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Fan Fiction

Birth at Betrayal by PissedAnt (Ryan W.)

Birth at Betrayal - Chapter 1 - Origin (PLUS an extra chapter)
Date: 13 March 2005, 1:45 AM

(First and foremost, I apologize for the form this work is written in... it only seemed right. Just so you don't "bail" on me early, the rest of my writings are in a typical "story-form" and shall be much easier to decipher. Thanks for reading, enjoy!)

What terrible fate has befallen me? What great shame have I brought to my people that I, a master honor guard, be renounced of his title and replaced by... dirty simians...? I can not believe this is so, but... I can not be aslumber as blood still trickles down my face from where my helmet was so abruptly removed. I am so desperately lost, how can my race, my people, my entire family line... be disgraced and be renounced of honor I so vastly treasured! ...and to lose it to that of a Brute... *chuckle* ...fate does not come without a sense of irony I feel... Brutes know not of honor, they are barely conscious! Still so, how can the holy ones claim them as their protectors... when my entire family's generations have spent their entire lives in servitude... only to be much later betrayed? Sickness... I still do not believe my eyes. This is enraging, I am the seventh honor guard in my family line, it is our blood and destiny to serve the cause... it is our purpose, but purpose has now failed me. *laughter* Look at this Brute, they know nothing... they can't even figure out how to wear the armor. ...*pause*... that is my armor ... that is my helmet and staff... I know this because I can feel it is so. I've worn that armor so long it is a part of me, every relay and circuit almost flows in my bloodstream as if it gave me life. Even if I am not wearing it, the sight of it fills me with pride... and passion... suffering... anger. I have been betrayed for naught I feel. That's right, look at me and laugh you bumbling chimp. You are nothing more than a pawn... replacing a pawn it seems. Apparently, I am the fool. Maybe... maybe this is a test, a test of faith. I am devout, truly and utterly. Yet, I am not sure anymore... all these things that I know and have kept secret... the rings evident and inevitable purpose... the parasite's creators... the "reclaimer." I did not understand until... now. The Oracle may not be a scrap of useless metal after-all. It's words may be real, too real for my eyes to see clearly. I.. realize. But, how am I to act? What to do now? Can I reclaim my people? I must make them see that everything is a lie... my armor... everyone knows that Sangheili are no longer permitted to adorn the honor guard's apparel. If I reclaim my armor and helmet, I may make a difference after-all. What, how? ...there are three of those ugly beasts... I can not possibly lay them all to ash with my rifle. Curses, I must stay out of sight until I can find a more suitable weapon...
*creeps behind a pillar into an awaiting shadow veiling his presence*

*the Brutes talk and examine the guard weaponry, one Brute unleashes a plasma sword's grace with the press of a trigger...*
(Scarred Brute) "Are you kidding? That weapon is useless..."
(Curious Brute) "I just wanted to see why they bother to carry it..."
(Scarred Brute) "Get rid of that damned thing... it hurts my eyes when I look at it."
(Curious Brute) *tosses the sword out of sight, past a pillar, once landing... the sword re-sheathes itself*
(Other Brute) *throws a modified plasma rifle towards the curious Brute* "Use this, it's less tiring on the eyes..."
*all three laugh*

What is more suitable than our holy sword striking down our ever-so-holy's honor guard... nothing, I would assume. *picks up the energy sword* I believe retribution may be at-hand... and in my own. *activates a lock-down on the main entrance to the hall via a mobile console*

(Curious Brute) "What was that... locks?"
(Scarred Brute) "Sounded like it... you two go check it out."
(Two Brutes) *they walk towards the main entrance of the hall... until startled*
*energy sword unsheathes*
(Curious Brute) "Who is there! Show yourself!"
(Other Brute) *silent, but looking around*
"A useless weapon? You should take more care insulting your means of an end..."
*Curious Brute is impaled as the Sangheili lunges towards the duo in shadow, only the pale glow of the sword is visible*
(Other Brute) "Show yourself coward!"
"Why? You have already seen me, now you shall meet my blade."
*shots are fired sporadically as the Brute falls down slain*
*sword re-sheathed*
(Scarred Brute) "You are committing heresy, cease at once fool!"
*the Sangheili walks forward revealing himself from shadow and continues at a menacing pace*
"You are right, I am a fool. Because of you, I have found my path... and have lost my fear. But you, you have much to fear..."
*the Brute charges the Sangheili with two modified plasma weapons drawn and firing... great inaccuracy and rage is met with calm and apathetic intent*
*the Brute lands few shots, little hinderance, as they are both now face to face*
"However, fear me not because I am great. Fear me... for I have nothing to live for."
*the Sangheili maneuvers his undrawn blade into a strategic area on the foe's body and unleashes it's holy energy... dropping the Brute almost instantly*
*the Sangheili then adorns his armor and helmet proudly, almost gleefully*
*the Elite picks his head up and stares skyward*
"I choose to follow my own path... I shall see what the rest of you follow soon enough..."

(Thank you for reading! I must say, if you wish to make a comment, please do so at my group's forum on Bungie.net:
I am sorry for the hook, but I wish to maintain complete control over every aspect of things... I suppose you could call me a megalomaniac or a control freak of sorts. Anyway, I have many more installments coming and many already completed. I suggest you visit the link, join the group, and find out for yourself.)

Thank you again, Ant.

Post Script- I will throw another chapter on here to see if maybe that will entice you as well...

