
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Before the Probe by Master_Chief189

Before The Probe
Date: 14 September 2003, 5:18 PM

0513 hour/ 1123 km from Alpha base

Great me and my squad was sent here to protect the Alpha base on the colony Valhalla but only our only ride got shot down and now we are under attack.
"Contact enemy contact!" I yelled.
I knew I should have taken that job offer to become a doctor but no I just had to join the UNSC forces he said to himself. The ten Grunts jumped in front of him and he shot them down.
"I need support over here!" I yelled.
"Coming!" said a group of marines.
"Lieutenant there is a grunt behind you!" yelled a marine
Then with full momentum of his battle rifle I crushed the grunts skull.
"We are here!" yelled the Sergeant.
"Get down! Covenant dropship on approach!" I yelled.
All dropped but a marine who unfortunately didn't here and was shot to death by the shade on the bottom of the dropship.

Then eight elites jumped out of the dropship, two we're immediately killed by snipers. The other six charged the Marines and four were shot to death the other two charges the Sergeant and me. One was killed by the Sergeant immediately and the Other one was killed at close range.
"That was to close fall back! Into the canyon!" ordered the sergeant.
They went to the canyon to find out they were boxed in.
"Let me see that rocket launcher marine!" he said "Oh and go behind those boulders."
Then he fired and blew the canyon wall to show a new scorpion tank.
Then the sergeant wondered how it got in there.
"Just in case any of you are wondering how it got there. I told the UNSC to put it in there just in case of this.
Then the Sergeant went behind the stirring wheel.
"Come on move it get on the tank! Hey lieutenant Kiami you will be in charge of the cannon and machine gun. Lets get moving!"
Then the I jumped behind the gun controls.
They slowly went through the canyon. Can this tank go any slower the sergeant thought? After all it isn't known for its speed. But it is known how it is known for cutting through covenant forces.
"Where exactly are we going to ?" I asked
"We are going to Beta Base," the sergeant answered.
"I thought it was abandoned," said a marine
"It was only but when I was order to take you guys to alpha base I knew there was 80% chance of we going to get shot down. So I asked them the UNSC to put five squads there just in case the alpha base fell or in case we fell." The sergeant answered.
I wondered how he is able to influence so must in the UNSC but I wasn't that suspicious.
"We're here!" a marine yelled.
Then they jumped out of the tank and opened the huge metal gate. They were met by a Marine who took them to the briefing room. Then an Admiral walked in.
"Hello I am Admiral Jack Johnson. I am in charge of this base. So far we can't find the Covenant so I am getting very suspicious in fact they all just went back into their ship and left in a hurry. Their last position before they left was twelve kilometers east of here. SO alpha base wants us to check it out. We will leave in two hours so rest up and get prepared."
I walked outside and went to the cafeteria and ate some bread and then went to the quarters I was assigned and fell immediately to sleep for an hour.
Then I was immediately woke up by a loud noise.
I hurried into the hallway and saw marines rush to the exits.
"Hey you what's happening." I said to a marine.
"We are under attack go to the armory and get a shotgun and a heavy machine gun and met us outside," he said
So I did and went outside and saw that everyone was out there expecting something to come through the gate.
I rushed to the Admiral.
"What's happening" I asked.
"A UNSC ship saw something coming toward us. They said they looked hostile and look somewhat like the covenant."
Then they heard a loud bang against the door.
"I guess that's them," said a marine.
"HELP! I my name is lieutenant Elder from alpha base let me in!"
"Open the gates!"
Behind them was a marine who looked like he ran all the way from alpha base.
"We have to get off this planet...the alpha base was overrun by a parasitic organism. It killed all of them then took over their bodies."
"Okay that's enough everyone there is a fleet of long swords in the back. That's how I got in that's how we are getting out."
I rushed into the Longsword and launched. But unfortunately one or two of those creatures made it over the gate and killed several marines.
"Hey look!" a marine said. I looked out while piloting the ship and saw that the base was over run by the creatures.
"Where are we going to?" asked a marine.
"We are going to the ship Lothor." I answered.
Then a covenant ship came and completly destroyed the planet some how.

