
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

An Unknown Force by Lam Nguyen

Halo: Chapter 1
Date: 25 December 2005, 9:54 pm

The year is 2532, and planet Earth still exist, but over populization has forced many of her former residents to colonize other Worlds. Faster-than-light travel is now a reality in space, and the humans have put together a unified government known as the United Nations Space Command or UNSC; to colonize other millions of humans on other planets. 50 years ago, some colony ships were sent to find a habitable planet and came across one very simular
to Earth. They decided to make the planet a naval yard that builds colony ships for civilians and warships for the UNSC's armed forces. The planet is now known as Reach...

Chapter 1:The Massacre At Harvest
Back at Earth, the newly built geo-platforms were ready to be transported to Harvest. As they were ready to slip through space a security fleet interrupted and reported that they had recieved a stress signal from Harvest. Confused, Admiral C.Webster sent a battle group to investigate the problem immediately before the U.N. got annoyed. The Pillar of Hope and her fleet were assigned on the task.

(Headcom): Preparing to jump to space. Set coodinates at vector 351. Put the shields to full thrust. We're out...
(Capt.): Red Roover you get first the first picket on our left. Silver Light you get the right. Everyone else follow my lead.

A huge hole tore through subspace appeared and the fleet was sucked in.

At Harvest's location, debress flew every where. The remains of ships were scattered throughout space and all were lost. The sound of battle was cut off by the quietness of space once again. About 200 yards away, a slip-space-structure went into view and the fleet was thrown out of it.

(Cm.): Hope do you read me...over
(CC): Yea we hear ya loud n' clear Red
(Capt.): Is everyone alright?
(Cm.): Yea, we arrived at the destination, but...I'm not picking up Harvest on the radar.
(Capt.): What! that's impossible!

Just as the captain finished, one of the crew members corrected him.'sir, I think you should take a look at this.' He turned his head to look out the window and only saw debress where Harvest was no where in sight. He turned pale and stiff, regreting that he ever joined the military.
Then the Hope's AI appeared on the small platform.'sir, I'm picking up something. I've isolated approach signatures from unkown classifications. Make it three ships per group. They'll reach us in about 70 seconds.'

(Cm.):What the hell...aughhhhhhhhhhhhh

Before the commander can finish his sentence, the Roover was struck by blue light and the carrier emitted in light.
The captain closed his eyes as the ship exploded on front of them. The explosion radiatied throughout space shaking all the ships that it hit.

(Capt.): Shit! we're under attack. Everyone prepare for combat we...

He was cut off when all of the other assualt carriers were destroyed as well.'no..' The captain said in a low voice. Just then the AI spoke again,'Sir I'm reading multiple boarding crafts heading our way!' He sighed and then answered back,'Alright, bring the ship back up to Combat Alert Alpha. I want everyone back at their stations to defend off the boarding crafts.'Everyone sir?'asked the AI. 'Everyone...'Answered the captain coldly.'Dickens, set a collision course toward the unknown classification. We're abandoning ship.'Dickens replied back looking surprised,'Abandone? Where?' The captain turned his head to Dickens showing his anger and right away, Dickens nodded and announced on the Com. speaker.

(Loudspeaker): Attention! All non-combat personnel, report to your evac stations on the double!

'Dickens, grab a weapon. You're joining with the rest of the marines.' The captain said swiftly.'Yes sir!' Dickens answered back and took off. It was only the captain on the bridge now. He stared out the window, watching the Hope thrusting her engines towards the enemy. Then he said,'This is it babe, lets give our last stand a hell of a one.'After doing that little private talk he set a detenation timer on the Hope's fusion reactors at 34 minutes.'Your move,hahaha!'The captain laughed insanely and left the bridge. The only thing that appeared on the main screen a code red.


