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Fan Fiction

CTF: Blood Glutch Chronicles by DF-Christie/DF-PaperCutt

CTF: Part 1
Date: 20 August 2004, 6:00 AM

Capture the Flag: Part 1: OMG! Is this Blood Gulch?
By DF-Christie and DF-Papercutt

Anthony had become immerse in Halo. At school, people would call him a freak and psycho cause he loved Halo so much. In his room was a poster of Matt Soell and the Bungie team. His desktop on his computer was the red flag on Sidewinder. He had basically became the "Ultimate Halo Freak/Psycho".
One day, he was playing on legendary on The Maw when a lighting storm happened. He thought to himself "Fuck that, I'm gonna beat this mission.". Because of the window's position and the fact that he was playing Halo, Lighting struck him in 5 seconds after he said that. He started to meld with the TV, his body stuck inside it.

He awoke in the desert. He shook his head and looked around. He noticed that he was wearing some armor. "Oh my god! I'm wearing the armor they wore in the game. Sweet! This is a kick-ass dream!" he yelled out. He looked around some more. He finally realized he was on top of Red Base. His look was funny as hell. He saw people running up the base.
"Who the hell are you?!" one of them yelled. Anthony looked at him. "You're Nick Kang! From HBO!" Anthony yelled. "And you're MC's Cousin!" he yelled, pointing to another person. "....OMG! IT'S GALLAGHER!!" he yelled. Gallagher smirked. "Wait a minute.....your Tex, from Red versus Blue?" he asked, looking at another person. "Huh?" the person asked. "Oh! You're DF-Pliskin!" he yelled again. They had a surprised look on their faces.
"So, Red command sent you?" Nick asked. "No...I was playing Halo, and all of a sudden, I was struck by lighting, and I ended up here." he said. MC's Cousin said "Well....we're out numbered....you're in kid." he said. Anthony screamed like a little girl when he heard that.
Gallagher yelled out "We got company!" and began to shoot madly at the west side. MC's Cousin threw a grenade in front of Nick. Nick grabbed a over-shield, and ran forward. The grenade explosion sent him flying forward, bullets blazing. Two dead blues were all that was left.
"Whew, that was close..." DF-Pliskin said, Sniper Rifle at the ready. They got into a group, discussing a plan of retaliation. "Okay, Pliskin, get on top of the canyon, conceal yourself. MC's Cousin, you drive the Warthog. Gallagher and you rookie, go with him. I'll use a Ghost." Nike said to them. "Alright, it's a plan." MC's Cousin said. He stood up, arming himself with a Plasma Rifle and a Assault rifle. Gallagher got a rocket and a Pistol. Nick liked to stay light, so he got a Plasma pistol and a human pistol. They jumped into their respected vehicles and got into positions. DF-Pliskin radioed in.
"They're around the flag, guarding it. No one is on top. We could use that to our advantage. We should attack the sides, since only two are armed with rockets and one of them is siting around a ghost.". Nick looked surprised. "This ain't like the blues....Proceed with caution." he yelled. Gallagher took out a rocket and armed it. "Ready." he said. "You ready, rookie?" MC's Cousin asked Anthony. "Ready as I ever be." he said, arming the LAAG. MC's Cousin smiled. "All positions, go!" Nick yelled into the com.

"What the hell is that?" asked Helljumper as he looked over the hill. Shade looked with Helljumper. "I don't know...." he said. Rabid X was confused. "I'm getting weird radio traffic." he said inside the bunker. Rabid Chaos looked at the approaching Warthog and Ghost. "INCOMING!!!" he yelled. He quickly picked up the sniper rifle and shot away at the Warthog.

"Shit!....What the hell are you waiting for, Rookie?! Fire the damn gun!" MC's Cousin yelled. Anthony fired away, didn't expecting the recoil. "What the hell do you think this is? A video game?" Nick yelled into the com. Gallagher jumped out with the Warthog went into a tight turn. He flew forward, firing the rocket.

"NO!" Rabid X yelled into the com before his body disappeared in a big explosion of flame and dirt. "X, NO!!" yelled Chaos as he ran to his body. Rabid Kenneth and CoLd blOoded were hiding in the hills around Red Base. "All units open fire!" yelled Shade into the com.

Nick was on the canyon wall, hugging the surface until he got above red base. He got out and ran forward, pistol ready. He saw two blues camping the base, firing away at the Warthog. He got behind one and whistled. Kenneth turned around. "What the fu-" was all he said before being knocked out. CoLd looked behind him and saw the red. He got down on his knees and put his hands behind his head.

Gallagher proceeded behind the base, all stealthy. He saw the flag, but knew it was a trap. He threw a grenade behind the other wall. He heard the explosion, then the yell of a person dying. He got the flag, then ran outside. He ran up the stairs and waved the flags around. Chik-chik. "Don't even think about it, red." Helljumper said, armed with the M90.
Gallagher simply said "Your reign of terror will soon end, blues." he said. Helljumper laughed. Gallagher closed his eyes, then thought of his home. BANG! He turned around, Helljumper on the ground, bleeding through the suit. Gallagher looked up and saw Nick, armed with a sniper rifle. Nick nodded, then pointed to the teleporter. Gallagher jumped in, the sound disturbing to him.
The Warthog circled one more time, Anthony firing away. A weird noise was heard. "What the hell was....ROCKET!! EVADE, EVADE!!" Anthony yelled. The Warthog tried to evade, but the rocket hit the ground behind them. It just flew up, then it rolled on MC's Cousin. "God...damn..." he yelled. He didn't die, but he was in a hole lot of pain. "Go.....Go now....that's a order, rookie." he yelled. Gallagher gave Anthony the flag. "GO!" he yelled. Gallagher took out a cutting torch and began to cut the wreckage around MC'S Cousin's body.

Gallagher tried desperately to get him out of the wreckage. "Come on, lieutenant....Let me die...." he said. "That's a no, sergeant." he said. Chaos was behind Gallagher, his cloak activated. "This is for X, you bastard." he said. He knocked him out, then looked at MC's Cousin. "Hmm....." he said. He picked the Warthog (since he is a Cyborg, you know :] ) and helped him up. He put him down, then talked into his com. "You blues, listen up. We got your hero over here, and he's gonna be killed....unless you bring back our flag." he said.
"Damn....." said Nick over the secure com. "I got him" DF-Pliskin said as he took aim. His scope centered on Chaos. "And if you don't give it back, he dies. If you try a trick, he dies. If you try to do both, then he dies, along with our other prison-" was all that he said before blackness settled into his eyes and head.
"Nice shot, Pliskin. Now I'll get MC." Nick said. Anthony sat in the base, thinking. Is he ever gonna get back? That thought ended when he saw the prisoner. "So....your CoLd blOoded, eh?" He asked him. He smiled, though it was apparently evil. "Yes....i am CoLd blOoded.." he said. His evil look scared Anthony beyond his wits. "Stop that, blue scum!" yelled DF-Pliskin as he butt-whacked CoLd's face with his sniper rifle. "Why did this all start, anyways?" Anthony asked DF-Pliskin. "Well....after the fall of the Covenant Homeworld, some people didn't agree with the government's rules and shit, they resorted to terrorism attacks and using Saran gas upon us UNSC. They changed their armor to blue, us red. Up there is a huge space battle." he said, pointing up. "Listen up guys, I got a plan to get Gallagher back..."