Birth at Betrayal - Chapter 2 - Hidden Ally

An Elite walks through an open-air, multi-level hallway littered with fallen brother in arms... gun emplacements sit still smoldering from the heated plasma that ran through their barrels. Estranged by the sight he mutters to himself, "It seems the uprising has already begun." Feeling vulnerable with nothing but an energy sword in hand the Elite kneels in a pool of covenant blood and reclaims a carbine from the mess. With a click, he pops out the nearly spent clip and searches for extra rounds. "Drop the weapon, turn slowly, and tell me who you serve..." The Elite stiffens his body and stares straight-forward from feeling the target reticule on his head, "I serve no one." proclaims the Elite. The sniper fiddles with his television enhanced scope, getting a better image of the Elite, "Drop the weapon, I will not say it again." The Elite scans the horizon from the corners of his vision, "Save your breath, I heard you the first time. I will not drop my weapon, you will have to kill me like the others... heretic." The Elite feels a sting as that word backlashes his tongue knowing full well that's what he himself is. The sniper then gets comfortable laying in-between a few crates, well-hidden from the Elite's view "I have all the time in the universe, however much that is... I don't know. We can play these trivial games all day, I have enough charge for you and several others like you." Silence invades as wind gusts roll over the high rise and whistle across the metal landscape. The Elite turns and guesses where the sniper lay, "My name is Aurion, formerly of the Honor Guard." The sniper reaches a hand forth to prop himself as he raises from the ground, "I know of you, were you not the Ultra of your unit?" Aurion, finally able to see the sniper's nest, calmly turns and talks to him as a brother, "I was... now I am dishonored and ashamed... but I carry much contempt for those who still would lie to me." That's great, brother, but what concerns me is your attire... you still wear the Honor Guard dress." Aurion stares directly at the sniper, "I wear it in defiance, it is all I knew, call it nostalgia." The sniper laughs, "Call it what you wish, but I could of shot you with my eyes closed." Aurion smiles, "That may be, but what matters is that the truth is evident to us both." Checking his beam rifle, the sniper mutters, "All too evident..." as he climbs down from his perch. Aurion scans the lifeless remains... "Any survivors, brother?" Finally reaching level ground the sniper holds his beam rifle confidently in both hands "Yes, myself. A squad of Brute's came through while this riot squad was preparing for an uprising in the ranks. I just happened to be in the background here working on some of the lights... I'm a mechanic by trade, but not unaware of the times. Believe it or not, the higher-ups don't like sending Engineers out into hazardous areas for simple duty. So, before you ask, that's why I am here. " Slightly amused, Aurion grins. "Any kills?" The sniper clicks a few buttons and checks the killcount display on his beam rifle, "...four just now, but twenty-six so far today." Aurion wonders how the battery held such a charge for that many shots, a beam rifle certainly is not capable of such a firing capacity, "How did you-" The sniper snips in proudly explaining his method, "I re-wired the coil and turbine to revolve at a much higher rate... thus causing the rifle to overcharge and overheat. However, I also re-wired the accelerator to speed the bolt development process which releases the shot in half the time and energy, effectively increasing the firing rate. I invented a recycler for this weapon, it reverts the excess charge back into the battery to be stored for later use... while the battery does not last forever, I invented a quick-switch system that will drop the battery at depletion, allowing another to be installed." Thoroughly impressed Aurion nods to the sniper, "What is your name?" Completely forgetting introduction, the sniper admits, "Apologies, I am called Leuto." "Let us stick together as I am sure opposition awaits not too much farther, we've wasted enough time as it is..." states Aurion as he finds four extra clips for his carbine. Wiping the clips off on the Brutes dead bodies, Aurion sticks them to the magnetic ammunition panels on his armor. Leuto checks the charge left in the battery and sighs, "three shots left... with one extra battery." Both of the Elites continue walking the hall, Leuto stealthfully takes higher ground expecting resistance at any moment. Aurion thinks of how cautious Leuto has been, he may make an excellent brother to have fighting beside him... and a deadly adversary.

A deep voice bellows in the distance, "Hurry fools, ready the turrets and power up the generators... just because we smash one assault does not mean another is far behind," both catch wind of it and can instantly tell a Brute stronghold is up ahead... Aurion readies his weapon and pats his side to make sure that his sword is still attached. Judging by Aurion's stance, Leuto starts creeping behind a narrow ledge with a drop-down walk. The click-clack of the Honor Guard outfit against the metallic floor make Aurion think twice about the choice he made, too late to change it now but he wore it for symbolism... not for duty. Leuto approaches a few stacked crates along the ledge and wedges himself between them attempting to create a nest. While Leuto gets comfortable, Aurion hugs the wall and sneaks up to a corner... he looks up to where he last saw Leuto and nods in confirmation. The light begins to fade as the whirring of generators fills the air. Darkness is the Honor Guard's ally, recants Aurion, as he remembers that the helmets generate a type of nightvision field which automatically fades in and out according to sensors. Natural light fades, nothing but running lights and plasma shield pierce the shadows. The generators kick-in with a thump providing spotlights around the encampment... "Leuto, disable those things for me." whispers Aurion to himself as he concentrates on the shadows bouncing along the floor from behind the corner. Fishing around in his pack, Leuto finds the thermal attachment for his scope. "I might need this in a minute..." whispers Leuto, eyes fixed on the bright screen of his scope. He targets his rifle against the approximate location of a fuel cell in one of the generators. "I hope you're ready Leuto." remarks Aurion as he struts into the open area lit by spotlight. The brave soul confronts all of them dead-on, "You know not of our ways, you know not of our trials and hardships, you know not of honor or sacrifice... but by the gods you will know pain." The Commander tilts his brow forward and calls back to his soldiers, "Commence fire on my mark, you are brave and foolish Honor Guard, your time ends here."

Once again, the link is:

