for his ammo pouch but found that it was empty. The remaining grunts realized that he was out of ammo and charged. He pulled back his fist and hit the first charging grunt in the snout. The grunt head collapsed inwards and he went flying end-over-end into the grunt behind him. The second grunt was knocked down and the Master Chief crushed his skull with his boot. As the wave of grunts stopped he picked up a covenant plasma pistol and started firing. He took out the rest of the grunts in the squad and started to run for the gate. As he approached the gate he noticed a glint in the sunlight. He stopped for a second and saw a light sword appear in front of the glint. Realizing that the elite was trying to get over the gate the Master Chief charged at him. As he got within a few meters he jumped and landed on the elites head. He decapitated the elite and propelled himself up the gate. He reached the top and before losing his momentum he grabbed the top of the gate. He stood up onto of the gate and turned around. He charged up the plasma pistol and fired at the advancing ghost. The plasma hit the elite right in the head burning of his face and showing his brain. The kept going but swerved to the side and decapitated a squad of grunts. Their lifeless necks squirted blood onto the two hunters accompanying them. The hunters were stunned for a minute, which was long enough for the Master Chief throw two grenades one on each hunter. As the grenades went off a squad of grunts fired charged plasma bursts at the Master Chief. At the last second the Master Chief jumped backwards off the gate and landed right next to a squad of marines. The marines grunted in surprise and the sergeant jumped out of the way. As the Master Chief turned to face the marines and request direction to the command building. The sergeant barked at him to get the last building on the left immediately.
The Master Chief knocked on the Commanders office and after getting a grunt of acknowledgement entered. "Good to see you Master Chief. We have been waiting for orders from HQ" Said the Commander as the Master Chief took a seat. "I assume you understand why we are so insistent on defending this position?" "Yes, Sir. I have read the briefings and I have a question?" Replied the Master Chief.
"Yes Chief I can answer any questions you have but I assume you have the secret security clearance codeword?"
"Yes, Sir. Cerberus."
"That's corrected Master Chief what's your question?"
"What is the weapon we are strong guarding? All I know is that it could turn the tide of the war"
"That's correct Chief. The weapon we are developing special type of gas called Cerberus."
"Uh, Sir could you explain it a bit better"
"Umm yes lets see what's the best way to put this... Well your intelligent I put it how it was explained to me. The gas is created by launch a massive barrage of atomic particles on the newly discovered gamma particles, which would create a massive explosive burst. The particles could be converted to gas, which would create a deadly poison that would explode the lungs if breathed in. The semi-phased state of the gas would allow it to go through Covenant shielding but metal or any other oblique material would stop it."
"Oh that sounds dangerous. Sir, may I ask how we plan to deploy this weapon?"
"Yes you may Chief. We plan to not only make gas rounds for the MA5B Assault Rifle but to create rockets for the M19 SSM Rocket Launcher using the solid form of this reaction which causes huge explosions. We are also adding a canister to the MAC rounds so that they spread the gas through out the ship."
"Okay Sir do you have any new weapons for me?"
"No, sorry Master Chief there are new weapons but they weren't shipped here before Earth was attacked. I think that the Research Development Center across the ridge got a shipment but I'm not sure."
"Okay Sir thanks for the information. What's my assignment?"
"Well Master Chief we need you to get to the Research Development Center and help defend it against the covenant raids."
"Roger Sir will do! But if I may ask a question how will I get there without getting killed?
"I'm glad you asked Chief. We have modified a Warthog with the Ghost's hovering device so it now floats. We have also added covering armour and second LAAG along with driver controlled 5 mm cannons. Now go give'em hell Master Chief"
"Sir, Yes, Sir"
The Master Chief made his way out of the office to the waiting vehicle out front. There were 2 marines manning the rear and passenger LAAGs and a technician tinkering with the hovering device. As the Master Chief walked over all three soldiers jumped to attention. The Master Chief saluted and hoped into the drivers seat. He gunned the engine and headed for the back exit into the mountainside. He approached the tunnel and the steel doors parted. As he reached the other side of the mountain the second set of doors opened and the firing began. The first batch of grunts was taking out with the combined fire of the Warthogs cannons and the passenger LAAG. The Warthog blasted over the remaining grunts in the squad and the rear gunner moped them up as the Warthog drove away. Rounding the bend the Master Chief saw that the bridge ahead of them had been blown up. He gunned the engine and headed to the bridge. Guarding the bridge was a pair of hunters with charged plasma cannons. The Master Chief lowered power to the engines and waited for the Hunters to fire. When they did he put power up to full and the Warthog jumped up into the air completely avoiding the plasma bursts. The Master Chief gunned the Warthog forward all the while pounding 5mm cannon shells and bullets into the Hunters metal shield. The gap between the Hunters and the Warthog closed and the master chief pulled the Warthog upwards. The two forces collided and the Warthog was sent flying forward through the air as the rear gunner blasted the orange patch on the back of the Hunters effectively causing them to have there chests blown apart spraying the ground with orange blood. The Warthog continued on its upward path and reached halfway through the destroyed bridge with out falling. The nose of the Warthog started to tip as the other side of the bridge came closer and closer. The Warthog was entering full nosedive when it hit the ground on the other side effectively denting the nose. The Warthog bounced a few times and then took of down the mountain path. The Master Chief maneuvered through the debris scattered on the mountain path and came to the bottom of the mountain. He rounded the bend and came into full view of the Research Development Centre. He put full power to the engines and flew across the field. He was nearing the entrance to the RDC when he came over the crest of a small hill and encountered a band of grunts and jackals. The Warthog flew over the first few but the massive amount of shields and plasma bursts overloaded the power cells of the Warthog and crashed it to the ground. The marines and the Master Chief rounded up all the ammo and came out guns blazing. In the first minute of combat both the marines died and about 50 or so grunts and jackals were also killed. The Master Chief reloaded and started firing again. The gun was pounding away and the Cerberus shells were doing their job causing massive damage. Everything seemed in slow motion. The muzzles flashes and smoke trails of the bullets. The blood pouring out of the dead grunts. The bullets hitting the grunts and deforming them. Things were looking up. He was winning. He had killed almost all of the grunts and that's all that stood between him and the RDC. As he killed off the last few grunts and started running to the RDC he got hit. The blow came as a surprise to him and knocked him off his feet. He sprang back up and pulled the pin off one of his plasma grenades. He lobbed it behind him while spinning around and running backwards. He saw a scary sight. There were 40 or 50 elites running at him some with plasma swords some with plasma rifles. They were firing at him with every thing they had. The Master Chief did all he could. He threw all 4 of his M9 HE-DP grenades and killed about 20 or so of the elites. He pulled the trigger on his rifle but nothing happened. The clip was empty. He quickly shouldered the assault rifle and pulled out the pistol. He emptied bullet after Cerberus gas enhanced bullet into the Elites and had killed another 10 of them when the clip was emptied as well. He switched to assault rifle again and pulled out a full clip hoping to reload when the telltale sound of his shield bar being emptied rang in his ears. He dived backwards hoping to escape the plasma fire long enough to reload when the sound of a mounted LAAG rang out across the battlefield like an old age trumpet would have during the middle ages. The Elites before him fell in a mass of bleeding bodies and disemboweled limbs. He got up and ran to the RDC. After a few seconds of full out sprinting he reached the heavily guarded door and it opened before him. The marines from inside urged him on and he dived through the small opening...
