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Comments for 'Halo 2, not what you'd expect, Part One' |
8:33 pm | August 6, 2003
The Minor Chief, Hawk7886, appears after 343 Hunter_Killer Spark teleports him to the forefunner structure. Hawk7886 picks up his Bull Shit Firing Rifle, and empties a clip on 343 H_K Spark, and this responce comes out:
343 Hunter_Killer Spark: That was unnecesary, Unclaimer. You'd best save your bull shit for my other stories! Even though you have much more than enough to make my life hell for the next 1323236264536434752463256323264532435445432563 and a half Years... This way, Unclaimer, so i can lead you into some flood, which will rip out your guts, and eat you alive!
12:12 am | August 6, 2003
But one day... let's not think of that now! =D
P.S: Hint: BOOM "Die!"
12:12 am | August 6, 2003
Though i DID incinerate you, lol ;)
12:05 am | August 6, 2003
Hmmm... It appears i was slightly... wrong. =( I'm.... I'm.... S...ss.s.s.... Sorry.
But seriously. You are entitled to your opinion, as is all. And, I do tend to overeact a bit.
Oh, god. Not again. I'll stop trying to flame you, for now. =)
I'm sorry for having my head in me ass, Hawk.
Hell, you are probably right.
4:37 am | August 3, 2003
You don't even deserve my reasoning behind why I don't post fan-fic. I have already posted it elsewhere. I am hard-headed and stubborn but not close-minded. I simply know what entertains me and what doesn't. Do you know what the word entertained means? Do you even know what close-minded means? I doubt you do, otherwise you wouldn't have accused me of being so. If anyone is close-minded it is you, you can't even take critism without attempted flaming. You are pathetic, posting on and on about generalizations. As long as you post fan-fic, I will always critisize it. Just like in the movies. There are always critics to critisize, so get over yourself and stop taking it between the legs. I read fan-fics with good titles and good authors. Too bad you aren't one of them. I'm just glad that there are good authors like 'Nosolee and Frensa Geran who can take critism without bitching and whining about it. They don't have a cult following hanging onto their every word poitlessly flaming anyone who posts something relevant. Just grow up and pull your head out of your ass.
10:03 pm | August 2, 2003
To Sarge: Ok.
To suporters: Thankz. To people who hate fic, still respect Hunter_Killer: lol, I'll try harder next time.
To Hawk7886: Go to hell.
*Pulls out Longsword Intercepter from pocket[From Dr. Who, the... um... Tardis Pockets] And gets in. Drops Incindiaries, a PAIN Nuclear Bomb, and 40,000 LB. Bombs[455645654654645645.4244 4/1.233434556545654645] On the bastard Hawk7886, and on Alpha Lance, enveloping them in nuclear Firestorm of death, and sets off 12 Mines under Hawk7886, and shooting two rockets, one in each of them's face*
9:54 pm | August 2, 2003
To Hawk 7886: Hmmm... My estemed Critic, would you care to put you money where you big mouth is, old chap? Write a Fan Fiction, and see if you like the negative people out there. I can't belive you. "I don't find any more respect for you as a writer." Well, I can no longer find any respect for you, period. I hate your type, the hard-headed, close minded[If you have a mind.], idiot. Oh, and I admit, I make mistakes. Big Deal. What the fuck you think you doing? Several of mine were pieces of shit, but you don't even have the courage to post a fic! You are patetic. Oh, and I will win, because of the reasons stated here.
3:54 pm | August 2, 2003
hawk,if u dont like hunter killers storys dont read em
1:08 pm | August 2, 2003
im not retarted hawk, im only 13 i havent learned all that grammer and puncutation shit yet
11:31 am | July 31, 2003
Thank you Alpha Lance for seeing it like it is. Some of you that slammed me didn't even post a reason why. Stupid comments like "gets out jackhammer launcher and blows hawk up" by pooman or "hawk ur a stupid motha fu**er" by steele. These people are the reason the Average GPA of the Nation is as low as it is. I think Ishkabibbl is just confused, so I don't want to put him down. Hunter_Killer, if you can't take critism, don't write stories! It's not my fault I didn't like this document, so don't try to show me up, you won't win. Ishkabibbl's statement towards me didn't even make sense, credited to the fact that I have read many of his other stories, which still had a lot of holes, not just this one. A personal thank you out to one of my favorite authors, 'Nosolee, for showing more sense than other people and not slamming one of his readers like other idiots.
5:31 pm | July 28, 2003
Isn't bad......
5:29 pm | July 28, 2003
Perhaps you do not understand me unless I read your comedy at like 3 in the morning there has only been one I have ever liked... The jokes seem a bit to ... for me but your writing is decent so the story is bad...
10:17 pm | July 27, 2003
I give a big old thanks to:
Vege7a Elfster (Maybee) Sarge Slim Jackson Da (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!) Man 'Nosolee Ishkabibbl pooman steele [And anyone else out there who like it]
For the positive Comments.
I also give thanks to:
Hawk7886 For showing me how dumb people can be!
P.S: A Holo-Tank is a hologram projector [Cortana uses it, Level One of Halo].
Alpha Lance
9:07 pm | July 27, 2003
I agree with Hawk7886.That was not near of funny.Seeing Saddam getting a bullit in is head now thats funny.And whats a Holo-Tank,I relly want to know???
P.S. Major Pain would be dead by 2552 or when ever.
8:51 pm | July 27, 2003
great story and the best comedy i ever red,i love it.10/10 p.s.: hawk ur a stupid motha fu**er
6:07 pm | July 27, 2003
ya hawk, i agree with ish *gets out jackhammer launcher and blows hawk up*
5:49 pm | July 27, 2003
Hawk, you're a freaking retard. Try not to be fubar for 5 mins and ask yourself, "Hmmm so one story is bad, I guess he's magicly a bad author, how does that work?"
12:07 pm | July 27, 2003
It was...pretty good. The jokes were ok, but ya know, comedies are a completely different class of fanfic.
slim jackson
11:08 am | July 27, 2003
you know, had i not read the little disclaimer at the top stating how this was a comedy, i might've mistaken this for some of the other crap thats out there. great job, very creative name choosing...
1:50 am | July 27, 2003
I have yet to find a Fan-fic labled "Halo Comedy" to deliver. However, my search will continue. You didn't need to explain some of the jokes like: "But, excellency, it say's 'Alfredo' in Human on the can." "Fool! Al Fredo is a Human, Alfredo is an Italian dish!" The Elite was steaming by now.", it simply took away from the "humor" of the situation. Also, if you create a character with a name that has already been used, then say it was unintentional, who is going to believe you? I didn't, I simply sighed when I saw it in print. "Major Pain", "Lt. T", and "Gotit 'Informee" have all been used before, make names that are a bit more original. This was a big dissapointment. I don't find any more respect for you as a writer. 0/10
12:03 am | July 27, 2003
Oh man! Your stories are good, but your comedy's better!
10:48 pm | July 26, 2003
It was better than I thought it would be.
7/10 or 8/10 along the lines of a comedy.
(Vege7a, if you like Halo commedies, go read my fan fic, like the first three chapters, not the Prologue.)
10:42 pm | July 26, 2003
Same old comment from me, "..."
10:15 pm | July 26, 2003
HAHAHAHEHEHOHOHAHAH!! That was hilarious dude! I hope you make a million of these. Fu! HAHAHA!!