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Fan Fiction

Bravo Company by Boris

Bravo Company pt 1: Time to Work
Date: 4 May 2004, 12:53 PM

Ok, I am very bored, very tired, and thoughts are racing about my tiny mind. I decided to write a fan-fic. I don't want any flaming or hate messages, but I would like some constructive criticism. Any of that will be appreciated. I know I am not the perfect author, and I want to make my fan-fics the best I can, and I need all the help I can get. Again, I hope you like the first part of my story, and I hope it brightens up your day (which I am crossing my fingers over).

Basically, this is my first fan fic. If it sucks, dont hurt me.

These are the stories of the desperate struggles of Bravo Company, an unstoppable
fighting force, the largest company of bad-a** marines in the corps.

Bravo Company: Part One

Time To Work


"Great. Another day at the office indeed" moaned Pvt. Phil Hudson. "With any luck we will get pulled out...".
The papers had come so fricking suddenly, as Hudson later said, that the soldiers of B Company choked on their tongues. They were going to Earth. The planet, the only
remaining symbol of hope for the human race, was under siege. The ongoing battle for the planets survival was a heck of an effort by the UNSC, but they were fighting a losing battle. The planet would be over run or simply blown out of space. Hudson choked at the thought that they were being sent to their death.
He knew it wouldnt last forever, that it was only a matter of time. The Covenant weren't stupid, and it was obvious that they were going to find Earth, but he always
thought that it would be....later, never now.
They were to ship out tomorrow. Tomorrow they would ride straight to hell.
Hudson took one last look at his room on the Edmon Fitzgerald II, and began to pack his stuff.


Cnl. Mark Madison looked out the window of the pelican dropship. It was Hell. The UNSC was fighting for their lives in orbit above Earth. Thousands of ships littered the sky, accompanied by thousands of fires, explosions, and plasma torpedoes. The squadron of 9 pelican dropships, carrying the 156 men of Bravo Company, flew in a wedge formation strait at the surface. Looking down, he could see the fiery surface of Earth under siege. The soldiers in the dropships were more nervous than usual. He climbed out of his seat and spoke.
"Marines, this is what we have been training for for so long. You wanted to see Covenant up close, and your getting them on a silver platter today. We are engaging them
on solid ground. We are to fight for the little blue orb we know as Earth. Those rat b*s*a*d* think they can take it by force, but what they don't know is that we don't like to
share! We will blow the h*** out of 'em, and maybe they will finnaly realize that they couldn't have picked a worse enemy than the Human Race!!"
The lethernecks were pumped. Good. They were going to need it. All traces of fear were gone, and they eagerly tugged at their weapons. The ground approached.
Plasma mortar tanks lobbed large blue blobs of plasma into the air at the pelicans, but all landed safely.

Hudson lept from the pelican, and dove for cover. He looked over his head at the plasma mortar blob which impacted on the peek of a skyscraper. The building toppled to the ground.
The soldiers of Bravo Company fired at the Covenant in their way, and took control of their LZ. The only remaining problem was the mortar tanks, called wraiths.
"Armor! Rocket whores! Time to earn your pay!" Madison barked. Six marines edged up to a wall, and fired 6 jackhammer missles into the air. Four of them soared 400
meters, and impacted on the Covenant tanks. Two of them exploded, the others were in bad shape. Six more rockets soared through the sky, and the wraiths were destroyed,
leaving nothing behind except for their twisted metal skeletens. The tanks were able to let off one last volley.
The blue blobs of plasma hit hard. One of them impacted, and sent 20 marines directly under it flying in all directions (in pieces). "Get down!" somebody yelled, as the other blobs impacted, killing a dozen marines.
Hudson fired his MA5B into a retreating grunt, then threw himself behind cover. "D*mn it, give me some help!" he screamed into his COM, as a dozen Covenant jackals
opened fire on his rock. He primed a frag grenade, and threw it over the rock. His poor aim was the cause of many a joke at the accadamy, but he struck gold this moment. Six of the jackals were blown out of their formation and died instantly, the others were quickly mowed down by SMG fire.
"We did it," Hudson said out loud, "We made it to the ground".
"At a great cost," added Madison, bitterly, coming behind Hudson "we have counted up about 39 dead already. Most from that last volley from those wraiths."
Hudson nearly had a heart attack, and quickly saluted "Sir! Area is secure. The LZ is taken. All hostiles eliminated."
"At ease, private. But this was just round one. Go help Blickal over there to pitch the medical tent. Its time to go to work."

End part one
