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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Shadow Ops II: Chapter Nine'

10:03 pm | January 6, 2004
Damn! I keep trying to get in your games Shade, but the server is allways full. Do you ussually play cooperative games or survival and sharpshooter?
1:48 pm | January 6, 2004
Yeah, I have heard of XBC, but the thing is that I DON'T HAVE HIGH SPEED INTERNET. I have 56k dialup, and even if it's not a requirement for XBC, it still wouldn't be worth playing with my connection speed, because it would be laggy as hell, and that would piss me off, but also piss off my fellow gamers, so I'm gonna stay away from it till I have high-speed internet, and then, if it's before Halo 2 is out (for Xbox Live), I might try XBC. But it all depends.
4:25 am | January 6, 2004
Halo 2 online ... That would be the best game ever! I can't wait. But at least I got XB connect, which lets me play Halo online. That's pretty sweet :) You guys should get XB connect. It's free and fun and lets you play games like halo, counter strike, rainbow six 3, and more. But it's hard to connect to a game. LIVE is much easier to connect. But it's worth it. So NEWBBOOB, since you don't have LIVE now, you should at least get XB connect. It's FREE!
4:34 pm | January 5, 2004
yeah, heard XBOX LIVE is totally kickass, but in order to get it, i'll need a new job. highspeed internet isn't cheap, and after I got fired and made a big scene (hilarious, but not worth it actually), I don't know if i'll be able to find a new job without any references. Oh well, but I swear with God, Allah, and Buddha as my witnesses that I will have XBOX LIVE before Halo 2, and I will be on the first day. This I swear.
5:19 pm | January 3, 2004
He insulted the Spartans because he felt them a threat to his Helljumpers, perhaps to their very lives. He felt that if too much attention was put on the Spartan program, less would be put on the ODSTs, resulting in poorer training, equipment, etc. A general loss of funding, which could lead to a general loss of lives. At least thats how I justify his actions. Also, you have to remember, he was the one who trained Lieutenant McKay to not only do her job--but do what was right. As Wellsley said, "You taught her well, Major. Of that you can be proud."

Semper Fi

Agent Shade
8:46 am | January 3, 2004
yeah man, add me, we'll hook up, play some missions or something
5:06 am | January 3, 2004
You got LIVE, that's so awesome. It's fun isn't it. Can I put you on my freinds list?

:( No more shadow ops for awile *sniff*

Oh well I mite see you on LIVE though. I got Rainbow six: 3 also. But I mostly play Jedi Acadamy. But Rainbow six is cool. :D
Agent Shade
4:36 am | January 3, 2004
okay, just one question to answer here....

I HAVE X-BOX LIVE!! WAHOO!! Gamertag: NemesisXIII (Agent Shade was taken)

I only play Rainbow Six3 though

As for AIM and all that, don't have it, only MSN

Silva was a jackass, i wish the Chief kicked the shit out of him in H:TF, i mean, he insulted all the other Spartans.

SOII is gonna take awhile, LIVE is so awesome
10:30 pm | January 2, 2004
Rough, tough, all that good stuff!
9:53 pm | January 2, 2004
I'll say this for Silva: if I was an ODST, he's the kind of commander I'd like to have.
7:57 pm | January 2, 2004
I honestly don't see the point in AIM just use online games like SC
6:44 pm | January 2, 2004
I used to have Yahoo...Maybe I can go & redownload it, but it's unlikely.
Sergeant B
4:12 pm | January 2, 2004
I don't have AIM and never will intend in getting it, as...uh, I don't have AOL plus I don't like using AOL software. But, Sterfrye, when I go to ol' grannies(She doesn't have gray hari yet LOL), I talk to you...they have AIM. But, does anyone have Yahoo or Windows Messanger?
4:07 am | January 2, 2004
As evidented in your ASOWE story. I didn't either. I believe he's imperious-
Woah. I just pulled a Jamirus! You got an AIM name, Main?
And go read Battle for the Norah, will you?
3:35 am | January 2, 2004
I hope he tells the whole Silva tried to spread the flood infection to Earth side of the story...

