
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Ace's Revenge by Matt Battaglia

Part I: The Arriaval
Date: 4 January 2004, 3:10 AM

The pelican floated through the air, swaying from side to side. Private Ace Fisher sat in the dimly lit transport, grasping his MA5B standard issue assault rifle with sweaty hands. Ace was trembling, but not in fear, in anticipation. The Covenant had claimed the life of two of his cousins, and now he was ready to claim the life of their entire race.
Ace looked into the eyes of the men he had called brothers for the past two years, and he saw no fear. These men were ready to wreak revenge upon every last Covenant warrior. The Covenant had destroyed their homes, their planets, and most of all...their families. They tore young boys from their homes to fight in an intergalactic war that they didn't understand. Ace hadn't seen Earth for over 9 months. That was the last time his platoon was able to visit their families. He hoped that the next time he went home would be for good.
Ace and his comrades served in the 12th division 8th platoon of the UNSC marines. They had seen no action since the war started, and all of them were itching to fire their guns. The platoon was on their way to reinforce the planet Reach, but the planet had been destroyed before they even came near it. They were redirected to a newly discovered, ring-shaped planet. They knew nothing about the planet, all they knew was that they were ordered to do anything in their power to not let the Covenant control the planet. And they didn't intend to.
Ace dozed off in the silence, the calm before the storm... He dreamed of Earth. The sites and smells of home crept into his nose. He thought of playing football in the yard with his little brother, and the huge turkey he enjoyed each year at thanksgiving. His family crowded around the dinner table, laughing and smiling. Suddenly his family drifted away and he saw barracks, rows and rows of metal barracks. He saw Men marching and drill sergeants shouting orders. No more home... "Look alive Marines. We're making contact in under two minutes!" Sergeant Cortez hollered.
There was a murmur of voices and the clicking of rifles. Ace woke up and turned to his best friends, Dallas Johnson and Billy "Trigger Finger" Goodman. Billy had grown up with Ace back on Earth. They went to high school together and were inseparable. Billy had always been a little bit stronger than Ace. He was the star quarter back of their high school football team. Billy earned the nickname "trigger finger" because he could unload 12 shotgun rounds in 8 seconds.
Billy inserted shells in his M90 shotgun and asked "You guys ready?". "I was born ready," Dallas answered as he loaded a clip of armor piercing rounds into his S2 AM sniper rifle. Dallas had the best shot in the platoon, and was determined to test it against the enemy. Ace and Billy had met Dallas at boot camp, and the three of them had become very close. They would take a bullet before seeing each other die at the hand of the extra-terrestrial bastards. Billy looked at Ace. "What about you Ace, you ready?" he asked. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be" Ace replied. "Yeah me too...I guess" Billy said to himself under his breath. The Sarge told his troops to keep the Covenant spread out and aim for the head at all times, But Ace wasn't listening. He had only one thing on his mind...Kill every last Covenant soldier.
The pelican hit the ground and the transport stopped...They had landed on Halo. The ship's door fell to the ground with a thud, making a ramp for the marines. "Alright marines file out! And remember what I told you," yelled the Sarge. One by one the marines stepped out onto the moist grass of the ring planet. Ace came into the light and peered around. There were mountains behind them and a structure in front of them, but no Covenant. He looked into the sky, but could see no sign of the other carriers that accompanied their own.
An eerie silence filled the air. Ace cocked his gun. "There's no one here!" Corporal Smith announced to the platoon. Just then, hundreds of balls of plasma soared through the air towards the Marines. "You had to open your big mouth!" Sergeant Cortez yelled to Corporal Smith as he unloaded a clip into an elite. Ace took cover behind a purple box and tossed a frag into one of the doors of the huge silver building. There was a blast and a grunt came soaring out of the doorway and landed face first a few feet away from him. He had killed his first Covenant troop...

I hope you liked it. I'm only 14, so if you have any ideas for the next installments, please let me know. My e-mail is lazykaybates@hotmail.com.

