
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

AOTCR my version by Pyramid-Head

Part 1
Date: 14 June 2004, 3:30 AM

The Chief hid behind a steel barrier on the bridge. The snow stuck to his visor as he braced against the wall. He brushed it off with his left hand and listened to the grunts of the covenant on the other side of the barrier. He took an inventory of his ammo and grenades as he waited. "Not much left", he said inside of his helmet, "Half a pistol clip, a nearly depleted plasma pistol, and a single fragmentation grenade". "You will just have to make the best of it" Cortana said. To his right he heard the soft click of an elites hoof like feet on the fresh snow and steel of the bridge. He turned to the noise and saw an elite with crimson colored armor raising his right arm. The chief stood up as the elite brought his arm down in a swift arc. The Chief grabbed the elite's wrist with his right hand and made a smooth motion placing his body behind the elite. The elites wrist was twisted behind its back and was paralyzed as the Chief wrapped his hand around the elites face. The elite let out a cry that was muffled by the Chief's hand. With a quick pull the elites neck snapped and the Chief held his body as to not let it collapse on the ground. The Chief picked up the plasma rifle the elite had brought in one hand as he carried the body in the other.

He held up the elite's limp body by gripping the under side of its back armor plate and held it up over the barrier. He moved the body back and forth and moved the elite's head with his spare arm making sure to hide his wrist behind the alien's neck. He could hear the covenant on the other side of the barrier making shuffling sounds against the snow with their feet and talking in their language. The Chief took his hand off of the elite's back armor and held the body up by pressing against its back. He took his spare arm, grabbed the elite's elbow with it, and made a beckoning motion with the limp arm. "I can't believe you" Cortana said, "This will never work". The Chief ignored Cortana's pessimism and hoped this gesture was commonly used on the alien's home planet. It worked, the grunts moved toward the barrier the Chief hid behind trusting the motion of the Elites body. The jackals were more cautious, only moving slowly forward, they were the Chief's real targets. If the he could take out the jackals and elites the grunts would be sent into a panic. The Chief took the elite's body behind the barrier again and let it quietly slump to the ground. The Chief had the elite's plasma rifle now, but it wouldn't be much use against the jackal's shields. He had to think of something fast.

The Master Chief noticed that the snow had started to build up during the time he held the elite's body. Now the grunts were coming forward to check out what was happening. The Chief scrounged all the snow up around his legs as he crouched. He made several snowballs and threw one backwards over the wall. He heard the excited yelp of a grunt and then a sniffing sound. The Chief threw another, this one must have hit a grunt, he heard it make a groan. "What are you doing?!" it yelled. The Chief responded with another snowball thrown further back, enough to hit one of the jackal's shields. "Oh yeah?" a grunt said, it started to gather snow itself and formed it into a ball. The grunt threw it and the Chief threw another of his. The grunts, not very smart or rational, joined in making snowballs to throw. The Chief now made a large snowball. He packed the snow tightly and placed his one remaining fragmentation grenade inside of it. He closed the snowball and left only the pin of the grenade exposed. The Chief pulled the pin and threw the snowball far enough back to hit the barrier behind the jackal. The jackals were not amused as they yelled and chattered at the grunts and their "teammate" behind the barrier. Suddenly an explosion of shrapnel and fire ripped through the backs of the jackals. The shrapnel that missed hit the inside of the jackals' shields and bounced back into their bodies. The grunts whipped around to see what had just happened. Upon seeing their fallen comrades shredded remains they panicked and fled from the barrier the Chief was behind. The Chief placed the nearly empty plasma pistol in his belt and stood up with the plasma rifle in one hand and the human pistol in his other. He began to shoot the fleeing grunts on his right in the head with the pistol and the ones on his left he shot in the legs. He super heated plasma instantly scorched the grunts bare legs leaving them on their stomachs making them easy targets for the pistol. The Chief timed his shots and led his targets. He counted how many bullets were left in his pistol as he fired. "Five, four, three, two, one!" he yelled at himself until there were no grunts left standing. The Chief stepped off the barrier, regained his breath, and began jogging to the end of the bridge.

As the Chief approached the door he saw it start to open. "Crap", Cortana bluntly stated. An elite with golden armor stood in the doorway and looked at the Chief with piercing eyes. The elite crouched over and bellowed, his mandibles spread off of his face, and a silver bar in his hand lit up sending a blue wave of plasma outward forming a sword. "S***", the Chief thought to himself as the elite lunged toward him with the sword. The Chief instinctively ducked. As the sword dug into the wall the area where it hit turned red and bubbled. There wasn't enough time for him retaliate, if he lingered in one spot for too long the Chief would be split in two. The Chief dived just in time to avoid a searing hot blue fan of plasma. He ran as fast as he could without looking back, away from the door and the gold elite. He could hear it chasing after him with its loud clacking footsteps. The Chief was still thinking of what to do, he knew the gold elites had shields that were very durable, he would not be able to break them and get a kill shot in by the time the elite got to him. As the Chief was checking his options he felt something heavy land on his back tossing him to the ground. He rolled over on his back and saw the gold elite standing over him. The Chief looked into his snake like eyes. The gold elite raised his arm high above his head, ready to bring it down on the Chiefs head. He looked away from the elite, turned his head to not see what was about to happen to him. The Chief saw what he was laying on as he turned his head. "Glass!" he exclaimed. The elite was puzzled to hear such a joyous sound coming from his prey. The Chief raised his leg and brought down his heel as hard as he could on the glass beneath him and the elite. The elite was again confounded, this time by the feeling that he was standing on air. Both of them came crashing down to the level below. The Chief had the wind knocked out of him and was still on his back. The elite landed on its knee, and was crouched over in pain. The Chief reached for the plasma pistol that he had earlier tucked into his belt, hoping this sudden distraction would give him enough time to kill the elite. It wasn't there. The elite stood up again and roared ferociously as it brought its sword down. The Chief rolled to his left and found the nearly empty plasma pistol lying on the ground. As the elite pulled the sword out of the bridge's bottom floor the Chief charged the pistol. The Chief hoped it wouldn't short out on him. He took aim of the elite's head, and released the trigger. The elites head was thrown back and the sword fell from his hands bursting into a shower of blue sparks leaving only the silver cylinder behind. The elite brought his head forward again and charged the Chief. "He may not have the sword but he is still dangerous!" Cortana frantically shouted. The Chief side stepped and the elite missed. The elite stumbled and lost its balance on the ledge; its leg had been damaged due to the fall and wasn't able to regain a steady foothold. The elite precariously balanced trying not to descend to the ground below. The Chief pulled out his pistol and stared into the elite's snake like eyes again. The Chief aimed the pistol at the elite's mouth and pulled the trigger. A purple spray of blood and pieces of the elites throat came out of the exit wound. The elites body relaxed and fell backwards off of the bridge. "Zero" the Chief said as he watched the elite plummet towards the snowy ground below. "That was pretty good" Cortana said. The Chief sauntered over to the silver cylinder to see if it could still produce a sword. It sparked and died out. "When you fried its shields you must have fried the sword also" Cortana said. "Just my luck" said the Chief, as he walked upstairs and toward the door again.

Thanks for reading! Please review it/ give me an e-mail and tell me what you thought!

I'll write earlier parts of AOTCR in a flashback sequence or something. This was actually just for fun to write but later it got more serious. I'll try to keep it funny though.