Hey, technically he did.

I never liked Silva...
2:32 am | January 2, 2004
I was rooting for Lieutenant Haverson all along. Halo needed a young Naval hero to be Keyes' counterpart. I hope the Chief makes sure he and my fellow Texan, Whitcomb, get a nice commendation. That goes for Keyes, Lieutenant McKay, etc. Heroes. Every last one of them.

Semper Fi

2:32 am | January 2, 2004
I just finished FS and I have to say that it is the best Halo book ever... it's almost as good as Heinlein's "The Puppet Masters" or "The Door Into Summer" and even closer to his masterful political sci-fi work, "Double Star". Sorry to waste your space, Shade. But I thought the world ought to know.

Semper Fi

4:47 pm | January 1, 2004
6:40 am | January 1, 2004
I do not have nor am I able to get AIM. Sorry.
4:30 am | January 1, 2004
Sorry to take up another field, but who here has AIM?
Shade? Walker? Hunter_Killer?
Mine is...Sterfrye36
Exactly like that.
4:30 am | January 1, 2004
It depends. I, myself have never done a prologue.
Because the thought never occured to me.
I suppose that if your series is going to be long and thoughtful, you might want to do a prologue.
2:51 am | January 1, 2004
By the way, I hate to use another persons comment "Zone" but I would really like to know if I should make a prolouge to my story or just start another story.
2:42 am | January 1, 2004
Hey yea... reveal Tucker already. PLEASE!
1:05 am | January 1, 2004
Oh yeah and I liked your story anyway. I don't care if it does or doesn't have action, your storys are allways the best. 10/10
1:05 am | January 1, 2004
So Shade, have you hooked up live yet?
9:20 pm | December 30, 2003
You want to see behind in chapters? Take a look at me, bud. But great story. The only problems I found were the amount of I'm-better-than-you bossing that Shadow Ops is doing. Sometimes I feel like they could use a good @$$-kicking. But, whatever. The great story makes up for it.

Semper Fi

7:50 pm | December 30, 2003
Nice story, keep it up. However I do remember you saying we'd find out Tuckers secret by chapter nine, when are we gonna find out?

Anyway, I give this story A,
Peace Out.
Sergeant B
7:21 pm | December 30, 2003
7:00 pm | December 30, 2003
Good stuff Shade, as usual. As for the yelling at a higher ranking officer, I would suspect that Colin is very respected so some people would look past it.
5:26 pm | December 30, 2003
I'm going to say this once and only once.
I'll read the chapter later, man. I got toa leave.
5:03 pm | December 30, 2003
i agree with Jamirus99, no sergeant can yell and speak to an officer like that even if the lieutenant is in the navy. also, the whole Sergeant major thing. Sergeant majors are NCOs, they work in a battalion the same way that a first sergeant does in a company. They just wanta make sure that the men in the battalion are taken care of. they do not order Captains who are officers around like you said.
besides all that, the story was good, and sets the tone for the next chapter, i'm waiting
Agent Shade
4:20 pm | December 30, 2003
i'm also sorry about the lack of action in this story too...still, thanks for enjoying it
3:27 pm | December 30, 2003
I sensed no rushing here. Well, except for that Sergeant vs. Lieutenant showdown....Thompson would've been apprehended and court-matrialed had that actually happened.

I can forgive that though. Can't wait, can't wait!
2:46 pm | December 30, 2003
good job
just read all the chapters i missed while i was away. and i hafta say. im impressed.
very nice series. keep it up.
9:26 am | December 30, 2003
Okey, for a rushed fan fic the mistakes weren't that many... Nice pre-showdown. These are the situations that remind me of how the game was: almost alone, outnumbered, outgunned and on a mission. Can't wait to read the ending chapters...
