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Search results for brian morden

Showing results 26 - 34 of 34 matches

February 23, 2003 Link to this post

We love you, Brian.
Quick update from the guy who doesn't post... too often, on the Brian Morden Memorial Halo Lanfest, held last night at the Morden house. Sounds like it was the place to be. (Louis Wu 07:23:49 UTC)

February 22, 2003 Link to this post

In Memory
The entire remaining staff of HBO is currently en route to Brian Morden's memorial, so the news has slowed down a bit. Things should be back to normal by Sunday. (Count Zero 00:47:29 UTC)

February 17, 2003 Link to this post

Brian Morden update
For those interested, the Brian Morden Fund page has been updated. Brian's parents wrote an obituary for him on our forum - we've added it to the page. (Louis Wu 19:03:00 UTC)

February 16, 2003 Link to this post

The Fall of a Warrior
I, too, will miss Brian Morden - he epitomized, to me, the strength of human spirit and the power of faith. That a teenager could keep up the courage to fight so long, and so hard, against a disease that simply wouldn't give up reminds me that we're stronger than we look - and I'll always owe Brian for showing me that grace and humor don't have to disappear in the face of personal horror. I spent most of yesterday on a plane, and was sleeping when Brian passed away this morning - but in lieu of a 21-gun salute, I'd like to offer a high-quality recording of Brian's single spoken line in the Halo script. (Thanks to Marty O'Donnell for providing this.)

The Autumn! She's been hit! (QT format, 76k)

If you're interested, you should also read poena.dare's eloquent tribute to Brian, over at Bungie Sightings. (Louis Wu 00:07:18 UTC)

February 15, 2003 Link to this post

Brian Morden will now frogblast the ventcore

It is with a heavy heart that we here at BORG announce that Brian Morden, aka Ar-Isildur, died at 5:55AM. He was 19 years old. His younger brother, Jamin, posted a note on our forum telling us the sad news. Please reply with good thoughts.

I and a few others have actually met Brian in person, and I feel privileged to have been in the company of someone that was both a lover and a fighter. Brian shocked his doctors by fighting the cancer that was eating through his body to the bitter end. Yet through out it all, his love for his friends and family never faltered, and we never failed to give it right back to him.

You didn't have to meet him in person to see what a great guy he is. Just do a search through the forum's archive for his posts. You will see that we have lost a warm and decent human being.

For the man that popularized "<3", it is only fitting that he stayed with his family and friends through Valentine's Day. Brian was no fool.

There will be more from us here at BORG. Count on it.

- Miguel

(Ding 14:52:29 UTC)

February 14, 2003 Link to this post

The Fight Continues
Another Brian Morden update from SilverBrin - the news isn't great, but the power of positive thinking is astounding. We have nothing but love for you, Isi... (Louis Wu 00:29:18 UTC)

January 20, 2003 Link to this post

Helping Brian
It took a few days, but a mechanism has been set up whereby Bungie community members who would like to contribute to the Brian Morden Recovery Fund can do so. Check this page for details. (Louis Wu 04:23:56 UTC)

January 17, 2003 Link to this post

Ar-Isildur Update
Followup on Brian Morden and a donation fund... Brian's dad is in the process of setting up an account at their local credit union. As soon as we have an address, we'll post it. (There will also be an email address you can use to send Paypal donations.) Nobody's going to hound you to donate; this is being set up because several people have contacted me about ways to help out the family. When we know more about his condition, we'll let you know. (Louis Wu 21:16:46 UTC)

January 15, 2003 Link to this post

A Quicker Way to say Get Better
Yesterday, we mentioned that *Ar-Isildur, a stalwart member of the community, was in a bad way and could use your get-well wishes. Ciarán discovered a link to the Hospital's web site, where you can send a get-well email to a patient. Ar's full name is Brian Morden, and he's in Room 8. (You might want to include 'North', as well.) (Louis Wu 13:47:59 UTC)

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