Before the probe Part 2
Date: 20 September 2003, 8:22 PM

1532 September 3/ UNSC ship Lother

Captain Donald Elder ran down the ramp to the bridge. He could hear his boots stoop on the ground. The bridge was dead silence.
"Any word or sign that anyone escaped from Valhalla before the Covenant Ship destroyed it?" the captain asked the crew.
"No word." They said.
"DAMNIT!" he yelled.
"Are you okay dad?" asked his daughter Samantha Lensley asked. "I mean sir." She corrected herself.
"No... I guess I have to tell you anyway. Umm your bother Kyle was sent to alpha base."
"What!" she yelled.
"Sir there are six Longsword approaching us from the front. There are the ones the Admiral used to get to Valhalla" said a marine who was watching the monitors.
"Come on lets see if your brother is there."
They ran straight to the docking bay.
They made it just in time as the crew of the Longsword were just getting out.
"Look! It's Kyle!" the captain said. While seeing him get off a Longsword with five other marines.
"Kyle!" she yelled.
"Hey dad, Sam." He yelled back then he collapsed.
Then medics rushed toward him.
"Are you OK?"
Then a medic rushed in between them. "I need a gurney over here!" the medic yelled. "Don't worry your son will be okay." Then they took him to the medlab.
"Lieutenant Jackson!"
"Yes Sir!" he replied.
"How is everyone from the Longsword?"
"They are okay except for ten of them including your son Sir! Sir the marines have an interesting story. I will have it ready for you later."
"Okay I will be waiting for the report. I will be walking somewhere in the ship."
Then he slowly walked to the medlab. He looked around and felt that something was wrong. Then a marine ran after him.
"Yes private."
"I have the report and I suggest that you read it immediately."
"Okay I will. Private?"
"Yes sir."
"Go find Lieutenant Jackson and tell him to inform me every ten minutes of Kyle's condition. I will be in my private quarters."
Then the private gave the disk that had the report to the Captain.
The Captain hurried and ran to his quarters and imputed the disk.

2300 September 14/ALPHA BASE
'Kyle Elders version'
It all started in the middle of a covenant attack. We were supposed to get reinforcements an hour ago but I think they got shot down.
I was out side an hour before they came. We were losing and ten more Covenant dropships appeared over the horizon.
"Major what are we supposed to do?" I yelled.
Everyone quickly ran into the base and shut the titanium door.
"This won't hold them for long! Get the shotguns rocket launchers and heavy machine guns." The major ordered.
"Quiet everyone I hear something out side." I yelled.
"Private are the security monitors working?" the major whispered.
"We only have sound so listen." He replied.
"They are everywhere!" the grunts were yelling.
"Get the prophet and get out of here!" the leader of the Elites was yelling.
"They are to many of them we are gonna DIE!" the grunts said back.
"MAJOR I have the picture back on and YOU should see this!" he yelled.
Everyone quickly gathered around the monitors and saw these creature coming out of a canyon.
"Private can you get me a picture of what ever is in that canyon?"
"Yes sir."
Then a picture of the canyon appeared. In it is a piece of an artificial ring world.
"What is that?" I asked.
"I don't know." The tech responded.
"What was that?" the marines were asking.
"I don't know." The major answered.
"Sir they are trying to get in!" the tech monitoring the monitors said.
"Everyone get prepared!" he ordered,
Then there was a crawling sound in the base.
I looked around but saw nothing.
"Hey lieutenant are you okay?" asked the private.
"Yes I just thought I heard something."
Then there was gunshots coming from the back.
"What is going on back there? Elder check it out." he ordered me.
I slowly walk into the back of the base. Since everyone was in the front I was alone.
I was so nervous that I could hear my foots steps hit the cold hard metal. Suddenly there was the noise I heard before. I walked to the Major's quarters to check it out. I had my pistol in the air ready to fire at a moments notice. Then I looked in there and didn't see anything.
"Lieutenant where was the gunshots from?" the major ask over the radio.
"I don't know. Is anyone missing over there?"
"I will check hold on........................................yes there is one marine missing he was last saw guarding the back door. Don't worry I don't think the creatures could have gotten in though there. It was sealed of after an avalanche two years ago."
Then there was explosion in the back where the door was.
"Hurry Elder check it out!" he yelled.
I ran and by the time I got half way there the creatures were pouring out.
"Multiple enemies over in the back here!" I yelled over the radio.
"Coming!" the major said. "Oh and........"There was a big explosion in the front.
"Elder come to the front they all have focused in the back hurry!"
I quickly ran through the hallway and went straight through the front door. Everyone got a considerable lead in front of the creatures and me. I quickly ran straight for them and so was the creatures. I quickly though four grenades straight in the air and I knew that by the time they explode half of the creatures in the front will be dead. It worked but there was more coming straight for me luckily I caught up with the marines and with a combination of blasts the whole front line of the things were gone. I ran after and caught up with the major.
"Where are we heading?" I asked.
"Straight through to Beta base."
"How do you know it isn't overrun."
"Easy. I called." She said.
"How are we gonna get through the canyon its a box canyon after all and we better not have to climb."
"That is why I bought heavy explosives and made them go a head in the warthogs. With all those explosives they barely go twenty miles an hour."
Then there was marines yelling in front of us.
"What is it?"
"There are some of those creatures in front of us. We took care of them but they got ten marines there is only five of us left we are approaching the structure........................................"
The radio went dead silence. The me and the major got over the hill and saw the structure.
It was tall and had a destroyed Covenant ship on it.

"Captain! There is a Covenant Ship in front of us please hurry." Said a marine.

Next: The Piece of HALO