Killing blow
Date: 5 January 2004, 2:43 AM

CLACK! CLACK! Two sniper rounds unloaded from Dallas' S2 AM, and found their way into an elite's neck. Instant death. "Nice shootin'!" Ace called to his buddy over all the gunfire. "Thanks! I think that was the last elite. I had no idea they would be so hu-.." Dallas was cut off mid-sentence as a burning ball of plasma made contact with his left shoulder. He fell to the ground behind a box. "Dallas!" Ace called as he ran to the aid of his friend. "I'm ok, I'm ok. Just get me a medic," but Dallas didn't look ok. The plasma had pierced his armor and burned the skin of his shoulder char black. "MEDIC!" Ace called frantically. A few seconds later a young man came skidding to a halt on his knees next to Ace and Dallas. "What do we got here Ace?" the medic inquired. Ace was annoyed, "What do you think we got Doc?! Just look at his arm!" he yelled with a hint of anger in his voice. The medic apologized as he unpacked his bag of bandages and painkillers. "Right, right. My bad." The medic's name was Harry Washington, but the platoon called him "doc". "Doc" cleaned up the wound and wrapped it with bandages. He fed Dallas heavy painkillers and told the two men, "He'll be alright. Just needs some rest." Ace and Dallas let out a sigh of relief in unison, "I owe ya one Doc." Dallas thanked the medic.
"Alright marines clean up the stragglers!" The Sarge ordered his men. "That's my cue. You rest here Dallas." Ace said as he loaded a fresh clip into his rifle. Ace ran after Billy and a few of his fellow men who were entering the structure in front of them. "Flashlights!" One of the troops called. It was dark in the building. 12 flashlights clicked on, and the place lit up. The men were in a narrow hallway that seemed to go on forever. The walls were beautiful, yet mysterious. They shined silver, and had strange writing inscribed on them. "Woah!" a few of the Marines said to themselves, astonished at the craftsmanship of the building. They moved cautiously through the hallway. Ace kept his rifle on his shoulder, ready to kill anything that wasn't human. "I don't see anyone," Billy whispered. "Alright, this hallways clear. Let's move back out and report to the Sarge," Matt "Mad-dog" Dupris told the crew. "Mad-dog" had been squad-leader ever since Ace could remember. It was probably because of his strong-will and leadership abilities.
The troops did an about-face and went to move back out of the building, Billy and Ace leading the way. They traveled about halfway down the hall when Ace heard what he thought was a moan from one of the other men, and out of the corner of his eye he saw something moving. He spun around to look behind him, and to his horror, only he and Billy were standing in the hallway. The rest of the Marine's were lying on the ground, surrounded by the blood that was coming from their throats. Billy kept walking, noticing nothing, "Billy look!" Ace said in a panicked voice. Billy turned around to see what Ace needed, but just as he did, a huge, glowing, neon-blue saber raised over his head. Ace thought fast and screamed, "Look out!" Billy jumped to the side, and the sword came crashing to the floor. "He's invisible!" Ace informed his surprised friend. "Just fire at the sword!" Billy insrtucted Ace. Ace looked around, his heart racing. A drip of sweat trickled to the end of his nose, and rolled off. His eyes darted every which way, trying to find the monster. Billy turned his head toward Ace just in time, "Duck Ace!" he yelled. Ace ducked down, narrowly missing the beast's huge blade. Billy couldn't fire his shotgun in fear of hitting Ace, so he ran as fast as he could towards the sword and swung his shotgun right where the head of the elite would normally be. A flash of the Covenant shield, The zip of the huge sword turning off, and an elite falling to the ground. He was dead. Billy was breathing hard. He reached out his hand to pull Ace to his feet.
They both stood in silence, looking at the thing that had killed ten of their companions. The elite's head was smashed in and gushing purple blood. Billy wiped his eyes and stifled his nose. Ace broke the silence when he said, "Come on Billy. Let's get out of here." Billy spat on the elite and followed Ace back into the sunlight of the ring planet...

The second installment was harder to put together than the first. It feels sloppier somehow. Once again send me any criticism or praise you have to lazykaybates@hotmail.com. Thanks!
