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A Series Of Poems by (ENS) Rabid_Gallagher
A Series of Poems: Death
Date: 27 November 2004, 9:30 AM
Death. . the eversweet sorrow The call that beckons the old and young It waits and waits, circling you like a vulture Until your life slips from your grasp
Plasma explodes everywhere around you Death has thrown his card He waits and waits for you to die But Death shall not come tonight
You flee from the battle, afraid for your life He follows you, waiting for your imminent death The Grim Reaper takes the shape of an Elite His scythe is now a Plasma Sword
You slip into Death's world He greets you with open arms But then you realize that Death can be beat And fight to go back
The Elite swings his sword, it apparent that it cut you You stand tall, the blade went through You take the Sword from the surprised Elite's hand And push it into his stomach, the blood oh sweet nectar
A green warrior stands over the horizon His BR55 in one hand, Shotgun in other He runs towards you, firing his weapons. He takes the shape of Michael, the glorious Archangel
The angel rushes into the pack of Covenant Guns blazing, Elites dying He stands in the middle of the pack His hands a bloody crimson
"Run!" He yells, trying to fall back You run, scared and afraid He stands in the middle, waving his finger He would kill many today You run faster and faster God have taken his mercy upon you You look back, to see if Michael made it Nothing was behind him, only Death The Covenant look up, hearing a large noise Wings fluttering was the sound of Death The Archangels flew towards Earth The Humans have found a ally. . . The Covenant scream in pain and agony The Angels showed no mercy The Covenant were taken back by the ferocity of the attacks The Angels showed no mercy
A squad of Elites cowered in fear The Angels ran into them, killing them You run, afraid that you might die in the battle You stop, then run back
You stand in the middle of the battlefield, with open arms Death has come for you You scream, getting the Covenant's attention Death has taken you
You stand at the Gates To God's Kingdom He lets you in He hands you your wings and a sword "Go back son. And Finish your fight!"
You fly back down The Angels are winning You stand tall, with Michael You would kill many today. . . (AN: The reference to Michael is from the New Testament, in the Book Of Revelations. If you haven't read it, Michael is the angel who commands God's Archangels, and defeats the dragon, who is following the woman. If you want to see the dragon, watch "Red Dragon", the movie with Hannibal Lecter. They shows the picture many times.)
A Series Of Poems: The Code of the Spartans
Date: 3 December 2004, 12:52 AM
Pain is my ally It only helps me My weakness will not show I will kill many today
I fear no evil Darkness will only help me I will only fight with Death He shall not fight against me
We will fight together We shall leave no one on the field We are the first to get on the battlefield And the last to step off
I never walk alone In the Valley of Shadow and Death We shall fear no evil Nor Pain!
For I am a Spartan The best of the best We shall fight for Freedom And destroy our enemies!
A Series of Poems: The Great MC's Cousin
Date: 10 December 2004, 5:18 AM
MCC, the great He is the almighty one He vanquishes the n00bs And saves us all!
He saves us from a terrible fate He always gets what he wants to take He will always be the smartest But he will always be the strongest
W00t w00t! MCC is the man! W00t w00t! Where's the towel? W00t woot!
The n00bs come and go Then a army of them appears! MCC, the almighty, comes, regulars in tow Then the n00bs magically disappears!
W00t w00t! MCC is the man! W00t w00t! Where's the damn cat!? W00t w00t!
BlasTech, Nick Kang, they have nothing on him Not even MCC's best friend, Tim! Only he does the best of the group
Not even Furturama's "Doop"!
W00t w00t! MCC is the man! W00t w00t! Seriously, where's the damn cat?! W00t w00t!
MCC, the great, we will always honor you Not even a damn regular coup! Nothing will ever changed our feelings for you If you were a woman, I'd marry you!
W00t w00t! I was kidding! W00t w00t! Dammit, where the fuck is that cat?! W00t w00t!
A Series of Poems: Lark!
Date: 11 December 2004, 8:13 PM
From wrath-red dawn to wrath-red dawn, The guns have brayed without abate And now the sick sun looks upon The bleared, blood-boltered fields of hate As if it loathed to rise again How stange the hus! Yet sudden, hark! Fom yon down-trodden gold of grain The leaping rapture of a lark!
A fusillade of melody, That sprays us from yon trench of sky A new amzing enemy We cannot silence though we try A battery on radiant wings That from yon gap of golden fleece Hurls at us hopes of such strange things As joy and home and love and peace
Pure heart of song! do you not know That we are making earth a hell? Or is it that you try to show Life still is joy and all is well? Brave little wings! Ah, not in vain You beat into that bit of blue Lo! we who pant in war's red rain Lift shining eyes, see Heaven too.
A Series of Poems: Darkness Erupts Mini-Series: Poem One
Date: 28 December 2004, 10:05 PM
Darkness erupts from the shadowly pit of hate It flies out, like a banshee in the night It descends into the world below, looking for evil It finds a host, one of power and might One who could balance the war between the races The one who is a hero and a demon, who is a warrior in heart
Only a few know his name, and they dare to speak it The wind-wrathed fury of evil does not touch him He stands alone, in his fight for good Only one person dares to help him And he is considered the enemey They both want a end-meet, and they want it by any means
They both are the stuff of legends Of tales eons and eons ago They are the same who people revere in history As "saints" and "gods" in ancient yore But they fight together and act as one They only want peace and hope For their enemy is one of hate and evil And their enemy will not stop
A Series of Poems: Darkness Erupts Mini-series: Poem 2
Date: 29 December 2004, 10:15 PM
Death...the ever sweet sorrow The one who silently waits at your bed Waiting...waiting for it's chance It will wait there, as long as it takes
Death comes in any shape it can think of Grunts, Elites, Flood, it doesn't matter at all He will follow you and wait for it's chance It will wait there, as long as it takes
Death silently creeps upon you it smells your blood, your oh sweet necter It activates it's sword of death It will wait there, as long as it takes
He finally sees his chance, he runs for it You turn around, and laugh in Death's face Death runs and swipes, hoping he hit his target He will wait there, as long as it takes
Death stands over your body Himself happy and hungry, simply staring at your body He sinks his teeth into your body, the blood like a juice to him He will stay there, as long as it takes
You get up, and stare Death down his face You take a fragmentation grenade and arm it You throw it down his throat, then speak into his eyes "See you in hell!"