Outside the bridge. a raging battle began as the boarding crafts latched on and came out beings the humans never saw before...Aliens. The captain and the command crew fought off threw the crowd vigorously. Dickens spraying his enemies with bullets. The others using steady burst. It was hell, debress of bullets and plasma beams everywhere, ricocheting off walls. The captain's pistol was shot out of his hand by a tall 8 feet alien with an energy shield. It ran toward him pulling out a sword like weapon. The captain recovered quickly and dived out of swords way. The alien passed him and was engulfed by a blue explosion behind them.

(AI): Captain! The Hope can't stand it any longer!

'What the hell? Did something just hit us?' asked a shakened marine.

(Capt.): Requesting back-up at Bay 7.
(Loudspeaker): Fire Team Haley report to Bay 7. Secondsquad fall back to defensive positions. Ops team report to your evac stations. Combat teams December through Mackenzie pull out to nearest evac.

The command crew held off the aliens while the back-up was coming. Dickens crouched under a barrier and looked beside him seeing a marine shot in the face. He sqealed in pain and Dickens knew he was going to die so he quickly put him out of his misery. The captain who was also taking cover stared at Dickens and nodded. Then he got back to his business, standing up, firing steadily at the enemy. The crew knew they wouldn't hold them back forever so they retreated back to Bay 6. The aliens were hot on their tails and were taking fire. One marine got hit in the leg and fell back. The crew reached another shelter and were under heavy fire again. Dickens used half a clip of his assualt rifle and easilly took down 6 small aliens. The captain threw a grenade at the group blindly and heard screams which was the signal that meant he got his targets.

Back at Bay 7, Fire Team Haley arrived and only saw bodies. 'Where they too late?' one of the marines thought. They searched the pile of bodies and found none of the command crew except one. Which meant they're still alive!'Where is the captain?'asked Sergeant Lam. Suddenly the AI appeared on a control panel and said'They're on Bay 6, your late...'The Sarge looked embarrased and said,'sorry, slowed down by traffic.'The others chuckled and stopped when another boarding craft latched on.'Dan! Yank her out of the Hope! The Sarge screamed.'Yes sir!'The marine answered back. He took out a micro chip and placed The AI on it.'About time.' She said lazilly. Just then, the airlock on front of them blew open and another wave of aliens came out.'Firing! Someone watch my back.' yelled Sarge.'Got your back bro.' Dan shouted back. 'Fire in The hole!' A marine said, thrownig a grenade at the aliens.'Good one Mendoza!' cheered Sarge, unloading a whole clip on a big alien. After a whole 3 minutes. The battle was done. They ran towards Bay 6 and saw the command crew being fired at by a few big aliens.

(Loudspeaker): Remaining combat personnel, pull out to nearest evac.

'GoGoGo marines! The captain needs our help!' The Sarge screamed. They ran down to the lower levels and took out all the hostile in the area.'Good to see you Team Haley' The captain said happily.'You too sir.' Sarge replied.'We only have 4 minutes left until the fusion reactors detonate. We have to get out of here now!' The AI screamed.
'Alright there are two Long Sword fighters left. One in Dock 2 and one in Dock 4. If we make it, we'll have enough time to keep a distance from the Hope. Command crew, follow me to Dock 2, Fire Team Haley you go to 4. There were a few warthogs still accessable along the Bay and the remaining survivors took them.

When the Haley Team made it to their destination, they quickly took off and escaped the hell hole. While the command crew was still on board, they were being attacked by more aliens that they came by. When they reached the Dock, the crew ran as fast as they could to the fighter except for the captain.'I must stay here to hold them off.' he said quietly.'goodbye...' The crew didn't even notice the captain stayed behind and got ready to escape, until dickens noticed that he's wasn't on board.'No! The captain. He's still behind!'He screamed, but it was no use.'The captain did whar he had to do...we only have 1 minute left.' The AI said, quietly in a soft manner. They took off and left the captain behind with the Hope. As they joined with the other fighter, they looked back at the Hope thrusting her shields right in the middle of the alien fleet and in a matter of seconds, about a dozen of the vessels were engulfed with flames. The crew watched the fire show as it passed through space creating a huge shape...a ring...a halo...

This was the first sign of Dickens destiny. Death.
