
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Behind the assault on High Charity by Ryan Basa

Behind the assault on High Charity Part 1
Date: 17 January 2008, 10:58 am

The story starts with battle platoon 27 or hell-bane for short. The 5 platoon members were all sitting in the darkness as their Pelican 176, flew through the earths secondary defence grid. The grid consisted of 6 space stations with gauss turrets placed all over it. Also there were 3 carriers which contained over 300 fighters on each ship. As they passed through the grid towards the battle field that was alight with the burning wreckage of both human and covenant ships, they were briefed of their difficult task ahead.
"Ok listen up ladies! Our mission is to get inside of that mother fucking High Charity, and hold the flood off for Master Chief to get through."
"Are you serious Cracker? He's coming with us."
"First of all, it's Sarge to you chip, and don't forget it. Only Scarecrow gets to call me that. And second of all, he's not coming with us, he's passing through."
"That's fucked up. How come we have to stay behind and cover his back!" Said Splint.
"Because he's gonna get Cortana and he ain't a sissy like yo… Just as Sarge said that, a squad of phantoms slammed into hell-banes pelican.
"Hey watch it! Said the pilot. We're flying here you elite bastards."
Then in a tone that made every units head rise, every stomach crunch…
"What makes you think we're elites?"
"SHIT! Brutes! Hang on."
The whole pelican started to dive and roll. You could hear on the radio the other 2 pelicans that were following which had been forgotten till now, screaming for help as they were shot out of the sky and started falling helplessly towards High Charity.
"Holy shit I'm dead. I'm dead." Said Splint.
"Shut up! I can't think." Said Frag.
"What can you possibly be thinking of?"
"Just belt up you 2 now! Before I come over there and rip you apart!"
"Yes Sarge!"
The pelican rolled and dived and spun for what seemed ages but finally they were out of there.
"OK guys. That's it they're gone."
Just then and EMP wave flew from High Charity. The wave hit most of the frontier fleet and fried pelican 176's circuits.
"Oh here we go again."
"Sarge! Yelled the pilot. The ship needs to recharge it should be ready when you give the evac call. I'm gonna land this bird on that ridge over their so get ready."
"Ok, I'll tell the men."
Sarge walked to the back of the ship and yelled at the marines.
"Ok guys. Whatch your back. Don't forget your guns you fuckwits! And come back in one peace!"
The men went very quiet. You could hear the fighting in the distance, the creaking of the ship and the engines speeding up.
"Hey Sarge. I may not know much but isn't this a bit fast to land a ship." Said Chip in a low voice.
"Hey pilots. Yelled Sarge. PILOTS!"
but there was no response. Sarge opened the door and found the pilots shot dead. There was 2 bullet wholes through the screen that were still steaming hot which meant an covenant sniper.
The ship sped up as it hurled itself towards High Charity.
Time seemed to slow down. Frag was screaming. Chip was praying. Scarecrow was loading his gun. Splint was holding on for dear life and Sarge braced himself between the doorway while grabbing his shotgun and energy sword. The ships surface got closer and closer. Then everything was dark again.
A bit later Sarge opened his eyes and saw Scarecrow firing at flood.
"Sarge. You awake? Grab your gun and shoot. The other guys are knocked out."
"Not me." Said Chip. "I'm awake."
"Good. You get shooting too."
"But I lost my rocket launcher."
"Use your SMG you idiot."
Sarge shook his head. He was still a bit dizzy from the crash. He also had a ringing in his ears which made it hard for him to hear his watch beeping. When he finally noticed his watch beeping he turned to look at it.
"Fuck. We've got 5 minutes till Master Chief will come running through here. Chip wake the other guys. We need to move."
Suddenly there was a large screeching noise. The hull of High Charity was being sliced open. Flood started to poor out like a title wave. One of the flood ran towards Sarge and nocked his gun out of his hands. Sarge pulled out a knife and stabbed the flood it what seemed its head but that didn't stop it.