A Series of Poems: The Ballad of The ODST
Date: 31 December 2004, 7:48 AM
Fighting soldiers from the sky Fearless men, who'd jump and die Men who mean, just what they say The brave men, of the ODST
Silver wings, upon their chests... These are men, the UNSC's best One hundred men will test today Only three, will become ODSTS
Train to live, off nature's land Trained in combat, hand-to-hand... Men who fight, by night and day Courage take, from the ODSTS.
Silver wings, upon their chests... These are men, the UNSC's best One hundred men will test today Only three, will become ODSTS
Back at home, a young wife waits. Her ODST has met his fate He has died for those oppressed Leaving her this last request
Put silver wings on my son's chest Make him one of the UNSC's best He'll be a man who'd be tested one day Have him win, the silver wings!
A Series of Poems: Sky Pilot
Date: 12 July 2005, 7:16 pm
He blesses the boys as they stand in line
The smell of gun grease and the bayonets they shine
He's there to help them all that he can
To make them feel wanted he's a good holy man
Sky pilot.....sky pilot
How high can you fly
You never, never, never reach the sky
He smiles at the young soldiers
Tells them it's all right
He knows of their fear in the forthcoming fight
Soon there there'll be blood and many will die
Mothers and fathers back home they will cry
Sky pilot.....sky pilot
How high can you fly
You never, never, never reach the sky
He mumbles a prayer and it ends with a smile
The order is given
They move down the line
But he's still behind and he'll meditate
But it won't stop the bleeding or ease the hate
As the young men move out into the battle zone
He feels good, with God you're never alone
He feels tired and he lays on his bed
Hopes the men will find courage in the words that he said
Sky pilot.....sky Pilot
How high can you fly
You never, never, never reach the sky
You're soldiers of God you must understand
The fate of your country is in your young hands
May God give you strength
Do your job real well
If it all was worth it
Only time it will tell
In the morning they return
With tears in their eyes
The stench of death drifts up to the skies
A soldier so ill looks at the sky pilot
Remembers the words
"Thou shalt not kill"
Sky pilot.....sky pilot
How high can you fly
You never, never, never reach the sky
A Series of Poems: The Chief Remembers
Date: 2 February 2006, 3:57 am
The trumpets flared, but I saw no glory
I wanted to see the faces of my comrades, alive and well
They're all dead, dead and buried
The parades continued, the people gawked
I was left with nothing but a heart that was broken
The trumpets flared, but I saw no buried
My squadmates, good men they were
But while I parade, I remember them
They're all dead, dead and buried
My minds races as they pin the medal on me
I was the only survivor, but that did not ease the mind
The trumpets flared, but I saw no glory
The general said a few words
I was thinking about my dead comrades
They're all dead, dead and buried
I continued to think, about them and their families
How they were forgotten, by the men who fought with them
The trumpets flared, but I saw no glory
They're all dead, dead and buried
A Series of Poems: The Sword of Hell
Date: 26 May 2006, 12:04 am
Death stood still among the hills of Hell
His arm outstreched with the Sword of Hell itself
His skull's jaw would smile, as it would tell
It then, around the sharp edges of his mouth
Screamed out a long war cry, to shake the Halls of Hell
As men and women poured out, their souls now earning their redemption...
The alien threat rampaged across the town of New York
Humans fought them across the streets and buildings
And then, with the loud sound of the popping of a cork
The Portal to Hell opened up, as the souls then took to the killings
Their souls screamed with a fury that shook the Halls of Heaven itself
And the alien menace knew that the Death Knell was close
The souls thrusted, scraped, even bit at the enemy
The enemy that plagued their one time home
And, with the clashing of the leafs of Tea
They killed them all, and earned their salvation.
And, the Hills of Hell were empty
But the Halls of Heaven were full of the redeemed...
A Series of Poems: The Spectre Creed
Date: 26 May 2006, 5:03 am
Striking from the shadows, we do
Living within the crud of Hell, we do
Killing without being seen, we do
This is how a Spectre fights
Keeping our fighting secret, we do
Come home to our love ones, we do
Lead respectable lives, we do
This is how a Spectre lives
To die among Spectres, we do
To die in combat, on our feet, we do
To have lived a fruitful live, we try
This is how a Spectre dies
To fight among the greatest heros, we do
Living among the shadows, we do
To fight and be remembered for nothing, we do
This is what a Spectre truly is
A Series of Poems: Lamentation
Date: 15 December 2007, 9:57 pm
The rules of the game
The ones we only follow
I choose to do, as well
But does that mean they do too?
Rules of war
Don't exist?
Some say they do
I disagree
The war they waged, over
The deaths they dealt, over
The heartbreak they gave, never dies
I can never trust them
A lamentation
Is this really?
Or a harbinger of Hell
And what is to come?