Splint flew out of the crash pelican and knocked the flood of Sarge, stood on it's neck and shot it in the head.
"Thanks for that."
"Hey check it out." Said Scarecrow. "There running away."
"Hehe. Little sissies." Said Chip in a girly voice.
"Right, lets get moving. Only 4 minutes till Master Chief gets here.
Chip, Scarecrow and Sarge started moving into the ship straight away while Frag and Splint got some ammo and wepons.
"What the hell is that?" Said Chip.
"It's a Spartan Laser. We might need it."
"To right." Said Sarge. " But give it to Scarecrow for safety."
"Well we gonna move? Times nearly up." Said Chip.
Sarge and Frag went first and Scarecrow followed closely. Splint and Chip were at the back of the group. It didn't take long till they came to a doorway that had 2 flood and a lot of popcorn crabs running around.
"Scarecrow." Sarge said quietly as to not get the attention of the flood. "Take the tall ones out. Frag do what you do. Bombard the popcorn crabs. Chip and Splint what our backs. I'll move up and take out the stragglers. Ok move."
Scarecrow took up a sniper position while Frag got his frags ready. Scarecrow was first to fire. The first flood fell to the ground with a thud. The popcorn crabs turn and started to run at them.
"NOW FRAG NOW!" Yelled Sarge.
Frag did as he was told and blew the popcorn crabs apart. Sarge ran in, dogging the plasma blast and stab anything that was remotely flood. It didn't take long till more flood started coming up from behind.
"Sarge. They're coming!" Shouted chip.
Everyone's head turned which gave enough time for the flood at the front of the marines to escape and lock the door after them.
"What do we do Sarge?"
Sarge looked straight at Frag. Somehow he had to get his men out of here. Then everything started to slow down again.
"Sarge! I was thinking on the ship, and I wanted to know eh… did you put your watch forward or backwards on earth."
"Backwards of cource."
"Shit! Earths time is different to Reach's time."
"That means that Master Chief is due right about…"
BOOM! A grenade ripped apart the oncoming flood. Sarge looked at Frag but he didn't throw anything. From the dust and bits of flood emerged Master Chief, but before he saw them, the marines fell through what seemed like a trap door. They fell and fell for what seemed ages. Then as the ground got closer and closer everyone blacked out.
Sarge's eyes opened just enough to see Chip limping towards him. He turn his head and saw the rest of the men so still that they seemed dead.
"Are they all dead?" Groaned Sarge.
"No but they will be if we don't find a way out of here."
"Because of those things."
Chip pointed at what looked like a bag of flesh that was moving. Sarge moved to touch.
"Don't touch it!"
But it was to late. POP! Popcorn crabs came running out of it. Sarge jumped back and started to fire at them.
"Don't touch them. They're full of popcorn crabs."
"Well duh."
Scarecrow started to stand up but before he stood on both feet he fell to the ground.
"What? Can't you walk?"
"I think my legs broken."
"Well we did fall a long way."
"And that's not the worst of our problems. Now we have no escape ship or ammo."
"We can steal the floods guns."
"Their guns are only plasma pistols and sometimes a plasma rifle."
"Still better than using our fist."
"Guys did you hear that?" Asked Frag.
"Hear what?"
Frag did hear something. It was a tapping on the walls. It got louder and heavier.
"I think that's flood."
"They must know we're in here."
"Well then we need to move before they get in here."
The marines shook their heads and started to move. They decided that their best choice was to head up to one of high charities landing bays. They didn't know that most of the ships were damaged and couldn't fly. As soon as they found a route to the landing bay they got back into their formation they used to take out the flood when they first arrived.
"Um guys. Is this a bad time to tell you about High Charities defence systems?"
"What defence systems?"
"The trap door was one, but there's meant to be more. A lot more."
"Well in that case watch your step."
Snap! Chip fell straight through the ground. Sarge got walled in a box. Scarecrow, Frag and Splint were caught in a net and raised of the ground.
"To late."

To be Continued.
